Focolare Movement
Earthquake in Italy: Day 2

Earthquake in Italy: Day 2

Terremoto_c“It’s the day after the earthquake that shook central Italy. As we write, the number of victims has reached 247 people and is rising. Many were children because they are often left with their grandparents during the summer months in Amatrice, Accumoli, Arquata and Pescara Tonto. More than 4,000 people have had to leave their homes in the two regions most damaged by the quake: Lazio and Marche. The aftershocks never end.” “The real face of this growing tragedy is the generosity of the many volunteers that arrived on the scene immediately and in great numbers, working non-stop at digging, first with their bare hands, then with buckets and finally with more sophisticated equipment. The willingness of the local people was also immediate providing basic needs, standing in lines for hours at the hospital to donate blood and to sleeping in tents in order to continue offering help and comfort.” “Ever since yesterday at 3:30 when we were awakened by the first shock, we have been directly following events in constant contact with the many people of the Movement that live in these regions. We were glad to hear about the Gen and his grandfather who were removed alive from the rubble; also the father-in-law and sister-in-law of a married focolarina. We were holding our breath all day long wondering about Rita, her niece and nephew – fourteen year old Elisa, twelve year old Gabriele and their grandmother who were still buried in the rubble. In the evening we received a message from their mother: “They all went to Jesus.” Other members of the Movement who were vacationing in Amatrice managed to reach safety.” “For all of us it was an opportunity to pull together in unity and live for others. From Umbria they write: “Thank you for your prayers and unity that have spread like a chain through the whole Movement in Umbria and supported us during this night of fear and trembling. Hearing that we were all alive made us thank God, and then our thoughts went to the ones who were still trapped beneath the rubble and to those who had lost everything. The fact of going online supported us and allowed us to follow events in the worst areas in real time. Elisabetta from Assisi told us that our message arrived at precisely the worst moment and brought her peace. We feel like a family more than ever. The Gen are online ready to offer support and are in the process of going into the worst hit cities to offer help. The adults are also willing to get involved concretely. Meanwhile, we promise to pray for those families that have suffered great loss.” “Right away messages were being sent out that told of the needs and the possibilities of assistance, primarily with the help of the Civil Protection and others. In Ascoli where we work alongside other associations, we began a clothing drive. The same was true in Lazio where the people from Abruzzese who are experts after the earthquake of Aquila (2009), mapped out lodging sites for the evacuees. Other regions have also offered lodging.” “We continue to stay connected with everyone and gradually understand how we can concretely respond to all this suffering in which we see the “face” of Jesus Forsaken.

Earthquake Emergency in Central Italy

Earthquake Emergency in Central Italy

Terrimoto Messages have been pouring in at the website following the earthquake near Amatrice and Norcia, between the provinces of Rieti and Ascoli Piceno in central Italy. Some tell about extracting a grandfather from the rubble safe and sound; others about rushing a cousin to hospital where they are still waiting. Some express their deep distress over what has happened, while others are trying to help or at least be close to friends and acquaintances who have suffered damage and casualties.” So writes the editor of Città Nuova, the Focolare’s press office in Italy, about the strong 6.0 magnitude earthquake that occurred between the villages of Norcia and Amatrice. The Focolare Movement worldwide expresses its closeness to the populations that were hit by the earthquake in central Italy and offers prayers for the victims, their families and everyone who has suffered material or moral harm. Some Focolare members are all ready at the scene working together with many other volunteers in the arduous task of rescuing people from the ruins and trying to comfort those who have lost loved ones. Coordinated assistance has begun and contributions can be made to the following accounts: CAUSE: Emergenza Terremoto Italia

Azione per un Mondo Unito ONLUS (AMU) Azione per Famiglie Nuove ONLUS (AFN)
IBAN: IT16 G050 1803 2000 0000 0120 434 at Banca Popolare Etica IBAN: IT55 K033 5901 6001 0000 0001 060 at Banca Prossima

  Contributions made to either of these accounts for the earthquake emergency cause will be jointly administrated by the Focolare’s Action for a United World (AMU) and New Families Association (AFN). There are tax benefits attached to such contributions in many countries of the European Union and in other countries.

