Focolare Movement

A new world is in the making

Dec 31, 2012

But it requires a soul: love. Remembering World Peace Day with a message of Chiara Lubich.

Globe«We are living in a “historic turning-point.” We feel the birth pangs of a new world struggling to be born. But its birth requires a soul: love.

… In my contacts with individu­als and groups of every religion, race and culture, I have discov­ered that love is imprinted in the DNA of every human being. It is the most secure, fruitful and powerful force that can unite the entire human family. But it demands a total paradigm shift in our hearts, mentality and choices.

The need to reinterpret the meaning of reciprocity, a key­stone in international relations, is already commonly felt in inter­national life.

Now is the time for each nation to set its gaze ever further beyond its own boundaries and love other nations as its own.

Reciprocity among peoples could then overcome the old and new logic of partisan tactics and profit making in order to establish relations with all. They will be based on the attitude that “the other” is “another self,” part of the same humanity. Projects for disarmament, development and cooperation can be planned within this framework.

Such reciprocity can make all peoples, even the poorest, protagonists in international life, in the sharing of poverty and wealth, in the resolving of daily problems as well as emergencies. One’s identity and every one’s potential can flourish if they are put at the disposal of other nations and peoples, ever respect­ful of diversity and intent on furthering a spirit of reciprocal exchange.

If governments and we as individuals do our part, then yes, we can dream of composing a single planetary community.

Is it a utopia? Jesus was the first to sow the seeds for globalization when he said, “May they all be one” (Jn 17:21). He also made us capable of a love that can bring unity to the human family while respect­ing the diversity of its members.

If we look around, we can see many models of this “new humanity” spread throughout the world. Has the time come for a planetary project?»

Chiara Lubich

(Taken from “Our Planet is at a Crossroads,” published in Living City, October 2001)


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