Focolare Movement
A Kiribati United World Project in Action!

A Kiribati United World Project in Action!

16331320049_4ab176f6d0_zThe project that is run by the AMU (Action for a United World) has been operating for several years among the Buota population in one of the poorest villages on the island of Tarawa. Its goal is to improve living conditions in the community with projects that are focused mainly on women and children. Sixty one children of both Catholic and other religious faiths attend the nursery school. Fifteen children fulfilled the pre-school requirements and obtained the certificate of competence from the Ministry of Public Education that qualifies them to begin primary school. “The nursery school also strengthened collaboration among members of the community,” Buota reports. “Children’s mothers often work as a group to provide support. Along with several fundraisers selling bread and blocks of ice, they also contributed to the construction of a new classroom, collecting straw for the roof. The Focolare community, which had come up with the idea for the project, was also actively engaged in the construction of the new classroom that provided more space for the growing pre-school population.” The Kiribati project also provides training classes for women. “At times these were difficult to arrange due to the poor condition of the roads. It’s usually difficult to reach the village; nevertheless, this difficulty was also overcome.” 16517605535_bb22d401f9_zLast year four members of the Health Ministry conducted a workshop on childhood nutrition. They discussed the importance of a nourishing diet for physical and mental development, hygiene, natural family planning and organic gardening. A 2-day workshop on organic gardening for the promotion of healthy living was offered with the collaboration of experts from the Department of Agriculture. The importance of spreading this natural approach to gardening with neighbours was strongly stressed, so that many others could learn how to obtain a rich and organic planting soil more easily. By the end of 2015 the first tomatoes and cabbages were already appearing in many of Buota’s organic home gardens! And this is important given the local setting where there is a progressive rise in sea level and decrease in the amount of farmland for planting. Source: AMU online (Associazione per un mondo unito).

Pope Francis heads to Poland

Pope Francis heads to Poland

Dear Brothers and Sisters,sdm_katowice_d_cmyk.cdr The 31st World Youth Day is fast approaching. I look forward to meeting the young people from throughout the world gathered in Kraków and having the opportunity to meet the beloved Polish nation. My entire visit will be inspired by Mercy during this Jubilee Year, and by the grateful and blessed memory of Saint John Paul II, who instituted the World Youth Days and was the guide of the Polish people in its recent historic journey towards freedom. Dear young people of Poland, I know that for some time now you have been preparing, especially with your prayers, for this great encounter in Kraków. I thank you heartily for everything that you have done, and for the love with which you have done it. Even now I embrace you and I bless you. Dear young people from throughout Europe, Africa, America, Asia and Oceania! I also bless your countries, your hopes and your journey to Kraków, praying that it will be a pilgrimage of faith and fraternity. May the Lord Jesus grant you the grace to experience personally his words: “Blessed are the merciful, for they will receive mercy” (Mt 5:7). I am very anxious to meet you and to offer the world a new sign of harmony, a mosaic of different faces, from many races, languages, peoples and cultures, but all united in the name of Jesus, who is the Face of Mercy. I now turn to you, dear sons and daughters of the Polish nation! For me, it is a great gift of the Lord to visit you. You are a nation that throughout its history has experienced so many trials, some particularly difficult, and has persevered through the power of faith, upheld by the maternal hands of the Virgin Mary. I am certain that my pilgrimage to the shrine of Czestochowa will immerse me in this proven faith and do me so much good. I thank you for your prayers in preparation for my visit. I thank the bishops and priests, the men and women religious, and the lay faithful, especially families, to whom I will symbolically bring the Post-Synodal Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia. The moral and spiritual “health” of a nation is seen in its families. That is why Saint John Paul II showed such great concern for engaged couples, young married couples and families. Continue along this road! Dear brothers and sisters, I send you this message as a pledge of my affection. Let us keep close to one another in prayer. I look forward to seeing you in Poland!

The Amazon, a perfect stranger

The Amazon, a perfect stranger

PA-Obidos2016 (4)The Amazon is a frequent topic of discussion today because everyone is worried about the deforestation and exploitation of its immense resources by unscrupulous politicians and economists. But very few are aware of the problems of the communities living on the banks of its immense river with the same name, so precious for our sick planet. There are great difficulties in accessing any type of healthcare. For example, in Óbidos (almost 50,000 inhabitants), the only hospital is that run by the Franciscan Third Order, which has only one doctor to tend to the most urgent cases, while for specialized cases the sick have to go to Santarém, a distant six-hour travel by boat. Anxious about the scarce spiritual assistance given to the deeply religious population, the Brasilian Bishops’ Conference (CNBB) called for a concrete response to this issue. This appeal stirred up the interest of hundreds of Focolare members (youths and adults from all over the country and also worldwide) who created the “Amazon Project” in 2005. Each year, during their holidays they set out on a journey to visit the region’s various riverbank communities. Made up of healthcare clinicians, but also of common individuals, they go to lend an ear to the problems of the people, treat the sick, and play with the children in a silent but explicit testimonial of the Gospel in action. In this month of July, there is an ongoing mission of this type in three different districts: Óbidos (Pará), Magnificat (Maranhão) and Barreirinha (Amazonas). PA-Obidos2016 (7)Twenty-two volunteers went to Óbidos, among whom were four doctors, a dentist, a physiotherapist and a medical student. With the logistics support of the inhabitants during their untiring seven-day stay in those places, they were able to visit seven communities and treat a total of over a thousand people. They went from house to house, and were put up for the night by the generosity of the people who did not hesitate to stand by the volunteers and give a helping hand, thus creating a warm atmosphere of brotherhood amongst all. When the time came to depart, the scene was always the same: nobody wanted to believe that the “missionaries” would be leaving the next day for another community, and no one could say who experienced more joy in that intense day passed together. If there is truth in the saying, “there is more joy in giving than in receiving,” it is also true that – as the volunteers said – they felt it was they who received more, in the close encounter with such a genuine population, so rich in values, courage, and authentic faith. Every departure was sealed by the promise to return the next year, accompanied by new friends influenced by their enthusiasm. A young volunteer of Benevides gave a touching testimonial, saying that he was grateful he had “grown spiritually and as a person.” A girl from Belém, struck by “these extraordinary people she had met,” declared that once she returned home she would “recommend to all to undertake a similar experience.” Another young man from Belém remarked: “I live in a society that takes interest only in the latest Smartphone model, whereas over here, I saw children who were happy to receive just a simple pencil. I saw people line up, without managing to be visited by the doctors, while over here, people start complaining when they have to wait a bit. And yet, though they are in a disadvantaged situation, these people are always joyful. Upon listening to their stories, I was convinced that some of them would really deserve an honorary degree.” See also: Tweet: Doctors, nurses and Focolare members have launched the Amazon Project.

