Focolare Movement
CEU: different flowers in the same garden

CEU: different flowers in the same garden

The Condominio Espiritual Uirapuru (CEU) is a reality born in Fortaleza (Brazil) a few years ago, the choice of unity between charisms is the basis of community life. There are 23 realities that coexist and collaborate here for the recovery, protection and enhancement of human dignity.

Ana Clara Giovani

Read also: An original condominium

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An original condominium

An original condominium

Twenty-three organisations – Catholic communities and institutes – spread out across Across 112 hectares of land, have chosen to live an experience of communion between charisms. This experience in Fortaleza (Brazil) has been known for 24 years as Condominio Espiritual Uirapuru (Spiritual Condominium Uirapuru) or CEU, an acronym which means ‘heaven’ in Portuguese.

Margaret Karram and Jesús Morán, President and Co-President of the Focolare Movement, stopped off at Fortaleza during their trip to Brazil to meet the Focolare communities. There they were able to take part in various meetings with different charismatic realities in the Church. At the CEU they met leaders of other communities, including Nelson Giovanelli and Brother Hans from the Fazenda da Esperança, Moysés Azevedo from the Shalom Community and Daniela Martucci from Nuovi Orizzonti.

Through the organisations that form the CEU, it carries out various activities to support and protect the individual, from vulnerable children who have suffered abuse and sexual exploitation to young people and adults living on the streets or suffering from addictions. The union of the charisms present is an expression of the love that makes it possible to develop activities to restore and enhance human dignity, particularly for those who are most in need.

‘The CEU is the realisation of a dream that Chiara Lubich promised Pope John Paul II in 1998, to work for the unity of Movements and the new communities,’ said Nelson Giovanelli, founder of the Fazenda da Esperança and newly elected president of the condominium. The charism of unity, spread by Chiara Lubich, is the inspiration for fulfilling the mission for the different communities present. Jesús Morán added: ‘If there is one place where an experience of the Church can be understood, it is here at the CEU. This is the Church – many charisms, both large and small, all walking together to make the Kingdom of God a reality”.

There are 230 people who live in the CEU, including children and adolescents, young people and adults in recovery, and over 500 volunteers. Last weekend, the Obra Lumen community organised a meeting entitled ‘Com Deus Tem Jeito’ (With God there is a way), which has taken 250 drug addicts off the streets and sent them for therapeutic treatment in various partner communities, such as the Fazenda da Esperança. The area also provides a stage for cultural activities aimed at social reintegration through art, such as the Halleluya Festival of the Shalom Community, which brings together more than 400,000 people each year.

The Genfest, an event organised by the young people of the Focolare Movement, is also currently taking place in Brazil. ‘Together to Care’ is the motto for the Genfest which comprises an international event in Brazil and over 40 local Genfests in various countries around the world. Each one will begin with an initial phase in which the young people will be able to have an experience of volunteering in and solidarity with various social initiatives, including the CEU. Between 12 and 18 July, a group of 60 young people participating in the GenFest were able to get to know the different communities and get involved with different activities. ‘All these communities are already involved with caring for marginalised and vulnerable people. Our proposal was to join them, as a bond of unity. The more we gave of ourselves, the more we were open to others, the more we discovered our essence, who we were,’ said Pedro Ícaro, a GenFest participant who stayed at the CEU for four months with young people from different countries.

‘When this communion of charisms inflames the hearts of our young people, they will be able to transform the world. This is the aim of the events we organise at the CEU, like GenFest,’ said Moysés Azevedo, founder of the Shalom Community.

Ana Clara Giovani

Margaret Karram among the new Members of the Dicastery

On 25th November 2023, Margaret Karram, President of the Focolare Movement, was appointed Member of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life. Pope Francis has appointed 11 new Members of the Dicastery for the Laity, Family and Life, for a five-year period. They include the President of the Work of Mary (Focolare Movement), Margaret Karram. She is one of the men and women, single and married, engaged in different fields of activity and from different parts of the world who will represent and enrich the universal face of the Church, alongside those already in office. The other new members are: Archbishop Josep Ángel Saiz Meneses of Seville, Spain; the Reverend Andrea D’Auria, F.S.C.B., director of the International Centre of Communion and Liberation; the Reverend Luis Felipe Navarro Marfá, Magnificent Rector of the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross in Rome, Italy; the Distinguished Benoît and Véronique Rabourdin, international heads of Amour et Verité della Communauté de l’Emmanuel; Joseph Teyu Chou and Clare Jiayann Yeh, respectively lecturer in the Department of Public Finance of the National Chengchi University in Taipei, Taiwan and founder and director of the Marriage and Family Pastoral Center of the Chinese Regional Bishops’ Conference; Professor Ana María Celis Brunet, president of the Consejo Nacional para la Prevención de abusos y acompañamento de víctimas, of the Episcopal Conference of Chile; Professor Maria Luisa Di Pietro, director of the Centre for Research and Study on Reproductive Health of the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart in Rome, Italy; Professor Carmen Peña García, lecturer in marriage law at the Facultad de Derecho Canónico dell’Universidad Pontificia Comillas in Madrid, Spain. The new members, whose appointment was published on 25th  November 2023 in the Bulletin of the Holy See Press Office, join those previously appointed and all those still in office. The updated list can be consulted on the website of the Dicastery for Laity, Family and Life on the Members and Consultors page.

