Focolare Movement

Igino Giordani: Heroes of peace

Nov 6, 2016

On November 15th Chiara Lubich and her commitment to peace will be remembered at UNESCO headquarters in Paris, France. We offer some thoughts on peace from Igino Giordani.

IginoGiordani_smallThe preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO declares: Since wars begin in the minds of human beings, it is in the minds of human beings that defenses of peace must be built.” This November 15th, Chiara Lubich and the Focolare Movement’s efforts in favour of peace, will be remembered at the headquarters of UNESCO in Paris, France. We offer some thoughts of Igino Giordani about peace. He had first-hand experience of two world wars. “Social wounds are called wars and disagreements. They tear at the social fabric leaving wounds that are unable to be healed. Ancient souls yearned for peace: “if you want peace, prepare war,” said the Romans. But in the spirit of the Gospel, true peace is never obtained by war, but by the sprouting of a peaceful disposition and by a harmony of minds. You don’t commit evil to obtain good. “If you want peace, prepare peace.” Here again, you bring about renewal by building peace, not with weapons, but with love that revives life. When love is on the move it generates brotherhood, equality, unity. It vanquishes envy, arrogance and discord. It gathers people together into one family and one mind. Human life is sacred. Do not kill! Do not take revenge! Love your enemy! No retaliating. The portion of humanity that followed Christ understood the angelic message of the Gospel that was sung on the night of his birth: ‘Peace on Earth’. One lover of peace is all that is needed. Jesus opposed the generals and bloody heroes with peaceful ones, victorious over themselves, inspirers of peace within themselves, among citizens and foreigners…. He created a new and more difficult heroism: that of avoiding war in all of its forms, forever breaking the dialectic between pardon and remission. This peace is the fruit of love which requires us to love even our enemies, even those that bear false witness against us. It prevents fractures, or it heals them. In the regimes of love, discord is an absurdity, a negation, and those that provoke discord certainly place themselves outside the spirit of Christ: and outside they remain until harmony has been restored.”   Source: Igino Giordani, Il messaggio sociale del cristianesimo, (Rome: Città Nuova, 1935 and 1966) p 360-368.


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