Focolare Movement

Every obstacle a springboard

Oct 19, 2003


“My dear young people, never let difficulties stop you. They exist and they will always exist. Instead, turn every obstacle into a springboard for an ever greater, ever deeper, ever truer love!”

This was the core of Chiara Lubich’s message, launched during a telephone link-up with thousands of young people in 105 cities all over the world, gathered on Sunday, October 12 for the conclusion of the World Unity Week (WUW).

Chiara’s message was followed by experiences of life – lived in conditions of war, discrimination, poverty and injustice – shared by young people from Jerusalem, New York, Ivory Coast, Cebu, Uganda, Central Africa Republic, Recife (Brazil), and so on. These experiences helped the youth, especially the European youth, to overcome the crushing sense of helplessness they often feel in the face of the world’s evils. They were brought to see that love is the strongest force there is, and that, united together, young people can lift up the world. Youth from Burundi, presently living in a refugee camp in Tanzania, also shared their experiences. For the first time Medan, Indonesia – where 50 Christian, Buddhist and Muslim youth bound by one ideal of a united world were also gathered – also took part in the conference call.

“If you continue with renewed energy to bring God’s love to the world (…) then you will be truly free of yourselves! Then, yes, you will go against the current; actually you will create an entirely new current on our planet – the current of love, of fire…” This was Chiara’s challenge to the youth.

What is WUW all about: It is an opportunity for the youth, national and international organizations, and public and private institutions to appreciate the different existing initiatives aimed at promoting unity in all levels of society. During the week of October 5-12, in cities and towns, a series of activities were held – solidarity projects, concerts, sports events, prayer vigils, and open forums – all of which had as their principal theme “how brotherhood can be a way to build a united world”. Many interviews were broadcast on radio and published in newspapers at local and national levels to spread the message of the WUW.

Initiatives worldwide

Rosario (Argentina) – the municipality declared the WUW to be an event of public interest and advertised it on the city’s bus and rail tickets, even several months after it was held.

San Paulo (Brazil) – 70,000 daily planners were distributed that offered a “peace-building” motto to put into practice during each day of the WUW. The response from numerous students, teachers and authorities of public and private institutions was beyond all expectations.

New Caledonia – countless youth activities were held which joined together all ethnic groups, usually in conflict with one another.

Kampala (Uganda) – the young people visited the city orphanage where children sick with AIDS are housed. They also worked to gather clothes and other needed items for the people of Gulu (northern Uganda) which is in grave need due to guerrilla warfare occurring there.

Sicily (Italy) – the calendar of activities was packed. The Italian daily “Avvenire” published the following press release: “’In the name of brotherhood’ – this is the title of the initiative undertaken by The Youth for a United World – a youth sector of the Focolare Movement which is dedicated to carrying out activities aimed at world peace and brotherhood. Since yesterday hundreds of Youth for a United World in Sicily launced 16 initiatives in different cities and provinces – Palermo, Caltanisetta, Messina, Catania, Syracuse and Ragusa.

The funds will help finance scholarships for youth from the Middle East, Argentina and the Congo, and to support Project Africa which Chiara Lubich initiated in 2000 and which, this year, plans to sponsor activities aimed at providing work and training for the 60,000 people in the refugee camps of the Great Lakes and Tanzania.”

New hope is born

The outcome of the World Unity Week was well-expressed by one of the participants from Uganda: “Sometimes, just when love, brotherhood, and even God seem so distant, signs like this appear and give you the push you need to continue pursuing your goals.”


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