Focolare Movement

Summer Together at Loreto School

Aug 27, 2016

Loreto School in Loppiano continues welcoming families even through the summer months. Families go there to have a more communitarian experience by living the spirituality of unity.

IMG-20160806-WA0042Another year at Loreto School has come to an end and the families have returned to their homes in Brazil, Cameroon and the Czech Republic enriched by a gift that will never be wiped away but shared with the world around them. That doesn’t mean that Loreto School is now on vacation: it continues through the summer months. In the month of July there was series of families that showed up from several regions of Italy, Europe and other countries like Korea, Vietnam and Philippines for a period of vacation in the spirit of the Focolare. They lived and experienced the communion of goods. One donated a new lawn mower, which was useful in trimming the green areas around the lodgings. Another donated an electric sander that was used to brighten up the framing, doors and benches. . . IMG-20160805-WA0020Working together to fix up the flats, welcome the families, cut the grass and prune the trees, created an atmosphere of communion, lightened the work and created a sense of joy. People passing through Loppiano also got to shared in that family atmosphere and wanted to learn more about Loreto School and the New Families Movement. There were also opportunities for couples to discuss family issues in a relaxed setting with the help of experts, and the opportunity to take part in events at the permanent Mariapolis. There were many meals in the open air, field trips, moments for relaxation together – all in an atmosphere of evangelical brotherhood which is the law of Loppiano where Loreto School is located. One family from France was there on July 14th in Nice, the day of the terrible massacre along the sea, but they had fortunately decided to watch the fireworks on a hill overlooking the city. This experience taught them that life is a gift, and they felt called to spend the rest of their lives together spreading love to others. When it came time to leave Loppiano, the families, one by one, expressed their wish to return for the same experience next year, saying that despite the hard work they felt completely restored!


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