Paraguay: Gaining strength from the EoC convention

Paraguay: Gaining strength from the EoC convention

28378952894_14bba561c3_zTo hear them talk they sound like small heroes, but they don’t feel that they are. They simply believe they are doing the right thing. We not only refer to the established business people from the Economy of Communion (EoC), but also the 30 young aspirants who jumped body and soul into a 5-day adventure of sharing. Thanks to the EoC, Xandra managed to overcome the difficult period her family was going through when she was a teenager, and now she is the one hiring a pair of teenagers in her own beauty salon where she tries to build relationships of reciprocity with customers, suppliers and the society around her. Dalila had to close her business but then was able to get back on her feet and start over again. She swears that despite the crisis in Brazil she isn’t experiencing any of its effects. She says that this is because of the “secret partner” which is how the EoC refers to God’s providential intervention. 160808-12_Asuncion_Scuola_Intermericana_2016_15_ridIt is a requirement in a summer school for business owners to talk about their failures and learn from each other, especially since the values of the EoC are not often understood by people outside that world. This was the case with Germán e Matías whose projects were ruined and earnings lost because of dishonest partners. The programme that was largely comprised of question-and-answer sessions offered a presentation  of the EoC that highlighted the cultural novelty of the project, given by philosopher Cecilia Blanco; the secret of how to overcome difficulties “without fleeing from problems” by building contractor Raúl Di Lascio; a proposal on how to distribute profits and have the foresight to avoid creating dependency in the people that receive assistance; knowing how to distinguish between healthy ambition and status and being well-off. 28381866583_00d9ebf901_kYamil from Mexico explained the way he managed to involve thirty business owners, young like himself, in promoting interaction. The university noticed that their projects were serious and provided them with resources and know-how. Their “active networking” project that includes fortnightly meetings where personal knowledge can be shared that provide interesting topics for discussion is being welcomed with enthusiasm and results precisely because of the way it creates commercial and operative synergies. Luis Alonso from Mexico presented the new EoC-IIN Economy of Communion International Incubating Network. 28713103780_6c0d1821f1_zThe “school trip” included a visit to the  San Miguel di Capiatà quarter’s Focolare social project, the EoC’s Dispensa Santa Rita and Todo Brillo businesses. All were quite impressed by the children from the Unipar School of San Miguel who seemed to shine with the love they learn (and teach!) using the Dice of Love, and by the young and old people in that neighbourhood who have become masters of their own destiny thanks to the efficacious efforts at empowerment. Julio and Ninfa run the Dispensa Santa Rita in the popular quarter of Areguá. In order to avoid smuggling they never purchase basic need items in the city of Clorinda on the Argentinean border, but “give up time” arranging local goods in packages that are more appropriately priced for their customers. This made Matías from Paraguay remark: “I understood that the size of a business doesn’t lie in its revenue, but in the values that are lived inside that business.” Uruguayan professor Juan José Medeiros gave a presentation on Wealth and Poverty in the EoC” and Paraguayan historian Diana Durán brought an original touch with her presentation on the similarities between the EoC and the social and economic culture of the Guaraní indigenous people whose lineage can be traced back to the very roots of Paraguay. There was a long and stimulating Skype conversation with Luigi Bruni, Anouk Grevin and Luca Crivelli from the EoC’s Central Commission, and another discussion with Rebeca Gomez Tafalla and Florencia Locascio from EoC-inn which concluded the programme. Upcoming events: September conference in Salta, Argentina;  EoC-INN, in Cuba. Source: EoC online

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New maternity clinic in Congo

