Focolare Movement

Imagination gives color to solidarity

Jan 24, 2005

IEmergency in Southeast Asia/2

 Among the numerous initiatives started up by the Focolare Movement in the tsunami-stricken countries as well as in other parts of the world, those being carried out by the youth have become a competition in who can show the most solidarity. Here are some flashes: – Milan (Italy): A considerable number of youth participated in the torchlight procession organized by the Associazione Arcobaleno (“Rainbow Association”), a foreigners’ reception center, managed by Focolare people. Also present on the occasion were nationals of the Sri Lanka community living in this capital of Italy’s Lombardy region, many of whom had victims of the disaster in their own families. The procession ended in the Cathedral square, where members of the community, both Buddhist and Christian, shared their experiences. Especially touching was that of an Italian worker of the Associazione Arcobaleno, who publicly thanked the Ceylonese people for their generosity. The worker’s daughter and son-in-law, who were spending their honeymoon in one of the Ceylonese tourist spots when the tsunami took place, were saved miraculously by local residents, together with about 20 other tourists. – Germany: The Schoenstatt Movement and some communities of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church joined Focolare efforts to send their aid contributions through the Focolare Movement’s contacts in the stricken areas. – Time-Out: Everyday at noon, Focolare members all over the world pause for a minute of silence and prayer for peace. This initiative began in 1990 when the first Gulf War erupted. Today, the victims of the Southeast Asian disaster have become the primary intention of this prayer. – Prayer vigils: Many prayer vigils coupled with fund-raising efforts were held. Among the latest was that of January 18 in Grottaferrata, Rome, which coincided with the start of the Week of Prayer for Christian unity where the Movement participates in many ecumenical activities. As in all parts of the world, Focolare youth took the Christmas and New Year celebrations as occasions to raise funds for tsunami victims. Here are a few examples from Italy: – Loppiano: the proceeds of the traditional New Year’s Celebration were given to tsunami victims (€2.100) – Ancona: “Old Fairy’s Stocking” was the name given to the project of the ‘Youth for a United World’, who raised funds through the sale of traditional holiday items in the parishes on January 6. – Tours were organized in Anagni (in the province of Frosinone) and bingos held for young and old in St. Anastasia (a locality in the region of Naples).


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