Focolare Movement

Maria Voce to the young people of the Focolare Movement

Nov 27, 2016

Extracts from a message from the Focolare President to the 1,100 Gen from all over the world who met at Castel Gandolfo near Rome from 17th-20th November, on the 50th anniversary of the Gen Movement.

emmaus gen“I have seen how seriously you have been preparing for this moment and this makes me very happy indeed, and gives me great peace for the Movement’s future, because I have seen that you have taken Chiara (Lubich’s) legacy seriously which is handed on to the second generation in the Movement … with the same zeal” as at the start of the Movement. In response to various questions that the young people asked her, on Jesus forsaken, the point of the spirituality of unity which has been chosen to go into depth with this year, Maria Voce explained: “God sent his Son to re-build these bonds, [of unity between God and humankind and among all people] so to do something great.” In order to do this “Jesus did not choose to come with an armada … but he chose a means that maybe is not understood first off; he chose the means of the cross. The means of the cross which for Jesus meant loving right to the end, the greatest love of all, taking on himself all of humanity’s pain, all sufferings, all humiliations, purely out of love! And in the moment he did it, Jesus made a new creation, he created a new unity, he redeemed humanity, so he re-established the unity that humankind had lost with God and people had lost among themselves; it was the greatest of works.” “So in that moment Jesus forsaken is truly the victorious King! He is not only someone who is suffering. Yes, suffering was the means that He chose, but it was because through that suffering he showed the greatest love; because he bore witness before people as to how much the Father loved them and how much he was ready to suffer out of love for the Father and love for them. Now Jesus forsaken comes to us and says the same thing: “Do you want to bear witness to God’s love in front of the whole world, and all people? Then use the same means as I did. Make yourself one with them right to the end, take on the sufferings, pain, doubts and anguish that people feel,” creating “bonds which will make the human family a real family of God’s children, bonded with one another and with the Father.” Concerning questions about their future, Maria Voce answered: Be generous with God! If you truly feel that God is calling you somehow, that he is speaking in the depths of your heart, don’t pay attention to anything else, pay attention only to this voice and say yes … then He will be the one to take you where he wants you to be”, to fulfil God’s “plan of love for each one that will give you the greatest happiness. I wish you this with all my heart!” Gustavo Clariá


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