Focolare Movement
Mariapolis in the Holy Land

Mariapolis in the Holy Land

Mariapoli-2016-TS_02 «These have been wonderful days, I found peace and security. The group dialogues were rich, especially those of the families.» «I thank God for the grace we have received also as a couple. There were some issues between the two of us, but here, many things changed. Now we are happy and ready to commit ourselves to any type of activities.» « For the first time I helped out with the children: a very special experience. From them I learned simplicity and how to live love in daily life.» «I felt that I had to accept the others as they are. I have refilled and am ready to go forward!» These are some impressions, among many that have come up during these months throughout the world where the Mariapolis is being held, the typical summer gatherings of the Focolare. All as usual up to this point. Except for the fact that these impressions were gathered in the troubled Holy Land. «Our Mariapolis – they wrote from Jerusalem –  was held from 30 June to 2 July, in Jenin, Palestine. A beautiful and welcoming place which helped us to relax, and deepen that golden thread of the programme which invited us to put into practise the mercy of God and with our brothers. 230 people from various localities participated. It was the first time for many of them  among whom were young people, kids and children. Also about 20 people from the Gaza Strip participated, and to do so were able to obtain the permit to leave.» «Among the illustrious guests was the Melkite Catholic Archbishop of Galilee , Bishop Georges Bacaouni, whose words – one of the participants said – were a great enlightenment since they encouraged all to live in such a way as to show all that we love Jesus.» Mariapoli-2016-TS_04«Since this is the Year of Mercy, also a moment of the programme was dedicated to what we called a “face to face with God” moment. After a deep examination of conscience, before Jesus in the Eucharist, each one of us wrote the steps we felt we could take to grow in love towards God and towards the others, and to then burn the piece of paper in a great fire, and symbol of the mercy of God. After this solemn moment, a lady from Gaza confided with great joy: “I did it, I forgave all. Now I shall start anew.”» “There were also those who reestablished relationships with the Focolare after a long time: «I have returned to the Mariapolis after15 years, but it is as if it is my first time. On listening to the themes of Chiara Lubich I understood that in every moment you can catch up with the others,  if you just start loving again in the present. I experienced once again that when we are together, there is a special strength which gives us the energy to go ahead. »

WYD Begins Now

WYD Begins Now

2016-LA STANCHEZZAAnthony from the USA recounts: “Back in Chicago I’m used seeing everybody look out for themselves, without  concern for others. As we made our way to the Field of Mercy someone came out of their house and offered us a tray of ice-cream . . . Another person gave water . . . I couldn’t believe my eyes!” Antonel is a Hungarian from Romania: “Although I live in Romania, I don’t speak much Romanian and have little contact with Romanians. The fact is, we feel that we’re Hungarians, not Romanians. We were in a group with both Romanians and Hungarians and it was just incredible. I learned more Romanian in  those few days than I had in my entire life. I felt that we were real brothers and sisters. So many preujudices disappeared!” Anna from Italy: “Our luggage was quite heavy and a family invited us to go into their house. They offered to hold on to our luggage until the next day when we would be returning from the Field of Mercy. It seemed unreal. Then, when we returned they invited us in and offered us drinks and a bit of rest. We stayed with them for a while and then continued on. . .” 20160308messaGMGThey were like an overflowing river . . . They had just arrived from Krakow after 10 hours of travelling. They were worn out but happy, filled with enthusiasm and determination. The Pope’s words entered deeply into their hearts. “We could say say WYD begins now and continues tomorrow at home, because that’s where Jesus wants to meet you from now on,” said Pope Francis at the Mass on the Field of Mercy. “The Lord doesn’t only wish only to remain in this city of fond memories, but to go to your homes and share in your everyday life: at school and your first years in the workplace, your friendships and your feelings, your plans and your dreams.” There were 600 young people from the Movement. Following the unforgettable experience at WYD they spent 5 days in Jasna on the Tatra Mountains in Slovakia.They wanted to make the Pope’s words become part of their lives and to discern together how to put them into practice in their lives. The Focolare young people were from 33 countries, from Australia to Brazil and Argentina, from Portugal to Russia. They say that they will never forget the experience of hospitality and brotherhood they experienced. The days ahead would be quite busy. The title chosen for their gathering was quite meaningful: “You God (got) me!” You’ve also swept us away, God. The gathering took place in the midst of the spectacular beauty of the Tarta Mountains and focused on three essential topics in the life of every human being: the relationship with God, the relationship with oneself and the relationship with others. The Pope’s words were the backdrop, along with the desire that no one take away their freedom to make courageous decisions to be “builders of the future”.  The first day was spent telling stories about hospitality, helping one another, smiles, sharing –  the Pope! They discussed his invitation to feel that Jesus calls them to leave their mark . . . a mark that marks history, that marks their story and the story of many others.” To not be “couch potatoes” but young people with their shoes laced, or better, with their hiking-boots laced. Domenico from the Cameroon summarized the sentiments of many: “A united world is possible, and we could reach universal brotherhood.” “As the Pope said, we should build bridges and reach out our hands to one another. I felt like judging so many countries that are creating wars in Africa, but as the Pope spoke I felt I had to change my way of thinking and begin to build those bridges. We reach brotherhood by building bridges; by hating we only destroy. Jesus allowed me to double my faith. Many times during my life I’ve wondered why there is so much suffering in the world, but now I realize that Jesus is there, that he becomes ugly in order to make everything beautiful. I’d like to be that way for others, to be active at building bridges. If we get our hands dirty, we’ll surely come to the point of living Jesus’s prayer to the Father: ‘that all be one’. Eva from Sovakia: “It struck us when the Pope blessed our dreams and our feet, giving significance to every effort we made.” “We have a lot of hard work ahead of us, but WYD shows that a new world is possible. It’s up to us to build it in the small steps that we take every day!”   Pope Francis’s homily at WYD Mass, Mercy Field, July 31, 2016 Pope’s Address at WYD Prayer Vigil, July 30, 2016 Pope’s Words at WYD Way of the Cross  