“On the Wings of the Spirit”

“On the Wings of the Spirit” ©Centro S. Chiara Audiovisivi Soc. Coop. a.r.l. All rights reserved

The wide embrace of Bernini’s colonnade is not able to contain the crowd of people who belong to as many as 56 new communities and ecclesial movements; a tiny representation of the approximately 80,000,000 Catholics, for the most part lay people, who make up this immense people. It’s the first time that they are meeting all together with the Pope. An enormous multicolored garden: this is the way someone described St. Peter’s Square on that sunny afternoon of May 30. The presence of members of the various movements, who with their specific charisms contribute towards making the Church beautiful, alive, and credible, constituted a surprising and remarkable display of unity in diversity. A reality witnessed to by founders of four of the most widespread movements: Chiara Lubich, Kiko Arguello, Jean Vanier, Luigi Giussani. Their charisms draw life from the same Spirit; it is a unity in diversity, demonstrating Christian life as a reflection of the Trinitarian mystery. « …numerous charisms are always born in the most important moments of the life of the Church. I’m thinking of the Council of Trent. … Today then, I would say that the Holy Spirit …, blowing in the same direction, puts the accent on different notes, because the life of the Church is like a symphony, a great concert; many instruments are needed, the greatest number of voices are needed». (Msgr. Piero Coda) Therefore, a wide variety of charisms are at the basis of the many new ecclesial movements, supported and encouraged by the Pope as the providential answer of the Holy Spirit to the challenges at the end of this millennium. In his address Pope John Paul II does not hesitate to affirm that what happened in the Upper Room in Jerusalem 2,000 years ago, is being renewed this evening in St. Peter’s Square. «With the Second Vatican Council, the Comforter recently gave the Church … a renewed Pentecost, instilling a new and unforeseen dynamism. … You, present here, are the tangible proof of this “outpouring” of the Spirit». (Pope John Paul II) In speaking of the journey taken so far by the movements, Pope John Paul II sees them now on their way toward a new stage of ecclesial maturity in which their strong common announcement is a valid alternative to the secularized culture which encourages and promotes models of life without God. «It constitutes a precious capital for the entire mission of the Church. Its founder did not say in vain that the witness of unity is “so that the world may believe.” The missionary fecundity of the movements will be potentiated if this witness of unity in diversity shines forth so that the world may believe».(Gusmán Carriquiri) A witness of unity among all the movements in view of the new evangelization: Chiara expressed this need to the Pope.

«We know that the Church, and you too, desire full communion, unity among the Movements, and this has already begun. We want to assure you, Your Holiness, that, because our specific charism is unity, we will make every effort to contribute, with all our strength, towards fully accomplishing it». (Chiara Lubich)
This commitment assumed by Chiara corresponds to the aspirations of all the leaders of other movements.

«It’s important that we create among ourselves opportunities for dialogue, as we do with people of other Christian confessions or with people of other religions. We all belong to something much greater than the individual movements. Each one must simply find his place and know how to stay with the others». (Jean Vanier) «If each one of us understands that from the contribution of each one, a contribution that springs also, I hope, I think, from a journey that we are taking towards precise goals, like many rivers which then flow together into a sea, we will surely be able to permeate many more areas of culture, many more areas of science, many more areas of human promotion which we have too often delegated to those who might not have convincing proposals to offer people … and to bring them to Christ Jesus». (Salvatore Martinez) «… the Movements must grow in friendship. They should get to know one another, have esteem and love for one another. Of course, all this cannot be accomplished… with politics, through agreements …. My hope is that the understanding among Movements will grow, and it will grow in the measure that the various charisms become increasingly more involved in evangelization. Because it’s not a question of coordination, but of a spirit, of a spirit that must mature, that must penetrate, of a spirit that is grafted onto different stories, persons and Movements.» (Andrea Riccardi) This really seems to be the best attitude for responding to the expectations of the Church and for effectively adhering to the Pope’s invitation at the conclusion of the historical meeting of May 30. « Today, from this Square, Christ says to each of you: “Go into all the world and preach the Gospel to the whole creation” (Mk. 16:15). He is counting on each and every one of you!» ( Pope John Paul II) Excerpt from the documentary “ON THE WINGS OF THE SPIRIT. Ecclesial Movements: Springtime of the Church” produced on the occasion of Pentecost 1998 ©Centro S. Chiara Audiovisivi Soc. Coop. a.r.l.. All rights reserved. (more…)