Focolare Movement

Chiara Lubich: Apostles of dialogue

Aug 23, 2021

[:es]Chiara Lubich nos recuerda que todos estamos llamados al diálogo. Y si vivimos momentos de la jornada solos, podemos hacer cada cosa en función de nuestros hermanos y hermanas, como verdaderos "apóstoles del diálogo".[:fr]Chiara Lubich nous rappelle que nous sommes tous appelés au dialogue. Et si, à certains moments de la journée, nous sommes seuls, nous pouvons faire chaque chose en fonction des frères et des sœurs, comme d'authentiques « apôtres du dialogue ».[:pt]Chiara Lubich nos lembra que todos somos chamados ao diálogo. E se vivemos os momentos do dia sozinhos, podemos fazer tudo em função dos irmãos e irmãs, como verdadeiros “apóstolos do diálogo”.

Chiara Lubich reminds us that we are all called to dialogue. And if we spend parts of our day alone, we can do everything for the sake of our brothers and sisters, like true “apostles of dialogue”. … Each time we are in contact with one or more brothers or sisters, directly or indirectly, by means of a telephone call, a letter, a job carried out for their benefit or prayers said on their behalf, we all feel that we are involved in an unending dialogue, that we are called to dialogue. How? By being open to our brothers and sisters, by listening, empty of ourselves, to what they want, to what they say, to what worries them, to what they desire. Once we have done this, we give what is desired and what is appropriate. And if there are times and hours that I must dedicate to myself (eating, resting, dressing, and so on), I can try to do all these things in view of my brothers and sisters, always mindful of those who await my love. In this way and only in this way, by continually living the “spirituality of unity” or “of communion”, can I effectively contribute towards making my Church “a home and a school of communion”; I can further the unity of the Church with the faithful of other Churches or ecclesial Communities; and I can achieve, together  with people of other religions or cultures, ever larger spaces of universal fraternity. … Let’s feel that we are “apostles of dialogue” and live accordingly. A 360 degree dialogue, certainly, but starting out on the right foot: by loving every neighbour we meet, and the measure of our love is the gift of our life.

Chiara Lubich

Taken from: “Conversazioni in collegamento telefonico” Citta Nuova ed. pag. 667, – 2004


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