Focolare Movement

Chiara Lubich: Time to put charity into practice

Jul 11, 2022

The Word we have chosen to live by during the month of July 2022, taken from Luke’s Gospel, says: "There is need of only one thing.,. We know only too well how much need there is for charity nowadays, as there was in Jesus’ time. We need love of neighbour, love for everyone, without excluding anyone.

The Word we have chosen to live by during the month of July 2022, taken from Luke’s Gospel, says: “There is need of only one thing.,. We know only too well how much need there is for charity nowadays, as there was in Jesus’ time. We need love of neighbour, love for everyone, without excluding anyone. God  who is Love. Believing in God’s love, responding to his love by loving; these attitudes are urgently needed today. People today are awaiting these two essential things. Without them, the world risks being like a train running out of control and coming off the tracks. Discovering, or rather rediscovering, that God is Love is the greatest adventure for people today. In the encyclical Ecclesiam Suam, [His Church] Pope Paul VI stated: We are convinced that charity should today assume its rightful, foremost position in the scale of religious and moral values, and not just in theory, but in the practice of the Christian life. And this applies not only to the charity we show toward God, … but also to the charity which we in turn should lavish on … the whole human race. Charity is the key to everything. It sets all to rights. There is nothing which charity cannot achieve and renew. Who is there among us who does not realize this? And since we realize it, is not this the time to put it into practice?”

Chiara Lubich

(Lubich, Chiara., “Scritti spirituali /2, L’essenziale di oggi, [Spiritual writings/2 The essential for today] Città Nuova, 1978, p. 160)


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