Focolare Movement

Christmas With Earthquake Victims in Central Italy

Dec 14, 2016

A conversation with United World Project (UWP) and New Families Association (NFA), two social agencies of the Focolare Movement. Their work during the after phase of the earthquake: helping small businesses and their families.

85cac0a0-2bcc-4b4a-8309-e4f1885ccc58Christmas is also on the way for the displaced victims of the earthquake in Central Italy. We know that you are working in during this after phase of the earthquake. What are you doing? FrancescoTortorella explains: “AMU and AFN have coordinated with the Focolare Movement in Italy, to carry ahead their work during the after phase of the earthquake. Since August, there have been three site surveys in the regions that were hit, to examine the possible ways of intervening. The first intervention that we identified was that of supporting the families that run small agricultural businesses, along with the farm regions that suffered damage.” After a feasibility study, you came up with the comprehensive project. What is it? “We called it RImPresa and it consists of two activities,” Paola Iacovone explains. “The first activity, which will be carried out by the Abbraccio Planetario from Castelli Romani, Italy, and the Bread and Fish Foundation from Ascoli Piceno, Italy, will consist of 4 joint purchasing groups which, through a web portal, will purchase products from the small businesses that were hit by the earthquake, which will provide long-term support to entire families.”   There are also many agricultural businesses that were damaged by the earthquake and are finding it hard to start up again. Are you also working on this front? “Yes. The Italian Associazione Italiana Imprenditori per un Economia di Comunione (AIPEC), which we work with is promoting the second activity of RImPresa,” Tortorella adds, “which is only concerned with supporting families with small agricultural and breeding businesses, by providing machinery or small infrastructures. All of it is carried out in coordination with the Italian Civil Protection Agency that has the full picture of the businesses that were damaged and of the assistance that is distributed.” “We’re a small drop in the ocean along with many others,” Paola concludes. “We’ve received many contributions up until now part of which had been destined to help finance the RImPresa Project. There are still funds to carry out other projects that will begin in the next few months. The contributions continue to arrive, so this fund will probably grow in the next few weeks.” Best wishes for a happy Christmas! Gustavo Clariá To collaborate:

Azione per un Mondo Unito ONLUS (AMU) Azione per Famiglie Nuove ONLUS (AFN)
IBAN: IT16 G050 1803 2000 0000 0120 434 at Banca Popolare Etica IBAN: IT55 K033 5901 6001 0000 0001 060 at Banca Prossima
CAUSE : Emergenza terremoto (Italia)
All contributions that are deposited in these two accounts for this cause  will be jointly administered by AMU and AFN. Except for cash donations, Italian taxpayers can get deductions and allowances from income, in accordance with the regulations for non-profit organizations, to up to 10% of income and the € 70,000.00 annual limit. Tax benefits are provided in many European Union countries and other countries of the world in accordance with local regulations.  


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