Focolare Movement

Chiara Lubich: “Enlarging our heart”

Jul 18, 2022

The 'holy journey' that Chiara Lubich proposes to us is not to be made in solitude and detached from the world. It is a journey for everyone without differentiating between age, social status, and life choices. The method is to focus on love of neighbour and mutual love that will help us 'forget' the world.

The ‘holy journey’ that Chiara Lubich proposes to us is not to be made in solitude and detached from the world. It is a journey for everyone without differentiating between age, social status, and life choices. The method is to focus on love of neighbour and mutual love that will help us ‘forget’ the world. … We are called to remain in the midst of the world and to reach God through our neighbour, which means through love for our neighbour and through reciprocal love. It is by taking the commitment to undertake this unique and evangelical journey that we will discover, as if by magic, that our soul has been enriched by all these virtues. We need to have contempt for the world and there is no better contempt for something than completely disregarding it, forgetting about it, ignoring it. If we are all focused on others, on loving our neighbours, we don’t pay any attention to the world, we forget about it and therefore, we have contempt for it – even though this doesn’t dispense us from our duty to reject its suggestions whenever they assail us. We need to grow in virtue. But it’s by loving that we achieve this. Isn’t it written: “I run the way of your commandments, for you enlarge my understanding [with love].”[1] If by loving our neighbours we run along the path of fulfilling God’s commandments, it means we are making progress. We need love for sacrifice. But loving others truly means sacrificing ourselves so as to be dedicated to the service of our neighbour. Christian love, even though it is a source of great joy, is synonymous with sacrifice. We need to be fervent in doing penance. It is in a life of love that we find the main and the best type of penance. We need self-denial. Love of others always implies self-denial. Lastly, we need to know how to bear with difficulties. Aren’t so many difficulties in the world caused by living with other people? We need to learn how to bear with everyone and love them out of love for Jesus Forsaken. By doing so we will overcome many obstacles in life. Yes, by loving our neighbour we can find an excellent way to transform our lives into a ‘holy journey.’

Chiara Lubich

(Chiara Lubich, in Conversazioni, [Telephone conversations] Città Nuova, 2019, p. 262/3) [1]     Ps 119:32.


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