Focolare Movement

End Poverty – a week long campaign to raise awareness

Feb 17, 2019

During the End Poverty Week, many members of the New Youth Movement are taking part in practical activities and campaigns promoting social equality.

During the End Poverty Week, many members of the New Youth Movement are taking part in practical activities and campaigns promoting social equality. “The tendency today is towards a slowdown in the reduction of extreme poverty and an increase in the concentration of wealth in the hands of the few. There are a few who have too much, and too many who have too little. Many do not have food to eat and live hand to mouth, while there are a few who are drowning in the superfluous. This perverse current of inequality is disastrous for the future of humanity.” These words sent by Pope Francis last week to the International Fund for Agricultural Development are an accurate description of the struggle against poverty in the world today. The figures quoted in the 2018 United Nations’ report on poverty paint a very grim picture. 821 million people in the world suffered from hunger in 2017, 6 million more people than in the previous year; one person in every ten lives in a situation of extreme poverty with less than $1.25 per day to live on. However, poverty could be overcome if decisive action were taken. What are the causes? Conflict, disease, drought and unemployment. As part of the “Pathways of Economy, Work and Communion” project, members of the New Youth Movement have designated 17 – 23 February, the End Poverty Week, as a time to raise awareness of the problem of poverty. This initiative is part of the United World Project and will consist of actions to overcome inequality and poverty in local areas and education sessions promoting greater understanding of consumerism and the importance of ethical investment and finance. Andres Piccinini, an Argentinian spokesperson for the New Youth Movement said, “We dream of a world in which no one is in need and everyone has the possibility to develop their full potential – in the human, spiritual, economic and professional sense.” There is a formation programme for the people who would like to become more involved. A series of meetings will take place at Polo Lionello Bonfanti, Loppiano, Italy, entitled Economia, Lavoro e Comunione – Economy, Work and Communion. The proposal – to promote and support small initiatives either personally or with others that influence public opinion. The method – to act and then share the experience on social media at #Pathways4unitedworld, #pathway2018, #endpoverty, #unitedworldproject or by writing to Giovani per un Mondo Unito on Facebook or Instagram.

Patrizia Mazzola


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