It’s the triumph of the Risen Jesus whom we know and relive personally, in our own small way, after having embraced him forsaken; or when truly united in his name, we experience the effects of his life, the fruits of his Spirit. The Risen Lord must always be present and living in us. The world is waiting for people who not only believe in and love Him one way or another, but people who are authentic witnesses. The world is waiting for people who can truly say, as Mary Magdalene said to the apostles after seeing Jesus near the tomb, those words that we know but which are always new: “We have seen him!” Yes, we have discovered him in the light with which he enlightened us; we have touched him in the peace with which he filled us; we have heard his voice in the depths of our heart; we have rejoiced in his incomparable joy. Source: Chiara Lubich during a telephone link up. Castel Gandolfo, Rome, 20th April 2000.
Put love into practice
Put love into practice