Focolare Movement

“He never disappoints us”

Jan 11, 2021

In Italy and in many parts of the world the TV Movie "Chiara Lubich, love conquers all" was very well received. What struck so many was the coherence and faithfulness with which Chiara followed her own path. Here is a text in which she herself reveals the core from which everything started.

In Italy and in many parts of the world the TV Movie “Chiara Lubich, love conquers all” was very well received. What struck so many was the coherence and faithfulness with which Chiara followed her own path. Here is a text in which she herself reveals the core from which everything started. [The letter to the Hebrews] says: “Let us run with perseverance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus” (Heb 12:1-2). Life is often something of an obstacle course. There are trials and the most varied sufferings. That is why we must keep our gaze fixed on Jesus, or rather on Jesus Forsaken. And this time I would like to say a word especially to those people – and I have some in mind – who are undergoing spiritual or physical trials and tell them: “Look to Jesus Forsaken and you will find the answer.” Indeed, Jesus Forsaken is a model of how to overcome trials. One aspect of Jesus Forsaken, and perhaps one of the most painful, is that of someone who, after having imbued their entire spiritual life with faith in God’s love, finds themselves feeling abandoned by Him due to some circumstances. Even here, even in this situation, they must look to Jesus Forsaken. Didn’t Jesus say that everyone would abandon him, but the Father would always be with him? Yet in his forsakenness the very opposite occurs. The Father seems to forsake him. It is terrible, it is tragic. And what does He do? He utters a loud cry, but then he abandons himself to the Father. This is what we must do in these circumstances. These are times, I think, that are worth very much before God. Jesus, with his forsakenness, completed Redemption. By uniting ours with His, we will accomplish our purification and help who knows how many people. Jesus Forsaken is truly the solution to every problem. We will never be disappointed by Him, but rather find in Him the explanation of all our trials. So take courage! Keep your gaze fixed on Him to overcome every obstacle in the race of our lives.

Chiara Lubich

(From a telephone conference call, Mollens (CH), 14th August 1986)  


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