Focolare Movement

Gospel lived: the other, my fortune

Apr 29, 2020

It all depends on how we view "the other", brother or sister: situations can completely change if we choose to love.

It all depends on how we view “the other”, brother or sister: situations can completely change if we choose to love. Hard times Krystyna told me about hard times in Poland in a state of war: “There was a shortage of food and toiletries.  We were getting stuff from friends in what was then East Germany while our neighbours were often having parties with an abundance of alcohol. One day, however, we noticed how it was unusually quiet in their apartment, and we discovered from the little girl who was on her own that the mother was in hospital. I went to see her, bringing soap and toothpaste with me, items that were hard to find at that time. When she saw me, she was amazed: “I can’t believe that you, whom I have always given so much grief, have come to see me? None of the friends who hang out with us has come.”  As soon as she was discharged from hospital, she invited me to her house. She welcomed me warmly. Then she started telling me about her sad childhood, the meaninglessness of her life and how she needed to get out of a certain situation. I listened to her with love and assured her of my prayers. Not long afterwards, the man who had been living with her left and the noisy company stopped coming to the house. The mum was now able to offer her little girl a “normal” life.” B.V. – Poland Young couple from the South The young couple from Southern Italy had moved to the North to get out of a small village which was dominated by the Mafia. They needed to find a home and work for both of them. My financial situation was rather precarious but with faith I started to help them look for somewhere to live. Unfortunately, a lot of people closed their door on me when I said they were from the South. I cried with them and it made me realize once again that only a poor person can really understand another poor person. I shared so much humiliation with that young couple and, when we finally found a house and a job, I felt I had been enriched by what we had shared together. V.M. – Italy The stolen tablecloths I work as a cashier in a restaurant and I have no qualms about asking for leftovers from the kitchen to take to the children who live on the street. I always meet so many on my way home every day. One day, as I was getting off the bus, someone snatched my bag from my hands and ran off! I was stunned: the bag contained ten tablecloths from the restaurant which I had just picked up from the launderette. What was I to do? How was I going to tell my employer? Buying fabric to make new ones was out of the question because I couldn’t afford it.  I didn’t know how I was going to tell my mother or the restaurant manager, but I was sure the Eternal Father would help me. The following day I told my employer what happened to me and, without getting upset, he tells me he wants new tablecloths as soon as possible. Just at that moment, a customer who had overheard our conversation approached us and said he was willing to buy the fabric needed to make new ones. I couldn’t believe it!  I was so happy and immediately thought of the children I would still be able to help with the food. D.F. – Philippines Trust I met Alvaro in a trattoria.  He was 35 years old, scruffy and unkempt. When he asked me to help him fill in some job application forms, I offered him an appointment in my office the following day. He arrived as night was falling and told me he was really just looking for friendship. I felt sorry for him and, trying to overcome the disgust I felt because of the smell he was giving off, I offered him a brandy. He understood that I didn’t judge him and started to tell me his problems, from when he was abandoned by his mother as a child and his father had ended up in prison. The hours went by and, as if in confession, he continued to tell me about himself. He eventually got up when he realized it was daytime and, apologizing, he said goodbye to me. I met him again on other occasions and introduced him to my friends who welcomed him with equal warmth. He reciprocated by doing various jobs in the house: a real jack-of-all-trades. He eventually managed to find a stable job, built a career for himself, got married and became the father of two children. When he told me all this, years later, he was a completely different person. He had regained his dignity thanks to the trust we had shown him. B.C. – Italy

by Stefania Tanesini

(taken from The Gospel of the Day, Città Nuova, year VI, no. 2, March-April 2020)  


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