Focolare Movement

Music of fraternity on the Balkan route

Dec 17, 2021

Il viaggio della band internazionale Gen Rosso nella rotta balcanica dove migliaia di migranti vivono situazioni drammatiche cercando di raggiungere l’Europa in cerca di futuro migliore. Da questa esperienza nasce anche il loro prossimo concerto di Natale dal titolo “Refugee" che sarà trasmesso gratuitamente in streaming.

The international band, “ Gen Rosso”, travelled to the Balkans. There, thousands of migrants live though tragic situations as they try to reach Europe in search of a better future. This journey inspired Gen Rosso’s Christmas concert, entitled “Refugee”, which will be streamed for free. “We are tired, very tired of living in these conditions, but today we have rediscovered and experienced joy”. These are the words of Mariam, visibly moved, in thanking the international group Gen Rosso at the refugee camp in Bosnia, after a day spent together. Mariam is Iranian and together with other migrants she lives in that refugee camp because she is looking for a better future, where there are no wars, hatred or persecutions. Thousands of refugees like her are stuck in the cold, the freezing cold, in the so-called “Balkan route”, with the hope of reaching Europe. Gen Rosso went to Bosnia in October 2021 to bring relief and hope to these migrants through art, music and dance. They went to a refugee camp run by the Jesuit Refugee Service (JRS) which provides essential accommodation and aid to asylum seekers and migrants attempting to cross the Croatian border. The Band told us, “We didn’t have the slightest idea of who or what we would meet but we wanted these people, who find themselves painfully wandering for years, to experience fraternity”. Migrants need not only food and clothing but also moments of welcome and serenity. At the beginning, “we found ourselves under the questioning and somewhat suspicious gaze of families who kept their distance. It was not easy to start with people from different cultures and traditions, accustomed to indifference and hostility”. It was the children who broke the ice. They were attracted by Ygor playing a Brazilian tambourine and wanted to try. Little by little everyone gathered courage. Michele, lead singer of the Band, said, “Who knows what these children have experienced and what they carry in their hearts. A nice atmosphere was created right away. The fact that the children were present, with their immediacy and simplicity, helped a lot”. Thus began the first dialogues. What is your name? Where are you from? And mistrust gave way to trust. The Band said, “We had planned to divide into small groups, but we understood that they all wanted to stay together and after a long time, to celebrate, with songs and dances of individuals and groups, according to their own traditions. When some mothers wanted to show us a typical dance, they left their babies in our arms, with the trust that is usually given to brothers”. Helânio shared this experience, “A refugee with a wounded leg grabbed my drum, his eyes were shining, it was almost his only way of expressing himself. I was happy to give him this opportunity”. Raymund, one of the dancers, shared, “A woman asked if she could dance. She could feel that someone appreciated her. I understood what it meant to go towards them through music, which can rebuild people’s souls; it was evident in their shining eyes, that they were happy”. It was an unforgettable experience, that has inspired the upcoming Christmas concert that Gen Rosso have entitled “Refugee”. It will take place on 18th December 2021, at 21:00 (UTC + 1), at the Loppiano auditorium. You can buy tickets here or at the auditorium. It will be streamed free on the web platform. It will be an evening specially dedicated to bringing relief, peace and hope to all those who find themselves in situations of suffering and hardship.

Lorenzo Russo


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