A Hidden Letter The wife of a friend of mine, Sandra, had fallen into such a depression that she didn’t want to talk to anyone. The family was feeling it. I didn’t know how to help her. One morning I asked God to give me an opportunity to do somethin. That afternoon I received a very fancy gift, a ceramic plate with fine chocolates. Thinking that this would be something that Sandra would appreciate, I sent it to her. After a while, Sandra telephone me laughing: “You send me a recycled present: in the middle of the dish I found a note addressed to you.” I starte to laugh too and the telephone call went on for a long time with hearts open wide. Sandra confided he fear to me and I encouraged her to share it with her family. A few days later my friend said that Sand had begun a new dialogue with the mother and sisters, and something melted away in her. T. M. – Slovak Republic Quality Pots I had come to know of a young married couple, just arrived from Candada. They didn’t have anything to live on and were working for work. On day asked myself what I could give them, which would be useful to them. Opening the kitchen cabinet I saw my favorite pot that cooks so well because of its fine quality. I felt Jesus inviting me to detach myself and, after polishing it, I invited the couple over for supper and gave the pot to them. They were both very happy. A few days later my father dropped by to see me. In the back of his car there was a gift for me. He had no idea what it was, becausse it was from my sister. Opening it, I saw a set of three fine quality pots, and the bigger one was the same exact size as the one I had given away. C. K. – Australia Hope I was a woman of the street. The hardest times to put up with were the holidays. That’s when I felt the most solitude that no one could fill. On day, as I was rushing to thte bus stop, the winow of car went down and a young man asked me if I needed a ride. He assured me that he hadn’t stopped with any alternative motives. That gesture overwhelmed me and I accepted. In the car, I asked him why he had done it and he replied by giving me a small copy of the Gospels. When I got home, I felt urged to read it and, the more I read it, the more I felt a new hop growing in me. Then, I went to ask a priest if I could talk with him. That’s how I began my ascent. N. N. – Italy Rent Not having the money to pay for the rent, my husband and I began to pray with faith. That same night our landlord came looking for the money. It was Thursday. When I asked him to come back on Saturday – becuase I wasn’t sure we’d get paid that day – he agreed. We prayed some more, together with our six children. Friday morning, a friend came to visit us, our fellow-countryman. As he said goodbye, he handed us an envelope. It contained four thousand shillings. We were thrilled and overwhelmed: besides the money for the rent, we were also able to buy something to eat. F. P. – Kenya
Put love into practice
Put love into practice