Focolare Movement

Lisbon 2023: “Há Pressa no Ar” official WYD anthem

Jul 31, 2023

A song for young people from all over the world to sing in unison. Father João Paulo Vaz, a priest from Coimbra (Portugal) wrote the lyrics of the WYD Lisbon 2023 anthem and the music was composed by Pedro Ferreira, a teacher and musician. Two young people from the Focolare Movement (Gen), Lourdes Catalán and Ivan Ho, interviewed him.

A song for young people from all over the world to sing in unison. Father João Paulo Vaz, a priest from Coimbra (Portugal) wrote the lyrics of the WYD Lisbon 2023 anthem and the music was composed by Pedro Ferreira, a teacher and musician. Two young people from the Focolare Movement (Gen), Lourdes Catalán and Ivan Ho, interviewed him. World Youth Day (WYD) 2023 takes place very soon and in the streets of Lisbon (Portugal), the city hosting this global event, you can already hear the first young people to arrive singing “Há Pressa no Ar” (Feel the rush in the air), the official theme tune inspired by the words “Mary got up and went in haste” (Lk 1:39). Here we discover with Father João Paulo Vaz, a priest in the Coimbra diocese who wrote the lyrics, how the song came about. Lourdes: Father João Paulo, what does the WYD mean to you and why did you decide to enter the competition to select a theme tune for Lisbon 2023? Father João Paulo Vaz: I have participated in no less than six WYDs in my life (Paris, Rome, Toronto, Cologne, Sydney and Madrid), some of them as head of youth pastoral work in the diocese. Each of them has marked my journey as a man, a Christian and a priest. They have been very intense experiences of faith and communion, and some things in particular really left their mark. One of them has always been the theme tune. When I heard we could participate in the competition for the Lisbon 2023 theme tune, I was very happy, both because of my personal experience and as a composer. I had decided to submit the lyrics but, at a certain point, I realised I had forgotten to register in time because you had to declare your intention to participate before submitting the song. When I realised this I was very sad, but God never leaves me alone.  A group of participants who HAD signed up on time and only had a musical score ready asked me anyway if they could use my words and that’s how I entered the competition. Shortly afterwards, I learned with great joy that my song had been chosen. I was overjoyed because I really felt it was God’s answer to my wish. Ivan: What message did you want to convey through the song? Father João Paulo Vaz: First of all, the message I thought of addressing to each young person is “Christ is always with you, He never abandons you and with Him you will be able to love much more”. That is why, with Him, “my voice rises higher and everyone will hear it”, as the song explains, because you are no longer afraid. The whole text takes this direction and Mary, the main protagonist of this WYD, in the simplicity and humility of her figure, represents all these things: She whose voice rises first because she brings Christ with her; the first evangeliser who, with her ‘yes’ and on her way to Elizabeth, also shows us how to bring Him to others. Ivan: So many young people from all over the world are expected in Lisbon. How does it feel to think that they will all sing this song together? Father João Paulo Vaz: It’s really important to say that as soon as the song was chosen as the WYD anthem, it no longer belonged to us, it was no longer ours. It was no longer my words or Pedro Ferreira’s music. It is the theme song of WYD Lisbon 2023. I will sing it with the others: this will be the greatest joy. Lourdes: If you could sum up the theme tune in one or two words, what would they be? Father João Paulo Vaz: The first is “depth”, which means discovering who we are, discovering Christ in us and living from that discovery; the second is “courage”, to be the presence of God in the world, to announce life. It is in these two words, in my opinion, that the experience of faith flourishes. Ivan: What is your personal message for the young people of today? Father João Paulo Vaz: I would like to use the words of Pope Francis, spoken in one of the promotional videos for the WYD, in which he invites us to go ahead without fear, to build a better world and to be protagonists. We really need our young people to value the world more, to return to true values. We need to do away with fear and be aware that young people are the ones who will build a better future. So, dear young person, you can’t sit still and watch the world from your armchair.  You need to get up and go, like Mary. The WYD, and this one in particular, is an opportunity to say that you believe and that you are willing to do what God asks of you; more than anything else, it is telling you that you are not alone in this. A whole world of young people and the Pope are ready to walk with you.

Lourdes Catalán e Ivan Ho


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