Focolare Movement

United World Week 2.0

May 11, 2012

Powerful echoes of the WUW (World Unity Week) resound on the web. Youths from all over the world have been involved (from 1st to 12th May) in building bridges where they live, and sharing their witness over the social networks.

The 15th edition of World Unity Week (WUW) entitled “We are ready to bridge” started on the 1st of May, at Loppiano, with a worldwide linkup.  In brief, the web has been invaded with photos, videos, notices, proposals and messages to be lived during the days of WUW. This manifestation has been carried out every year from 1996 onwards, and it always leaves its mark on the lives of many youths, involved in actions of fraternity and influencing of public opinion. This mark is made not only at the level of community but most of all on a personal level. The echoes reverberated from Syria to Kenya, from Mexico to Singapore, from Argentina to Italy, from the citadel of Loppiano to Budapest, the city of bridges.

This WUW is a fundamental stage for the Genfest that will take place at Budapest from the 31st August to 2nd September 2012, with the title “Let’s Bridge”. The central moment of the WUW was on the first day with a worldwide direct transmission on its official site and also through the contents gradually transmitted on twitter, facebook, youtube, and blog. Every day, thousands of Youths for a United World (GMU) posted on the net proposals that range from ecology to spirituality. The year of the genfest will end with the 16th WUW on 1st May 2013.

Let us now go on a worldwide tour to get to know the creative answers of many youths, from different cultures, who adhered to the invitation to participate in this manifestation.

These are some flash news:

PANAMA- On 29th April, there were 500 youths in the community of Pacora for the opening of the WUW. There were meditations from Chiara Lubich, Mother Theresa of Calcutta and Gandhi. They also presented the life of Chiara “Luce” Badano. Mons. Yovko Pishtiyski (the secretary of the Apostolic Nunciature in Panama) celebrated the Holy Mass.

BRAZIL- the GMU (Youths for a United World) of Manaus prepared a vegetable soup to take it in the early hours of the morning, to the poor in the centre of the city. Thus they spoke with many of them and shared their difficulties.

CONGO- at Kinshasa, the GMU visited a centre for disabled, and carried out a day’s programme entitled “Build bridges of fraternity.”

HOLY LAND AND ITALY- the GMU of the Holy Land and Italy committed themselves to the project-“Ways of Peace”. A group of youths from the Holy Land who were visiting the Marche and Emilia Romagna regions took part in building bridges between different religions and cultures.

ITALY-At Torino a volleyball tourney was held at night entitled “Enjoy the fluo” Volleyball. It had a particular character: the games were played illuminated only by lamps that rendered fluorescent the t-shirts, field lines, ball and net that had been treated with special varnish. 7 teams were enrolled, with around 90 participants, apart from all those who just came to watch or give support.

Sant’Anastasia (NA) – Together with the association “Lucincitta”, the GMU organised an event called “Something Bright” a musical that relates the life of Chiara “Luce” Badano. 500 persons participated at this evening event that was supported by the local council.

Poggio Mirteto (RI) – Together with the “Bloccoverde Greenaction”, the GMU took forward various interesting initiatives to improve and protect the public green spaces.

SWITZERLAND- at Montet the 3rd edition of “Journee Uni” was held, at which 120 youths from French speaking Switzerland took part. The workshops touched upon themes like the Christian answer to sorrow; the meaning of life; social awareness and how to help a friend in difficulty.

From this WUW, that revealed initiatives that existed already and gave rise to new ones, the project emerged that seeks to “count” the actions for fraternity that are held in the world. It has been called “United World project”. “We wish to create a permanent observatory that measures at 360 degrees the development of fraternity practices,” says Letizia, who forms part of the team that is organising the Genfest. The appointment that the “Youths for a United World” had at the United Nations in New York, on 30th April, has encouraged us to go forward in order that this project is recognised as fundamental in bringing peace and development of peoples.
















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