“Everyone was so touched by the brotherly affection that joins the Holy Father Francesco to His Holiness Patriarch Bartholomew. The Pope recognizes the Patriarch’s commitment in the journey of unity, which he describes as our common journey. Not only that: he very courageously says that this Honorary Degree is a step ahead in that journey.” You know the Patriarch very well, you have lived and now live even more intensely, this moment in a long history of closeness between the Focolare Movement and the Orthodox Church and its Patriarchs. What are your views on this Patriarch and the significance of this recognition? “Patriarch Bartholomew is the heir of the great Patriarch Athenagoras who really possessed this passion for unity which, in him, was almost a prophetic vision that he was not able to realize. This passion was transmitted particularly to Patriarch Bartholomew who never misses an opportunity to press for unity in the heart of the Orthodox Church, so that they can talk to one another to the Church of Rome with a voice that is already in a certain sense synodal. He tries in many ways to emphasise how much this journey together is alive. I think we are truly at a happy moment because there is gentle pressure being given by two heads of our two Churches, and that cannot but produce fruit. There will be resistance as Pope Francis pointed out at the conclusion of the Synod, but in the end there is the Holy Spirit who will help us, who pushes the Church securely towards the unity of the Churches. We think that this is a happy moment and that this recognition might be an important step, a concrete step on this journey.”
In his speech the Patriarch spoke precisely about what unity is and that it is different from union, which is different from uniqueness – diversity as richness, a concept that is quite present in the charism lived by Chiara Lubich. Could you explain to us a little more, in what way? “Chiara was always reminding us that the Church’s journey is guided by the Holy Spirit, and therefore He was surely maturing gifts in all the Churches of Christianity that would serve unity, that would serve if they were put in common. These gifts do not flatten but respect the diversity, precisely because they recognize a great richness in these diversities that only makes the Church more beautiful as Jesus wanted it. No uniformity therefore, but unity in diversity. Chiara would tell us that the highest model is the unity that joins the Most Holy Trinity where the Father is Himself because He is not the Son; the Son is Himself because He is not the Father; but the love that there is between the Father and the Son generates none other than the Holy Spirit who is the Third in this Trinitarian dimension, but is also the First since He links the Father and the Son. And this can happen because each of the Three Divine Persons of the Most Holy Trinity completely loses Himself in the other. This is precisely what is required for the Church’s journey; that is, that each one be able to completely lose himself in the other church; which means being able to reach all the way down to the bottom of one’s own richness and give it all to the other, to the others. Therefore, it requires knowing how to be love in order to build that Church of Christ in which each Christian, no matter what Christian community they belong to, feels like a sharer in the Body of Christ.” With this award, are there any new prospects that might open? “We were actually talking with the Patriarch himself about the possibility of eventually instituting a Chair at Sophia University Institute that would be part Roman Catholic and part Orthodox and would study such figures as Chiara Lubich and Patriarch Athenagoras, trying to sort out and understand the contribution they made and can continue make, through the encounter of their two charisms, to this journey of unity.” (From Vatican Radio)
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