Igino Giordani wrote many pages on Mary, on understanding her mystery. Below is one of these in which he invites us to look to Mary at the foot of the Cross, to be like Her. Let your model be Mary Desolate. After having given life to Jesus, she loved and served him, and although she felt detached from him and rejected by the crowd that was not yet Church, her faith never wavered. In the supreme trial, she did not miss the appointment at the foot of the cross. She was as the Holy Spirit had formed her: a heart in which people’s offenses were extinguished; a centre from which only love poured forth. She was complete self-giving. Dead to herself, she lived of God: Only God lived in her. (…) People leave you alone, so that you can be alone with God. Then your soul is no longer distracted or stolen from you: then, in the silence, you converse with the Eternal. You stay, with the Crucified One, on God’s level.
Igino Giordani
(Igino Giordani, Mary, the Perfect Model , New City, Rome, 1989, 131-133)