Focolare Movement
Trieste welcomes migrants

Trieste welcomes migrants

Trieste is a city located in north-eastern Italy, on the border with Slovenia. Historically, it represents a crossroads of cultures, languages and religions. Today it is one of the main entry points to Europe for migrants following the Balkan route. They come with a burden of suffering, wars and persecutions.

In Trieste, the Focolare Movement community collaborates with other institutions to welcome migrants.

Claudia, from the local community told us, “The biggest problem is the perception of the problem itself. It is not an emergency, an unmanageable invasion as it is often portrayed but it is a structural phenomenon that is the reality of our historical present. A continuous flow of incoming people who, if properly welcomed, can enrich our city and our country. If the migratory phenomenon is not understood and addressed in appropriate ways, it will inevitably generate distrust, fear, impatience, rejection”.

Last autumn, in anticipation of the cold weather, the Bishop of Trieste, Archbishop Enrico Trevisi, expressed a wish to open a shelter as a concrete response to the reception of migrants. Together with other Catholic associations and individual citizens, some Focolare members responded to the Bishop’s appeal by volunteering. Claudia said, “For us it is not just a charitable service but an opportunity to meet a brother or a sister who needs to be loved in many details: by giving a smile, offering a meal or exchanging a few words. Often these brothers and sisters tell us pieces of their story, their sorrows and their hopes. They show us photos of their children but we also have a laugh and simply spend time together. Some of us have also looked after some migrants more closely for example by accompanying them to a hospital appointment or helping them prepare a CV for a job application”.

Sandra from the Focolare community added: “We try to get to know the migrants, their stories and their needs. This gives rise to experiences that have seen us involved in helping beyond our shift at the shelter and these experiences encourage us to continue. The shifts allow us to work with the other volunteers and to discover that even though many of them are not part of any associations or involved in parish life, they were happy to respond to the Bishop’s appeal”.

Claudia said, “Relationships grow slowly and are a sign of unity for the local Church. This experience, combined with the recent Italian Catholics’ Social Week[1], which took place in Trieste and was attended by Pope Francis, will bring great life to this border city of ours”.

A guest of the diocesan shelter said, “In Trieste I met the best volunteers, people who do not stop at distributing food. Satisfying the hunger of the needy and treating the wounds of the sick are noble tasks because they are the most urgent and essential. However, human beings have other extremely important needs, for example their emotional and spiritual health, which are symptoms of the state of their soul. This is not an individual or minor issue, it is what makes the difference between actions that have a momentary impact and those that persist and permeate the entire society. The best volunteers are so because they are aware that the needy are not just recipients of charity, we are people with stories worth listening to. They know every migrant mourns their lost roots, while also harbouring a hope that crashes against the walls of the system and an incessant struggle for survival. The best volunteers are moved by this suffering humanity and are encouraged to listen to our stories, despite the language barrier. They teach Italian or learn Spanish, use technology, give up their personal time, invest their energy in the common good and dream of a community in which we can all offer the best of ourselves”.

Lorenzo Russo

Flooding emergency in Brazil

Flooding emergency in Brazil

The heavy rains that have been lashing the south of Brazil since early May 2024 have caused heavy flooding and landslides in 425 municipalities in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, directly affecting 1.5 million people and, so far, causing 108 deaths and almost 130 missing. According to the latest official report, 232,675 people are still displaced from their homes, of whom 65,573 are taken in shelters. The most worrying situation is in the metropolitan area of Porto Alegre, where entire cities and neighbourhoods have been under water since Friday 2 May, with water supply problems and power outages. According to weather forecasts, heavy rains are expected in the coming days, which will further worsen the situation of this natural disaster.

The Emergency Coordination of the Focolare Movement has launched an extraordinary fundraising campaign in support of the population of the State of Rio Grande del Sud, Brazil, through Action for a United World ETS (AMU) and Action for New Families ONLUS (AFN). The contributions transferred will be jointly managed by AMU and AFN in coordination with the Focolare Movement in Brazil in order to provide the people affected by the heavy flooding with basic necessities for food, medical care, and housing. In Brazil you can donate to the following account: Banco do Brasil Agência: 2665-4 Conta Corrente: 39.322-3 Pix: Associação Nacional por uma Economia de Comunhão CNPJ: 07.638.735/0001-94 From other countries you can donate online AMU: AFN:

or by bank transfer to the following accounts: Action for a United World ETS (AMU) IBAN: IT 58 S 05018 03200 000011204344 at Banca Popolare Etica Codice SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX Action for New Families ONLUS (AFN) IBAN: IT 92 J 05018 03200 000016978561 at Banca Popolare Etica Codice SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX Reason for payment: Flooding emergency in Brazil

Tax benefits are available for such donations in many EU countries and in other countries around the world, according to different local regulations. Italian contributors will be able to obtain deductions and allowances from income, according to the rules for non-profit organisations (more…)

Earthquake emergency in Turkey and Syria

Earthquake emergency in Turkey and Syria

The donations, collected through the NGOs Azione per un Mondo Unito (AMU) and Azione per Famiglie Nuove (AFN), will be used to provide with basic necessities the people of Turkey and Syria affected by the strong earthquake on 6 February 2023, also in collaboration with the local Churches.

The Emergency Coordination of the Focolare Movement has launched an extraordinary fundraising campaign in support of the people of Turkey and Syria, through the non-profit organisations Action for a United World (AMU) and Action for New Families (AFN). The donations will be jointly managed by AMU and AFN to bring basic necessities for food, medical care, housing, heating and shelter to the people affected by the earthquake of the 6th  February 2023 in various cities in the two countries, also in cooperation with local churches. You can donate online at: AMU: AFN:

or by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Action for a United World ONLUS (AMU) IBAN: IT 58 S 05018 03200 000011204344 at Banca Popolare Etica Codice SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX

Action for New Families ONLUS (AFN) IBAN: IT 92 J 05018 03200 000016978561 at Banca Popolare Etica Codice SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX

Reason for payment: Middle East Earthquake Emergency T

ax benefits are available for such donations in many EU countries and in other countries around the world, according to different local regulations. Italian taxpayers will be able to obtain deductions and deductions from their income, according to the regulations for non-profit organisations

Ukraine: fundraising to support the people

Ukraine: fundraising to support the people

The contributions, collected through the NGOs Azione per un Mondo Unito (AMU) and Azione per Famiglie Nuove (AFN), will be used to provide the people of Ukraine with basic necessities, in collaboration with local Churches.

The Emergency Coordination Team of the Focolare Movement has launched a special fundraising campaign to support the people of Ukraine through the NGOs Azione per un Mondo Unito (AMU) and Azione per Famiglie Nuove (AFN).

“Kiev” by the painter Michel Pochet

Any donations received will be managed jointly by AMU and AFN to provide essential aid to the Ukrainian people for food, medical care, housing, heating and shelter in various Ukrainian cities, in collaboration with local Churches. Donations can be made online via the following sites: AMU: AFN: or by bank transfer to the following accounts:

Action for a United World ONLUS (AMU) IBAN: IT 58 S 05018 03200 000011204344 at Banca Popolare Etica Codice SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX

Action for New Families ONLUS (AFN) IBAN: IT 92 J 05018 03200 000016978561 at Banca Popolare Etica Codice SWIFT/BIC: ETICIT22XXX

Reason for donation: Ukraine Emergency

Tax benefits are available on such donations in various EU countries and other countries around the world, according to different local regulations. Italian taxpayers should be able to obtain income tax deductions and allowances, in accordance with the relevant regulations of each NGO.