What connections can there be among the Bible and work, business, finance? Beginning tomorrow, an eight part series on Tv2000 with Luigino Bruni, focolarino, economist and passionate Bible enthusiast, instructor at Lumsa University in Rome, Italy, and Sophia University Institute in Loppiano, Italy. He will discuss with political world figures, labour union members and with workers, managers, business people who will present their testimonies of an economy oriented towards the human person. Based on the Economy of Communion, which considers as actors in the economy all those people that are not content with just turning a profit or themselves, but are open to the needs of the poorer folks, involving business owners, leaders and workers, students and ordinary citizens in the application of an economic culture that is marked by communion and reciprocity. In each episode a new connection will be made between a Bible passage and an aspect of the economy. The series will offer an opportunity to reflect on the original reasons, but also the current reasons for the inequity in the social fabric: insecurity, speculative logic, injustice, market intrusion in the public sphere and insecurity. There will also be business people and workers in the studio and via satellite to focus attention on small and medium-sized companies that have already exprienced success combining justice and market, profit and the common good, employment and solidarity. Beginning from the account of the Israelites in Egypt, found in the Book of Exodus, it considers the defence of workers rights. The second episode is an economic reading of the parable of the Prodigal Son and a comparison of themes of mercy and forgiveness with stories of business owners who have founded their business on a model of acceptance and sharing. A passage from Isaiah will raise a discussion in the episode dedicated to the “sacrificial model” adopted by many career managers, and by others that have been refuted in favour of free choice. A review of the story of Job, who falls into ruin and believes he is guilty, will be used to reflect on the hidden risks of the cult of merit. A page from the book of Jeremiah dedicated to false idols, will analyze the some of the motives that push many men and women of today into buying and consumerism on holy days, succumbing to the logic of the market square. Poverty and wealth will be themes of the sixth episode, in which the provocation of the Beatitudes will be confronted with the tendency to hide the value and meaning of poverty, sobriety and acceptance. The reading of the story of the Tower of Babel, mother of all failed businesses, will help to understand the errors that still today can lead a business into failure or towards mistaken ethical and social choices, and to discuss the social and economic consequences of organized crime. Finally, in the last episode, the reading of the story of Noah’s Ark will provide the opportunity to reflect on the “builders of arks of hope” that are still present in our day, with several stories of people that were able to veer in a different direction after very negative expriences, towards a more positive future for themselves and others.
Put love into practice
Put love into practice