Politics as a vocation 70 years from the encounter between Chiara Lubich and Igino Giordani in Parliament. The roots of good politics lie in the deepest aspirations for common good. From the encounter at the House of Representatives between Igino Giordani and the founder of the Focolare Movement, Chiara Lubich, ensued a story that spread to every part of the world, involving the civil and political commitment of men and women who believe in the unity of the human family. The convention aims not only to commemorate this event but to actualize its message, and relaunch it to meet the challenges of today. Tuesday, 18 September 2018 – 4.30 pm Sala del Refettorio – Palazzo Dan Macuto Via del Seminario 76 ROME Contacts: Centro Igino Giordani Tel. 06/94798314 Email: info@iginogiordani.info
Put love into practice
Put love into practice