Focolare Movement
One in the Lord

One in the Lord

By Susan Muto What’s in it for me? What’s the takeaway? Susan Muto challenges us to turn away from the cultural impulse toward me-centeredness. By word and deed, Jesus teaches us not to place ourselves at the center of anything. Muto maps out the factors that work against our being one in the Lord – both egotism and self-criticism, the demands of modern worklife, technology’s propensity to isolate us from one another, our preconceptions about the right way to proceed, and the difficulty of forgiveness. Read more Orders New City Press (NY): Soon available as an eBook (more…)

5 Steps to Living Christian Unity

5 Steps to Living Christian Unity

For as long as Christian churches and communities have been divided, there are those who have looked for ways to heal the fractures. Callan Slipper offers five ways for Christians to approach one another on the path toward unity. (1) Recognize the need; (2) Start from being united; (3) Proceed one person at a time, with love; (4) Don’t make yourself the measure of truth. Truth is a person. It is Jesus; (5) embrace the cross, and let Jesus’ love transform division. His observations come from years of experience with ecumenists, and his optimism that unity is inevitable is evidence that faith and hope undergird the challenges that abide our daily choice to build Christian unity by the way we love one another. Available from New City Press (NY) (more…)

5 Steps to Facing Suffering

5 Steps to Facing Suffering

Suffering can strike anyone at any time – an illness or accident, a separation or divorce, the death of a loved one, the loss of a job. No one would suggest that you should seek out suffering. And, no one would say that you should love suffering. In fact, suffering is not a being and, therefore, cannot be loved. More details Available from New City Press New York (more…)

In My Neighbor, God

In My Neighbor, God

The wisdom of this collection is remarkable. It is mystical and practical at the same time. Chiara Lubich says, “We can’t go to God alone, but we must go to him with our brothers and sisters, since he is the Father of us all.” Bill Hartnett’s foreword sets up the book beautifully, noting that each aspect of the spirituality of unity insists upon the presence of our neighbor. The neighbor is never an obstacle between the twosome of me and God but a sacred “archway” through whom I come into God’s presence, and through whom God comes to me. Indeed, the neighbor is a necessity if we are to have mutual love, the profound love that is receptive to the grace of unity. The pages also have a constant presence of Mary as a perfect model of neighborly charity. “Love is only mindful of the beloved – like Mary.” And, “We can’t imagine Mary staring at herself. Mary looks to Jesus.” Each phrase from Lubich offers a new color for the palette you use to love your neighbor, and you’ll find that the book sends you forth with a heart ready to love as Jesus loved. Available from New City Press Philippines (more…)

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