New maternity clinic in Congo

IMG-20160801-WA0005Taking two years to build, with costs that reached €409,559, the new maternity wing of the Medical Centre, Moyimwa Ntongo” in the Congolese capital was inaugurated precisely on the Centre’s 10th anniversary. The first infant was born last 29 April! It is an essential service, considering that – as the Health Director, Arthur Ngoy affirmed – the mortality rate of infants and mothers in Congo are still very high:”846 maternal deaths over every 100,000 live births” – while the world average is 216 – “and 104 out of 1,000 are the deaths of infants”, one of the highest rates worldwide. “The new department was built through the efforts of several people and agencies related to the Focolare Movement such as the Giancarlo Pallavicini Foundation; Albina Gianotti and Victorina Giussani who have been sponsors of the Medical Centre since the beginning; AMU-Luxembourg and AECOM Congo along with their supporters; many people in Luxembourg, including children who have made and sold small knick-knacks and done odd jobs to earn some money even in winter.” “This medical centre gives us the opportunity to respond concretely to the invitation of the Church in the document, AfricaeMunus (n.140), that urges all the healthcare institutions of the Church and all the people working in these organisations in the most varied roles, to try to see in every patient,a suffering member of the Body of Christ,” affirmed Damien Kasereka, co-director with Ghislaine Kahambu, of the Focolare Movement in Congo. IMG-20160801-WA0003“It is a huge satisfaction, “Dr Ngoy commented, “especially for the mothers who had to be transferred to another facility to give birth, after nine months of prenatal checkups in our centre.They felt they were being abandoned just when they most needed us.But it is also because we can respond to the Congolese government’s request to offer complete, continuous and quality treatments. This is why we thank Chiara Lubich who established this centre.” At the inauguration last 9 July,together with the medical team, patients, civil and religious authorities, architect and his team, and journalists, there was also a small delegation from AMU Luxembourg. The thanksgiving mass was celebrated by the auxiliary bishop of Kinshasa, Bishop Bodika, while the ribbon was cut by the Health Minister, Vital Kabuiku, together with the Apostolic Nuncio, Luis Mariano Montemayor, and the auxiliary bishop.

Summer School on “Communion and Law”

Summer School on “Communion and Law”

SummerSchool_C&D“We live in a world where anxiety and fear are inwardly and also physically destroying us. Let’s try together to bring about a rebirth of goodness and constructive relationships in the pursuit of the common good. I know we’re only like a small drop in the ocean, but just think of a drop of dye when it’s added to a bit of water: the water moves towards the colour of the dye.” This is how Manfred, who attended the Summer School, summarized the event that was organized by Communion and Law in Chiaramonte Gulfi, Italy. Thirty young people from Nigeria, Spain, Germany, Holland and Italy met to discuss: “Law in Europe: Welcome and Rejection: Immigration, Security and Environment”. The final report, which was framed by the university professors and young people themselves, highlighted the deep connection between the lack of protection of the environment that is sometimes the result of “invisible wars” and many armed conflicts – and the subsequent immigrations. Apollos, a Nigerian refugee, brought us into the dramatic experience of being refugees, helping us to make our own their expectations for justice and finding hope for them. The FO.CO. Cooperative that operates in Chiaramonte Gulfi and in other Sicilian cities is one of those roads of hope. Its goal is to obtain diplomas and jobs for refugees, and help them integrate into society. The Chiaramonte experience is bearing fruits in peaceful lives. The dialogue with public institutions was also important. We were received in the Council Chamber of the City of Ragusa where the president of the City Council and some councillors took part in an open discussion with us about the situation of the environment, recycling and citizen involvement in public institutions. 13645174_1064366773649032_2435804218296216488_nWe were struck to hear Pope Francis speak at the WYD about the same topics that we were discussing: the war in Nigeria, the struggle for natural resources; the walls of fear, the need of a new culture, the courage to build bridges beyond our differences and relationships that are respectful of the dignity of every human being. Our own diversity was enriching: not all of us at the school were legal experts, and this allowed for an open and not exclusively technical discussion that was more accessible to the young people. One philosophy teacher remarked: “I think this summer school is a good synthesis, the way it constantly connects theory with daily life. This synergy seems very important in my opinion: theory is useful, but then it needs to be married to daily living.” Christian, the young lawyer and Deputy Mayor whose efforts had largely led to the success of the Summer School, concluded by saying: “It was possible to hold the school here, thanks to the work and precious contribution of many people, and it is something that should continue. It was an experience that went beyond every rosy forecast and that has left a mark: ‘seeds’ of a new culture. This opportunity to meet with other young lawyers was a moving professional experience for me. Their serenity, their sense of duty…. In such a fast-moving world, this is the real challenge: to share ourselves with others.”

