Focolare Movement

A Youth Movement, Chiara’s masterpiece

Oct 20, 2020

A webinar to retrace the story of the Gen Movement, one of the most revolutionary youth movements founded in the last century that still continues its work in the 21st century.

A webinar to retrace the story of the Gen Movement, one of the most revolutionary youth movements founded in the last century that still continues its work in the 21st century.

© CSC Audiovisivi – Archivio

In the year dedicated to Chiara Lubich’s centenary, one could not fail to take up the story of the Gen Movement, that was founded in 1967 and attracted hundreds of thousands of youth from all over the world to engage in its goal of a united world. A webinar, held on October 18 and moderated by the RAI journalist Gianni Bianco, aimed at retracing its story. Inspite of its ups and downs, this youth movement formed men and women, not through forced actions or unbridled ambitions, but through the evangelical ideal of giving oneself to others. Those who still participate in the life of the Movement  and even those who no longer form part of it, continue to “live” Lubich’s charismatic intuitions, each in his or her own spiritual and professional sphere. Among those who  participated in the Webinar, there was Franz Coriasco, the author of the book Generazione nuova. La storia del Movimento Gen raccontata da un testimone,(New Generation. The story of the Gen Movement told by a witness), published by the New City Press. In this book, Coriasco deals with  his own personal view of the Movement, while he also presents a collective view that comes from his passionate and extensive research and also from the hundreds of interventions that support the narration. Luigino De Zottis was also present. In 1966, De Zottis and Virgo Folonari were entrusted with the setting up of the Gen Movement. It was Chiara Lubich herself who entrusted this venture to them, and while remembering those who made it possible, Luigino said: «Chiara’s inspiration surprised us, but we set out to do it in an extremely radical way. My life and that of so many other youth improved remarkably in an unexpected manner. I still remember Chiara’s words to us, adults, who had to give life to the Gen Movement; she said: “You adults don’t have to do anything to give birth to the youth movement. You must be like guardian angels”».  This “rule” for intergenerational relationships made history and continues to be innovative. Cardinal Joao Braz de Aviz, Prefect of the Congregation for Consecrated Life, who was one of the first “Gens”, the Gen seminarians, also participated in the webinar. He focused his attention on the central point of Lubich’s charism: «Jesus forsaken is not something small; it is the recognition of a truth, that enables one to move forward even when difficulties seem insurmountable». Using very strong words, he invited the Movement to rediscover its original spirit of communion. Among the interventions of people who are still active within the Movement, there were the significant words of Margherita Karram, who comes from the Holy Land. Summarizing her adventure with Chiara, she said: «Revolution, the evangelical revolution of that love that loves even one’s enemies. Identity, my country marked me with the conviction that my true identity is that of Jesus of Nazareth. Finally, heart, because we must live the Gospel radically with a heart of flesh, not a heart of stone, without building walls». «Are we at the beginning of the end or at the end of the beginning?”, Franz Coriasco asked in his speech. Jesus Moran, the current co-President of the Focolare Movement, replied: “Today, we are no longer in the utopian phase of  unity; humanity’s awareness of unity is tragic. We either become one or we destroy ourselves. Today’s Gen have many possibilities, because there is a clearer idea of what unity is. I am convinced that we are at the beginning of new developments, that reveal an incarnated charism».

Laura Salerno

Conlet Burns

The webinar’s conclusion was entrusted to today’s Gen – represented by Laura Salerno, Conlet Burns and Anna Aleotti – and it could not be otherwise, because the adventure continues. The Gen Movement started when young people were living the turbulent years of 1967-1968, and the Gen of that time were endowed with a revolutionary grip. They still have it today, and the young Lebanese Gen, for example, bear witness to this. On October 17, 2019, just a year ago, these Gen took to the streets to show their support in favour of a society, that is less corrupt, but more fraternal, just and inclusive. Makran, Salim, Mia and their friends show that the 1967 revolutionary spirit continues to be valid in 2020.

Michele Zanzucchi


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