Focolare Movement

AIPEC: an economy “for” the others

May 20, 2016

The Italian Entrepreneurs’ Association for an Economy of Communion (AIPEC), is an organisation of businessmen who imbue their economic activity with the values of EoC. Livio Bertola, current president explains more.

Livio_Bertola“The inspiration to form the  Italian Association of Entrepreneurs for an Economy of Communion (AIPEC), goes back to 2012, during what seemed to be the worst economic crisis in Italy. It was then that a group of businessmen, members of the EoC, felt they had to react. The first step was to see if there were possibilities for their businesses to work with one another. In autumn that year, the memorandum of association was approved, along with the charter and an ethical code. The association immediately proved to be a means for the dissemination of the Economy of Communion.” Upon tracing the association’s origins, Livio Bertola, also illustrated the objectives: “The core values of the association draw inspiration from a “culture of giving.” This is why the shareholders feel the urge not to expect gains for themselves, but to find ways of doing something for the others.” What are the objectives of AIPEC and who does it address? “We are addressing businessmen, freelance professionals, cooperatives and generally, all those who wish to have a people-centred economy: employees, students, housewives, pensioners, unemployed, etc. AIPEC aims to promote the values of the Economy of Communion, and we are trying to do so as best we can: on the one hand, promoting throughout Italy, meetings with people who wish to obtain the utmost from their own work, and organising schools of civil economy with special regard for the young generations; on the other, supporting the activities of associated entrepreneurs, and enhancing the synergies that can be created among them.” The values of Economy of Communion are expressed in two words that seem to contradict each other … “In effect, the businessmen who join the EoC make a revolutionary choice. The reason why we inserted the preposition “for” is due to the fact that firstly, we are still in the process of building a full communion and none of us has the presumption to feel that we have reached the goal, and secondly, though not less importantly, because Economy of Communion was created for the poor; it is with them that each of the businesses freely shares a part of the corporate profits. This is why we entrepreneurs feel the need to work together by sharing ideas, giving support, paying attention to the others (employees, clients, suppliers, shareholders, or even competitors), and sharing ideas, difficulties and talents. We pay special attention to the businessmen and workers who in these years are suffering the consequences of the economic and social crises.” Who can join your association? “Our network is made up of entrepreneurs and professionals who we define as ordinary partners, and also all the people who want to uphold the values of EoC and who we consider our supporter-partners. You can cooperate with AIPEC also by visiting the site which offers a lot of information on the activities of the association, initiatives and events for information and diffusion. By becoming a supporter, you can become an active part of the projects underway, and also create new projects together.” Any project in the making? “We set an ambitious objective: to spend the next three years from the actual 200 to 6,000 partners! However, personal collaboration and contributions are fundamental, especially of those who already know the EoC and wish to give their time and energy to make the “culture of giving” grow in Italy and throughout the world.”


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