Bruno Venturini: A Witness of God’s Mercy

Bruno Venturini: A Witness of God’s Mercy

BrunoVenturini_a“He was for many a true testimony of God’s infinite mercy,” Maria Voce wrote to the members of the Movement, “which he now is certainly experiencing in fullness.” Born in Pistoia, on 8 September 1926, Bruno Venturini met the newly born Movement in December 1949, when, Graziella De Luca, one the first women focolarine, went to his city to meet Pasquale Foresi. He was ordained priest in 1978, and covered many roles in the Movement, but he would have later said that “one of the biggest graces I received was that of sharing the responsibility for the aspect of Economy and Work for over 30 years, with Giosi Guella, an exceptional person, and experience in person the constant Providence that made us feel totally in God’s hands.”


Bruno Venturini (third from right) was always close to Chiara Lubich.

Bruno was close to Chiara Lubich, especially during the last years of her life, during which he celebrated mass in her chapel every day. He had confided to someone that this experience had lead him to nurture “a new and deeper relationship with Jesus. Bruno was a generous person, who always made others feel welcome, and had the capacity to really listen to them, with  a heart full of mercy. This trait of his was also stressed by the President of the Focolare when she pointed out the fact that his passing coincided with the day of the “Pardon of Assisi” His funeral will be held tomorrow,  3 August, at 4.30 pm local time at the International Centre in Castel Gandolfo (Rome).  

At Sophia University Institute “Wings of Unity”

At Sophia University Institute “Wings of Unity”

20160731-a“The results are far beyond our greatest expectations,” said Roberto Catalano from the Focolare’s Centre for Interreligious Dialogue at the conclusion of a gathering of the “Wings of Unity” research group that has come up with rather a challenging agenda, considering the difficult phase that Europe is going through. The Co-Directors of the project are SUI President Piero Coda and Professor Mohammad Ali Shomali, Director of the Islamic Centre of England. The idea of meeting at Loppiano, Italy, goes back to last April when Professor Shomali had been invited to present a lecture at the Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Religions in the Contemporary World course that was offered by SUI in collaboration with Professor Frizzi. But the origins of Wings of Unity go back even in a story of friendship, solidarity and trust between Muslim and Christian friends of the Focolare. That friendship began 19 years ago in daily life settings and in the halls of academia, and has now evolved into a common interreligious witness of universal brother and sisterhood. That is what it was for the 14 members – 5 of them Shiites – of the seminar that was recently held at SUI on July 8-10, 2016. Iranian theologian Sharzad Housmand, professor at the Gregorian Pontifical University and expert in Islamic-Christian Dialogue, was also in attendance and highlighted the great novelty of the event. The same was true for Christian Arooj Javed, SUI student from Pakistan who said she could never even have imagined such a spirit of communion and, at the same time, openness and transparency between Christians and Muslims. The work began with texts from Chiara Lubich, presented by Coda and Catalano, in which the Focolare foundress highlighted the fact that unity is something that should be sought with everyone, because we are all children of a single Father. Professor Shomali then presented some excerpts from the Koran and successive traditions that were in harmony with what Chiara Lubich had written. To everyone’s surprise, the more the dialogue deepened, the more the “hardness” of diversity faded giving space to a dialogue that was marked by deep listening and mutual understanding. The presentations given by Professor Callebaut and Professor Ropelato that focused on the centrality of love were also valuable. They indicated the capacity of human beings to unite diverse human settings both within and outside themselves as the new line for social, economic and political life. The contributions from the Shitte guests opened new and timely scenarios for the experience of unity as a value that becomes kairos, [at] the right moment. Professor Mahnaz Heydarpoor’s words sounded convincing as she called for training in interreligious dialogue for the new generations. An interreligious summer school workshop for young people has been scheduled for 2017 which will continue the communion that was begun at this school: “After years spent in building trust among us,” one Muslim remarked, “the new generations no longer need to wait: We want to do everything we can so that they will be able to experience the unity that so intensely filled our hearts and minds in these days.” Source: Sophia online

