Focolare Movement

Chiara Lubich: Jesus speaks in our heart

Feb 14, 2022

On life’s journey, we sometimes need to slow down for a while and listen to the voice that speaks in our heart. We will discover new challenges as Chiara Lubich suggests in this text.

On life’s journey, we sometimes need to slow down for a while and listen to the voice that speaks in our heart. We will discover new challenges as Chiara Lubich suggests in this text. Listening to the voice of Jesus does not only mean listening to his teaching and adopting it as our own. It means establishing a personal relationship with him, as he calls each one individually, by name. He makes his voice heard deep within us, and his truth – which is the truth – is at work in our heart, even though each person is free to answer his invitation or not. Giving the example of the good shepherd, Jesus states that there is opposition between the legitimate shepherd, who enters by the door, and the thief or brigand who climbs over the fence. Throughout the centuries, false messiahs have tried to attract people with their ideologies – and they still do today! However, those who belong to Jesus know his voice, and do not allow themselves to be deceived by these false promises. They do not trust other voices. (…) Try to listen to the voice of Jesus speaking in your heart. You will see that it will lead you out of your selfishness, your lack of love, your desire to dominate, your pride, your tendency to violence… out of everything that enslaves you. If you entrust your life to Jesus and let him be your guide, you will certainly never succumb to the temptation of an easy, comfortable Christian life. You will be led away from a life that is mediocre and without meaning In following him, who speaks in your heart, who calls you personally (because he calls us one by one), you will not be following a “beaten track,” but you will set out on a divine adventure that you would never have dreamed of. Everything will be new and beautiful, even though it will not be easy for your human nature. You will see how creative God’s imagination is, and you will understand that by following a shepherd like this, your life will be full, abounding in fruits and spreading goodness everywhere. And you will finally understand what a powerful, amazing revolution the Gospel produces when it is lived.

Chiara Lubich

(Chiara Lubich, in Parole di Vita, [Words of Life] Città Nuova, 2017, pp. 204-208)


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