Focolare Movement

New Families: a heart open to all

Oct 27, 2016

The testimony of an Italian family: “Opening one’s heart to others was beneficial to our family. Love donated is always reciprocated.”

“We have always wished to have a larger family”, Corrado and  Elisabetta Ferri told us. But when one has five kids, aged 10 to 21, enlarging the family takes on a different meaning: it implies opening one’s heart to the problems of the world, and certainly with a bit of sacrifice. Corrado and Elisabetta have been married for 24 years, and in seeing their children grow in an atmosphere of love which only the family can give, wanted to help those who have never experienced that love. “That’s why,” they said, “the minute our economic conditions allowed it, we signed up for one of the ‘Adoptions at a Distance’ projects of the New Families Association and welcomed Athiphong, a Thai child.” After about 20 years of support and intense correspondence, Athiphong, now an adult, has found a job and thanks to the studies achieved, can now support his new family and also the original one. “One year we managed to round off the sum we sent to support him, which was not much in reality. But it was moving to learn that  the small extra sum allowed Athipong’s family to have the interior of their modest home cemented, to the admiration and pleasure also of their neighbours.” Now that Athiphong is independent, the Ferri family has decided to support a Thai girl. Having lived this experience and being raised in an ambience where solidarity and sharing is concrete, the children of Corrado and Elisabetta decided to put together all their savings obtained from festivities and birthdays of each one, and assign them to a new support project. This led to the arrival of Maleta, a splendid Congolese child. “What a surprise and how much amusement when some Christmases ago, we received the usual letter with photo, in which Maleta, together with a nice group of peers, showed off the T-shirt of the Italian Soccer team of which our family is a fan.” So all distances are bridged by family bonds and all share vicissitudes, even the painful ones of Maleta who transferred to another city with an aunt, accompanied by the remembrance and prayers of his parents, brothers and sisters far away. “Now our children are supporting little Nzata together.” To continue this extraordinary chain of solidarity is the second-born, Edoardo. After graduating with maximum grades, he participated in a contest. He won the first prize which was quite a big amount: “All of us in the family,” recounted Corrado and Elisabetta, “were so proud of him and the excellent results obtained with great effort, that we insisted he put aside the sum for himself since he deserved it. But without thinking twice, some days later and to our surprise, he told us that he would willingly assign the sum to a child of his own, as a new support for a distance project. And so our family welcomed a little girl from Jordan.” And they concluded with conviction: «We believe that this open heart did us and our children a lot of good, and that love when given always returns with generosity.»


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