Focolare Movement

Genfest 2012: The World is Getting Ready

Mar 9, 2012

The activities of Youth for a United World (Y4UW), spreading universal brotherhood, go beyond all bounds. The project that inspires them will be relaunched in September in Budapest with Genfest 2012: Let's Bridge.

For some time the date has been fixed: 31 August-2 September. The countdown on the site reminds us that between now and then there are 25 weeks, 1 day, and… hours, minutes, seconds rush by. The programme is taking shape, and on planet earth (aka, in various parts of the globe) people are getting ready to arrive in Budapest. Here are a few examples of what has been going on lately.

Radio Warsaw

Two hours of broadcasting dedicated to young people, during which the Y4UW from Poland have  spoken on one of the main national radio stations of their experiences and their invitation to all the young people of Poland to be united in walking together towards Budapest. They write: ‘It was our first chance of announcing the Genfest and enthusing the hearts of many young people!’

Café in Milan

In Italy, ‘Coffee Bridge’ is the initiative launched by Y4UW in Lombardy. Having got good price from a wholesaler and put the Genfest logo on bags of coffee, they have begun selling them. The aim of the initiative: to promote the ideals of Y4UW and to gather funds for the journey to Budapest. Email address:

Partying in Nazareth

40 young people from various regions have started up a day for teaching songs, playing games and … having great fun. It was impossible not possible to talk about the Genfest and give everyone an invitation, which was immediately accepted, to be ‘bridge builders’. The next appointment is in April for another weekend together.

Show in Indonesia

In Yogjakarta, the Y4UW of the second city, of Java organized a concert for 500 people to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the largest Catholic publisher of the archipelago. ‘It was a fantastic chance to present ourselves and to tell of our commitment to build a more united world,’ they write, ‘by living the present moment, loving our neighbours and so overcoming every difficult moment.’

Chinese meal

From Macao they tell us: ‘We invited our friends to eat a “hotpot”.’ They presented their experiences and then spoke about the Genfest and ‘as a sign of gratitude to those who’d come, we gave a small present to each person with best wishes for a “prosperous Chinese New Year”!’

Experiences, activities, things of interest… and a new video on the history of Genfest are available of the sites of Genfest and of Youth for a United World.


This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.


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