Focolare Movement

Simon the Shark

May 6, 2018

United World Week is currently underway. During this event, young people from around world want to show that peace, solidarity and unity are attainable goals. We publish the story told by Simon, a Paralympics swimming champion, as recounted by his father, a journalist, at the Italian Genfest. He issues the challenge to always fulfil our dreams.

Simon Barlaam

“As you can tell by the colour of my hair, I am a few years older than you! But I’m part of the Genfest family just like you are. The Genfests I attended in my youth left an indelible mark in me. What did I learn from those experiences? Two things. Firstly, for me, coming from a little town in Abruzzo (Italy), each time was like plunging into a global experience. Secondly, at the Genfest, I realized that we are protagonists of our own destiny: my future depended on me. Since then, this is what I have been trying to focus on in my life in the pursuit of my ambitions, even the most complicated or seemingly impossible ones to achieve. This is what my wife Claudia and I have always tried to convey to our children. I like to think that there is a bigger plan for each one of us. The hard part is to turn on the light to be able to see the plan when there is no light out there. Like pieces in a jigsaw puzzle, life’s events come together, they are intertwined, and it seems hard to find their right location but, suddenly, the pieces start falling into place. In January 2000, Claudia and I were in Sydney, Australia, on our honeymoon and we were strolling through the brand-new Olympic park that was going to host the Olympic Games a few months later. We were making plans and laying the foundations for our future family. Simon was on the way, and we were so happy and full of love and expectation. We felt invincible. Then Simon was born, and his arrival brought us concern right from the start. We found out he suffered from Hip dysplasia and coxa vara. It meant a permanent disability which was made worse by a fractured femur. Basically, one femur was about 15 centimeters shorter than the other, and it was as brittle as a piece of glass. Over the years Simon had to undergo twelve surgeries: limb lengthening, hip correction procedures, bone grafts to strengthen his weak femur neck. Each operation was followed by endless months in a cast that blocked him from the chest down. During those long months in bed, Simon learned to draw, which was the only thing he could do while he was lying down. He loved to draw fish, especially sharks because of their power and speed, so much so that a close friend of ours nicknamed him Simon the “shark”. When he was in a cast up to his chest, we used to watch Nemo the animated movie, which was set in Australia. Simon, just like Nemo, had (and still has) one fin shorter than the other. I felt like Marlin, Nemo’s father in the film, anxious about his future. And filled with fear of what might happen to him. But just like Marlin did with Nemo, at one point I realized that Simon could face his “ocean” on his own, without any fear, even though he had a shorter fin. At a certain point Simon started playing sports. Swimming was the only sport where he could move his muscles without the risk of breaking his crystal-like bone. He began to compete. A few years later, he started training with the Italian junior swimming team. Every day, after school, he would practice in the swimming pool for two and a half hours, which turned into five hours in the wake of the most important competitions. When he was 17, Simon competed at the Paralympic world championship held in Mexico City in December 2017, and won two gold medals, for the 50 and 100 meter freestyle events, and one silver and one bronze. They are considered the fastest races in swimming. Now, exactly 16 years after our honeymoon, Simon is an exchange student in Australia and keeps training at the highest level: that is why he is not here today. He keeps practicing, studying, and competing with the best Australian swimmers at Sydney’s Olympic Aquatic Centre, in the same place where Claudia and I had taken him before he was even born. Well, if someone had told me a few years ago that one day I would have a son who would be twice world champion, I would have told them that they were crazy! One of Simon’s fins is smaller but stronger than we all thought it would be. He had the courage to spread it and fly away. My wish for you is that you all spread your wings too. I urge you to be brave. And learn how to fly. Follow your passions. Work hard to get where you want to be. Don’t settle for less.” Riccardo Barlaam


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