Daniel’s Smile

Daniel’s Smile

VeronicaPodestàAt the beginning of July, at the “Villaggio del Ragazzo” (Teens’ Village) of San Salvatore di Cogorno (Province of Genoa), the “Premio Bontà Don Nando Negri 2016” (Goodness Prize 2016 Fr Nando Negri) was awarded to Veronica Podestà, a young Italian nurse who works at the Benedetto Acquarone Centre in the town of Chiavari, Liguria. Out of her commitment, her enthusiasm, and her tenacity, Veronica could give to Daniel (a boy from Ivory Coast suffering from Tetralogy of Fallot (TOF) congenital heart defect, the opportunity to undergo a surgical operation at the Hospital of Massa, in Northern Italy. Veronica lives in Graveglia di Carasco, a little town of Eastern Liguria overlooking the Entella stream: “Since I have started studying,” she says, “I had a dream: to put my professional competence at the service of others. In 2013, when I had just graduated, I immediately wanted to leave for Africa. Thanks to the advice of a friend, I realized there was a chance to go to Man, Ivory Coast. At first I was supposed to stay only three months, but once there, the months of my staying multiplied! At first it was hard because I did not speak French. Yet, I found out that the universal language is that of Love. Concrete gestures build bridges much more than words.” Veronica goes on sharing and it becomes clear that it was an incredible experience. “At some point, with some girls we decided to organize a small business to sell some items. For several months, after work, we met to craft necklaces, bracelets, etc., and to collect all superfluous items in our homes. The proceeds were put into a common fund to be used in the event of economic problems, or to finance someone’s studies, and so on … One day, one of the girls shared a major difficulty: her father had not received his salary and her family had nothing to eat. All of us agreed to allocate part of the common fund to help her family. I saw a Gospel which was put into practice, and not just contemplated !”. DanielIt was not always easy: “Sometimes I missed my family, my friends, my habits … but the sky remained always my best friend. When I felt alone, or I had a pain that I could not overcome, I looked up and, looking at the sky, I got lost into the immensity of creation. How much harmony, how much love in everything that was around me … and that Love was for me too!“. And she continues her story: “During my experience in Africa I got to know a boy who had a heart defect at birth. Every time he came, Daniel illuminated our dispensary with a gorgeous smile. Although he had to undergo invasive treatments, the love and joy he emanated were diffusive and contagious. Despite our great efforts, there was a long way to go. He needed more care and more appropriate interventions ….” After a year, Veronica’s experience is over and, upon returning home, she found a surprise: “When I got home, I found all my friends waiting for me in the garden for a surprise party. I was excited and so happy to meet all the people I loved so much. But inside I could not forget about Daniel’s smile when I said goodbye to him. I could not leave him alone … With some friends, then, we set out to see if it was possible having him operated in Italy.” Veronica’s enthusiasm is contagious. After a few weeks, together with her family and friends she organized a fund-raising dinner to allow Daniel to come to Italy for the operation. A month later, Daniel arrived in Italy accompanied by his father and Carlo (a focolarino who had been helping them with all the paperwork). “Two very intense months followed. Thanks to Daniel’s smiles, our respective cultures got enriched and we rediscovered them. Through his eyes I rediscovered the sea, the snow, and the joy of living the present moment.” Meanwhile, Daniel had been successfully operated. His dad had promised him a bicycle if everything would be fine. After the operation, however, he realizes that it was an expensive gift for them to afford… Yet, the love of the community had immediate effects: “Precisely the same night in which Daniel’s father confided to me his difficulty, a friend of mine brings me an envelope. At her birthday party she had presented the story of Daniel. Her friends, instead of gifts, had collected the money just for him. And, incredibly, the envelope contained exactly the sum which was needed to buy the bicycle that Daniel desired so much!” It’s time to say goodbye. We ask Veronica what she learned from this experience. She replies with a wonderful smile, “I had left Italy with the conviction that I had so much to give. And instead, I realized that, every day, I received a lot more than I gave… Often we start with the idea of ​​changing the world; but we realize that in order to do so, we must begin by changing ourselves and our way of being with others. Only by building, moment by moment, bridges of brotherhood we can change the world and enlighten it with many smiles.” Just like Daniel’s smile.