The President of the Focolare Movement shared a few points from her talk, explaining that – as Chiara Lubich herself said – Mary, the Mother of God, is the form and model of social action in the Movement. Maria Voce: I see Chiara always at my side, not with my eyes of course, but I feel she is always with me. Often people ask, do you draw inspiration from what Chiara said? Actually, I say no. I don’t draw inspiration from what Chiara said, I draw inspiration from her and ask myself: what would Chiara say now? What would Chiara do now? What answer would she invent for this problem that has come up? I try to listen to the Holy Spirit, seeking to do so with the same attention and depth as she did, and then I act. Chiara told us that she understood Mary in a very special way when she discovered her greatness as the mother of God. She discovered a Mary whom she herself said she had never known before: not the little child or the pure young girl from Nazareth, nor the simple housewife, but a Mary so great that God had chosen her to be the mother of his son, of the Word of God made flesh, so of God himself. This Mary, who was pleasing to God because of her humility, can give him glory through what he works in her. In her he works the great things that God wants to do: equality among all the brothers and sisters in the human family; a just distribution of goods in the world; that all people should be able to use the goods that God created for everyone; that all should recognise one another as brothers and sisters. Mary knows how to do this because she is a mother. I believe the characteristics of the social works arising from Chiara’s charism have, precisely, the characteristic of having been done by a mother who loves her children and who wants their greatest good. Above all, she wants them to be united among themselves, bound together by mutual love and that this love should underpin their relationships in society. Therefore, a new society animated by Gospel love, with a mother who is Mary.
Put love into practice
Put love into practice