Focolare Movement

The Holy Journey

Apr 19, 2021

Referring to a sentence from Scripture, Chiara Lubich reflected on the Holy Journey of life inviting us to check up every now and then, in front of God, on how far we have reached on the journey.

Referring to a sentence from Scripture, Chiara Lubich reflected on the Holy Journey of life inviting us to check up every now and then, in front of God, on how far we have reached on the journey. Uppermost in my mind today is a desire for to take a closer look at how we are doing in terms of our commitment to reach holiness. A few days ago a focolarina brought to my attention a beautiful sentence from the Psalms, that proclaims a beatitude I’d never heard of: “Blessed are those whose strength is in you, who have set their hearts on pilgrimage” (Ps. 84: 5 NIV). “Pilgrimage?” What pilgrimage is Scripture speaking about? It is of course our journey towards heaven and God; and thus, our journey toward holiness, which will lead us to heaven. … So then, have we really set out on this holy journey? In this present moment, are we moving onward? … Let’s each pause a moment and put ourselves before God; and for his glory alone, let’s take stock of the situation. Have there been any results? Have we improved, for instance, in doing God’s will? Are we any better at loving? What about our mutual love? … If the answer is yes, then let’s give thanks to God and keep going. If the answer is no, let’s thank God that we still have time to start afresh. Then, onward! We really want to experience together the happiness of the Holy Journey!

Chiara Lubich

 (From a telephone conference callRocca di Papa, 3rd September 1981)  


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