Focolare Movement

Lisbon 2023: a step towards World Youth Day

Jan 16, 2023

To go towards others “with haste” like the Virgin Mary – this is the heart of the message of the next World Youth Day (WYD) which will take place in Lisbon 1–6 August. Here are some interesting facts about the preparations.

To go towards others “with haste” like the Virgin Mary – this is the heart of the message of the next World Youth Day (WYD) which will take place in Lisbon 16 August. Here are some interesting facts about the preparations. “Dear young people, I dream that at WYD you will again experience the joy of encounter with God and with your brothers and sisters. After long periods of distance and isolation, in Lisbon – with God’s help – we will rediscover together the joy of the fraternal embrace between peoples and between generations, the embrace of reconciliation and peace, the embrace of a new missionary fraternity!” These were the hopes of Pope Francis at the Basilica of St John Lateran in Rome as he addressed young people from all over the world on 15 August 2022. On the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, he explained the profound meaning of the theme chosen for the next World Youth Day: “Mary arose and went with haste” (Lk 1:39). In such difficult times, in which humanity, tried by the trauma of the pandemic, is torn by the drama of war, the Gospel episode of the Visitation is the path which so many young people will take from 1–6 August, as they will take part in the international meeting in Lisbon. It will be a moment of great joy and an opportunity to witness, meditate and share together in Mary’s footsteps. But how are the preparations going? Mariana Vaz Pato, a young designer from Lisbon, is part of a team from the Focolare Movement that is in charge of the organisation. “When I heard that WYD would be held in Portugal, I reacted to this news with great joy,” she says. “I immediately decided to be part of this team because I felt I could contribute, dedicate my time to building this great event.” Mariana, what is going on behind the scenes at the moment? Behind the scenes there is a lot going on, and generally there is a spirit of great enthusiasm. Right now, the main focus is on registrations, which have just opened, and we have to spread the word so as not to leave anyone out. My team has been working on different parts of the WYD programme. One of these is the preparation of a catechesis in the light of the charism of unity, and at this stage we are working on the content related to the WYD theme, following the guidelines of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. We are working on the creation of a stand in the City of Joy (a vocations fair), where pilgrims will find interactive content and experiences from around the world related to the various stages of Mary’s life. With the international performing arts group Gen Verde we are preparing another moment – the Start Now workshops – which will take place in a neighbourhood in a Lisbon suburb and will culminate in one of the stages of the youth festival. In addition to the main WYD programme, we feel the need to offer a post-WYD meeting, where participants can experience and reflect on everything they experienced during WYD. The meeting will take place at the Focolare’s Arco-Íris community and is open to all those who wish to participate. We are also involved in other groups to welcome pilgrims, manage volunteers and the official choir. What does it mean for a young person today to “arise” and leave in a hurry? The theme of this day calls us to go on mission, using Mary, who responded to God’s call, as an example. I think that for young people, “arising” means being missionaries. That is, to be ready to leave, get out of ourselves (from the comfort of sitting), go towards our neighbours, and not remain indifferent to the problems that exist around us. This WYD is also entrusted to some patron saints or witnesses of the faith, reference figures who have their processes still going on. Why is it so important today to aspire to holiness? I think that to aspire to holiness is to aspire to happiness. For young people it is important to have a role model, and saints are proof that it is possible to have a Christian lifestyle that is different from what we see around us. The figure that strikes me most, for example, is Blessed Chiara Badano. The way she lived, swimming against the current with great trust in God, is an inspiration and shows us that it is possible to become a saint even in today’s world. For more information visit: JMJ Lisboa 2023.

Maria Grazia Berretta


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