Focolare Movement

Australia: the youth and God’s voice

Jan 29, 2013

Maria Voce and Giancarlo Faletti among the young people from Australia and Oceania. How could we listen to Jesus’ voice in our life? His pedagogy is simple.

Spontaneity is a trait that immediately stands out as a characteristic of the Australian youth.

It is this that makes the representatives of the new generations present at the Focolare meeting in Melbourne to welcome Maria Voce and Giancarlo Faletti in a dance circle, beating to the rhythm of their music. Two chairs on the carpet, at the centre of an imaginary circle, and that’s it. They want to move, and above all, to communicate. They are in T-shirts or sleeveless T-shirts (although we are in a cold “summer”), in black or in bright colours, barefoot, with the most original haircuts, piercings and tattoos.

What follows is the sharing of their stories, beautiful and not so beautiful, their search for happiness and a life worth living; they speak about friendships, which are sometimes deceiving, and sometimes fill the heart. In the same way, they ask some questions to their guests, which are sincere and demanding. They address various issues: on the sense of suffering, on the need to keep in touch with those who live the same spirit, on how different the adults’ views are from theirs.

In the background of all these issues, a question seems to arise: how can we listen to Jesus’ voice? Maria Voce explains: «I don’t know what Jesus is telling you, but I can assure you that listening to His voice is the most intelligent thing one can do». Burst of applause. «Jesus –she continues– wants something great for us. In the creation, God said a Word, and He created you. He could also do it now, but He wanted to be with us, to have His Son descend on Earth, so that all can cooperate with him. And this is how Jesus speaks with each one. But His voice is subtle, and is covered by different noises, noises that destroy us and leave us lifeless».

And here is the right path: «When we love, love becomes a loudspeaker for this voice. The more we love, the more clearly we can hear it. Maybe it will seem that it is asking things too great for us, but we need to have the courage, and He himself will help us to realize whatever He asks. And in the end our life will be wonderful ».

To a young boy who asked her what she thinks when she meets young people all around the world, she replied that she really feels glad, because «everywhere there are young people who live Chiara Lubich’s ideal. Even though their potential may not be entirely disclosed as yet, but still they have that strength, that hope and that life that will break forth sooner or later».

And she concluded: «Therefore, fortunate Australia, fortunate New Zealand, and fortunate Pacific Islands! And how can we allow all this potential to break forth? By loving, by loving you will do great things. And we will follow you! ».

By Michele Zanzucchi, correspondent


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