Focolare Movement

Chiara Lubich: build the civilisation of love

Feb 21, 2022

The words of Chiara Lubich on which we reflect today are remarkably topical and will not leave us indifferent. They will surely lead us to look around and act for the benefit of all our brothers and sisters.

The words of Chiara Lubich on which we reflect today are remarkably topical and will not leave us indifferent. They will surely lead us to look around and act for the benefit of all our brothers and sisters. … During his life on earth, Jesus always welcomed everyone, especially those who were outcasts, those most in need, or who were furthest away. Jesus’s love conveyed his trust, confidence and friendship to everyone, breaking down, one by one, the barriers of pride and selfishness that had been built up in the society of his time. Jesus was the visible sign of the perfect, welcoming love that the heavenly Father has for each one of us, and of the love which, as a result, we should have for one another.   This is what the Father wants first from us. That is why we can render no greater glory to God than by trying to welcome each other in the same way as Jesus welcomed us. (…) Our attention is drawn to one of the aspects of selfishness that is most common and, let’s admit it, most difficult to uproot. It is the tendency to isolate ourselves, to discriminate against and exclude others who are different and who could disturb our tranquillity. Let us try, first of all within our families, associations, communities and working groups, to get rid of our tendency to judge others, discriminate, be prejudiced, hold resentments or be intolerant towards one neighbour or another. These attitudes are common and easy to fall into, but they have a damaging and chilling effect on human relationships. They block the flow of mutual love. Then, let us do the same in society around us, bearing witness to the welcoming love of Jesus with any neighbour the Lord puts next to us – especially with those whom our collective social selfishness tends to exclude or marginalise. The act of welcoming others who are different from ourselves lies at the very basis of Christian love. It is the starting point, the first step to take in building a civilization of love and fostering the culture of sharing that Jesus is calling us to especially today.

Chiara Lubich

(Chiara Lubich, in Parole di Vita, [Words of Life] Città Nuova, 2017, pag. 512-514)


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