Chiara Lubich to the young people at WYD 2005

Chiara Lubich to the young people at WYD 2005

ChiaraLubichStoccarda2004“Why are you going to the WYD?” “Because I hope to meet Jesus,” answered a girl who came all the way to Cologne, together with hundreds of thousands of young people from all over the world. I think that she is not the only one who feels this urgent desire to meet Jesus! And it is also the motto of this WYD: look for Christ, find him and adore him. The “World Youth Day” – this inspirational invention of our beloved Pope John Paul II – is a privileged occasion to meet the living Christ in his Church (…). To meet Jesus, adore him and then bring him wherever we go. Dear youth, do you know that there is a secret so you will not lose this Jesus whom you have met during the WYD events, and who appeared to us as such a beautiful, dynamic and fascinating person? The secret is this: we have to love! To love God and remain in Him, and be always in the light, we have to love the others! You see, this is the experience I have acquired in more than 60 years, but it is also the experience of a whole population spread out over the globe, millions of men, women and children who have chosen love as their lifestyle! This is the secret for a happy, full, interesting and ever new life, one that is never boring but always full of surprises! Let me give you a small but great example: I found out recently that a group of young people in a refugee camp in Africa, where practically everything is lacking, wants to change their camp into a paradise through love and they have told me of really concrete experiences that are producing these results. So you see? It means that love overcomes all! We could say numberless things about this love which Jesus taught us with his life, world, and saints. But just for today I would like to underline only two fundamental points: We should love EVERYONE, without exceptions or favouritism– the way God loves us! –and this consists in loving our enemy, that nice and unpleasant person, your teacher, next door neighbour, the postman, and your colleague. To love ALL means also to love people who are far away, but who are present through the mass media, like the victims of the Tsunami in Southeast Asia, or those whom you helped with the Solidarity Fund. The second point is: we have to be THE FIRST to love. We usually love when we are loved, to respond to the love we receive. And if we don’t receive it? No, it is even better to take the initiative, be the first to start, giving a sign of friendship, forgiveness, and the will to start from the very beginning. Try to love in this manner, and you will experience immense freedom because you are the protagonists! Dear youth, take courage! A life like this is worth the while, and you are not made to do things halfway. So give your heart to Him who knows how to fill it. God needs youth like this, inflamed, who cannot be hindered by their own problems, people who have burnt all in the fire of God’s love and who have influenced all to do the same. May Jesus whom you have met, be always with you! In true Love. (Chiara Lubich, Cologne, 16 August 2005) Source: Chiara Lubich Centre

WYD 2016 and the adventure of the youth from Verona

WYD 2016 and the adventure of the youth from Verona

gruppo 1The five coaches of 17-year-olds left Verona for Poland, accompanied by priests, animators and families. The camp in Krakow that was awaiting them was part of the World Youth Day and had been organised exclusively for them. There were also some Gen3 in the group, enthusiastic to be able to also participate in this experience. «The trip also included a stopover in Munich – recounted Fr. Stefano Marcolini of the Focolare, one of the priests accompanying the group – to visit the former Nazi concentration camp in Dachau. Upon returning to Munich in the evening, we decided to go sightseeing in the city, unaware that it would become the site of a terroristic attack. Thank God we were not in the vicinity of the mall where the shooting occurred, but there was such a great confusion that the entire city (the underground, bars and public places) were in a panic situation.It was really fearful and we also had a hard time gathering the group. Thankfully, we had our cell phones and Google maps. Finally at 3 am, we were able to find everyone, and were so generously helped by the local Church which offered us a substantial breakfast. We were contacted by the Local Ministry of Foreign Affairs and received the order to return to Italy, since the group was composed of minors.» foto 1But the kids refused to be overcome, and were encouraged by the words of Pope Francis who had invited the youth to the WYD: “Don’t let anyone steal hope from you.” Upon returning to Italy, they wished to take part just the same in a camp –to do what they would have wanted to do in Krakow – and which the Bishop rapidly set up in a nice place in the mountains. «Upon hearing about their adventure, the Pope encouraged the boys and girls not to give up and told them that all were awaiting them in Krakow. In the meantime, three of them, accompanied by a priest, were invited to Krakow for the Festival of the Italian youth.They were also chosen by the other youths to participate in the linkup with Pope Francis and address him in the Q&A session, precisely regarding the facts in Munich.» «To respond to the Pope’s personal invitation – continued Fr. Stefano – at the end of the camp the coaches headed for Poland, where we arrived on Saturday, the 30th just in time for a private audience with him, since he had changed his previous programme. In addition, due to the great meeting on Saturday evening, where around two million boys and girls were awaited, the Verona group received passes to sit in the first row.All this happened because, as Riccardo, one of the Gen3 said, “We did not allow anyone to steal our hopes from us!”»