Focolare Movement

Living the Gospel: “There is need of only one thing” (Lk 10:42)

Jul 12, 2022

Opening our home to Jesus, as Martha and Mary did in the Gospel, and freeing our hearts from worries in order to listen. Living the Word, putting it into practice in every day life, can offer many a precious opportunity to “choose the better part”.

Opening our home to Jesus, as Martha and Mary did in the Gospel, and freeing our hearts from worries in order to listen. Living the Word, putting it into practice in every day life, can offer many a precious opportunity to “choose the better part”. Solidarity A few days ago, Elisa, whose daughter I teach catechism to, asked me to contribute to a collection of food and clothing being sent through some Ukrainian women to their wartorn country. I spread the word, and the response was immediate. To Elisa’s astonishment, in only two days we put together over two tonnes of packages containing food and clothes. Then it was my own turn to be astonished. In my thank you message to all those who’d joined in this action, I mentioned I was also transferring a sum of money to a priest I know who has stayed in Ukraine. And several them contacted me immediately with offers to add their own contributions! In less than a day, I’d received 1,000 Euro. I was overwhelmed as I thanked them. One of the young people involved commented, “Don’t you remember the miracle of the loaves and fishes?”.  My only conclusion, “Lord, increase my faith”. (Carmela – Italy) A children’s game – good for adults too When my children were small I invented a game in which they’d put a sweet or candy in a basket every time they did an act of love. Now they’re grown up with their own families. Recently my oldest son told me how that game has remained part of his life. He decided to put a sweet or candy in a little bowl every time he managed to overcome an obstacle in his relationship with his wife, when he held back his temper, or welcomed his wife’s idea even when he didn’t agree with it, or went to do something himself he thought she should have done, and when he listened attentively to her instead of jumping to conclusions and judging her. Eventually his wife noticed his mysterious brief disappearances from the room and got curious. When he explained, she was moved by his effort to keep their love alive and decided to join in the game. This marked a new phase in their family life and eventually the children joined in too. That simple game for children became important for the grown ups too. (F.Z. – France) Here to serve In our roles at the Ministry for Youth, we strive to work with a real spirit of family. This makes two contrasting demands on us: firstly, not to allow all the national political issues, emergencies and problems to prevent us from building personal relationships with everyone; while at the same time never forgetting that we are there to serve this section of society which has been entrusted to us. This means to keep as our number one priority our service to young people, especially those most in need, taking great care with the management of public funds when organizing any action from our department, making sure not to spend anything unncecessarily, to manage our human resources well, based on high levels of professionalism rather than political cronyism or nepotism, strictly avoiding any abuse of the public administration office for particular or personal interests. Just as in a natural family, life in the political sphere is composed of occasions large and small to choose and start again to love and serve our people. (N.T. – Argentina)

Collated by Grazia Berretta

(from Il Vangelo del Giorno, Città Nuova, anno VIII, n.2, luglio-agosto2022)


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