Focolare Movement

Pope Francis in Loppiano

May 7, 2018

The expectations for this visit go beyond Italian confines. At Loppiano (Florence) on 10 May, Pope Francis will meet a huge Focolare community representing the entire Movement. Maria Voce: “A repeatable model of coexistence based on evangelical principles.”

In Loppiano all is ready to welcome the Holy Father. Around 6,000 people from all over Italy are arriving, but thousands will be linked up in streaming in the five continents. We asked Maria Voce, Focolare President, how this encounter will take place. “We want to present to the Pope.” she explained, “this tiny town, the first among other 24 diffused worldwide, which wants to offer a model of coexistence founded on the evangelical principles of solidarity and fraternity, certainly unique, but able to be spread and repeated elsewhere. In Loppiano, the Pope will not only meet the 750 inhabitants, ” Maria Voce continued, “but also a representative group of the Focolare’s global family. We shall ask him some questions on themes that we hold dear: the challenge of fidelity to the charismatic idea of Chiara Lubich in contrast with the changed conditions of today; the education of the young people in a culture of fraternity; and Loppiano’s model of coexistence as a contribution to the current announcement of the Christian message and the overcoming of barriers, nationalism and prejudices.” The Focolare Movement is a variegated constellation that places at the core of its actions and dialogue a lifestyle that concurs to construct unity and peace in the world. It counts over 2 million members belonging to many Christian Churches, but also of different religious beliefs and lay inspirations. It undertakes around 1,000 social actions underway in various countries, and around 800 enterprises worldwide that work according to the principles of the Economy of Communion. The Sophia University, based precisely in Loppiano is now in its tenth year of life. Upon his arrival in the town, the Holy Father will go directly to the Church of Maria Theotókos, where he shall stop briefly to pray. He will also pray before the painting of the Madonna with Child, the work of a painter belonging to the Hindu religion and symbol of the dialogue which is one of the many pillars of coexistence in Loppiano. Then in the churchyard, Maria Voce will greet the Pope on behalf of the Focolare Movement. A moment of dialogue will follow in which some citizens of Loppiano will ask him some questions. This session will be interrupted with music pieces of artists from various countries and religious environments. Lastly, around 30 citizens will personally greet the Pope who will leave to return to the Vatican, after the benediction.

Live streaming 10 May 2018, 10.00am till 12.00 noon (CEST): Vatican Media Live


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