Focolare Movement

Chiara Lubich: share

Dec 20, 2021

In this passage, Chiara Lubich invites us to share with our neighbours whatever they may lack in order to have a dignified life. This is the best way to prepare ourselves for Christmas, which we will celebrate in a few days’ time.

In this passage, Chiara Lubich invites us to share with our neighbours whatever they may lack in order to have a dignified life. This is the best way to prepare ourselves for Christmas, which we will celebrate in a few days’ time. The con­version of heart needed to pre­pare for Jesus ‘coming does not consist in beautiful words and an outpouring of feelings. Rather, it lies in doing the will of God, above all in loving others, con­cretely expressing our solidari­ty and sharing what we have with those who lack essentials, whether that be food, clothing, lodging, help, and so on. It is what Jesus himself teaches us. The Christian life, in fact, does not primarily consist in long prayers and exhausting penances; it does not ask us to change our profession or occu­pation (provided they are good in themselves) but rather that we live love of neighbour in our life circumstances and activities. ” Whoever has two coats must share with anyone who has none; and whoever has food must do likewise.” (Lc 3:11). We are in the month of December, in which we cele­brate Christmas. For the Church, Christmas is not simply the commemoration of a past event. It is the cele­bration of an ever-present and ever-new mystery: the birth of Jesus among us and in us. So how can we prepare ourselves for Christmas? What should we do so that Jesus can be born or reborn in us and among us? We should love concretely. Let’s make sure that our love of neighbour does not stop at words, but is translated into action, into deeds, whether great or small.

Chiara Lubich

(Chiara Lubich, in Parole di Vita, [Words of Life] a cura di Fabio Ciardi, Opere di Chiara Lubich, Città Nuova, 2017, pp. 422-423)


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