Peace in Syria is possible

Peace in Syria is possible

Syrian artist, Tammam Azzam’s artwork for Caritas ‘Syria: Peace is Possible’ campaign

Syrian artist, Tammam Azzam’s artwork for Caritas ‘Syria: Peace is Possible’ campaign

A mass mobilization, a campaign to push the entire world to take action. It is the objective of #PeacePossible4Syria, the project launched by Caritas Internationalis and which involves all the countries where the organization is present. «It’s not a campaign against anything, but one in favour of peace,. though we denounce, of course, the sale of arms,» said Rosette Hechaime, a Lebanese and coordinator of Caritas in the Middle East. «Syria’s situation is very dear to the Holy Father, and many times, when we met him, he urged us to raise our voices to silence the arms. In fact, Caritas is one of the biggest agencies responding to this humanitarian crisis going on for five years now. We gather and divulge the stories of those leaving and remaining through the social network, so as not to stop believing that peace in Syria is possible.» On the site you may consult all the material available to follow the campaign and divulge it in turn.  «Since the war in Syria has already caused 4.8 million refugees to go abroad and 6.5 million to move within the country, it seems that too much is too much,» Rosette concluded.   In his message Pope Francis did not stop urging all: «Let us join forces at all levels, so peace can become a reality in Syria.» ֿ Also the 230 people here from various cities of the country, are part of those who responded to his appeal and gathered in Al Btar (the mountains along the Syrian coast) from 5 to 10 July to live the “Mariapolis – the City of Mary,” which is «a real gift of God amidst so much violence.»  Due to the unstable situation which prevented them from seeing one another for five years, all were filled with joy in meeting again after all that time. The title chosen for this event was, “We have long awaited this return.” The Focolare of Damascus and Aleppo wrote: «In the mornings the programme was intense, while in the afternoons and evenings it was more relaxing and a big help for the participants who, through the reflections of priests and religious experts, were able to confront their own selves, and review their personal relationships with God, their manner of praying, and their relationships with others. «We departed with Heaven in our hearts, to bring it to wherever we are and where the situation was still hellish,» one of the participants commented. «For those coming from outside it seemed like a real miracle – recounted M. Grazia, Italian, who has been for some months now in the Focolare in Damascus – where war is raging. I am struck by the people’s integrity, and not only that of the numerous youth: peaceful people who dream of and desire peace.  Many have lost hope, and ask themselves: is it a utopia to believe in unity? Is peace an impossible dream? However, they continue to believe in God despite everything, though this question is a real personal issue for each of them. The Mariapolis was a breath of fresh air amid this reality, dotted with very strong experiences: there were those whose brothers had been abducted, and who lost all they had in one day, had no news of their relatives, had broken families, and were subjected to curtailed water and light at a temperature of 40°, not knowing whether there would be another day, and living in absolute uncertainty.» At the end, the 230 sent greetings that travelled the globe. They were aware that they were not alone but part of a big family, urged on by the Pope in his message to incarnate this Word of God: «I, in fact, know the plans I drew out for you – said the Lord – plans of peace and not of misfortunes, to grant you a future full of hope.» (Jeremiah 29,11)».   [Arabic, with subtitles in Italian]   Maria Chiara De Lorenzo  

Habitandando Study Tour 2016

Habitandando Study Tour 2016

201607Habitandando25,000 kilometres. Three architecture students from Colombia, a list of places, people from Italy and Malta, landscapes and experiences to confront themselves with, preferring the less renowned sites. “These were the ingredients of a tour inspired by the Grand Tour which led the new graduates to Italy, to learn onsite, touch with their hands, and make a direct experience,” explained the Italian architects and project coordinators, Lole Parisi and Mario Tancredi. They also revealed the origin of the name, Habitandando (Learning Along the Way), with a journey as the method and the territory as classroom, that took place from 29 June to 16 July: “Abitare, which means possessing in a sense, and andare, that represents the short-lived moments in wandering through the territory to acquire, in order to comprehend, and travelling as a learning procedure.” The trip, created by Dialogue in Architecture together with the travelling workshop of Bogotà’s La Salle University, with which there has been an ongoing cooperation, had an academic but also experiential feature. The stages of the route also reached Catania, where a group of architects and engineers was working on a huge project – guided by Paolo Mungiovino – for the recovery of an old historical building: the former Crociferi Convent, in the heart of the old city centre which will act as an Egyptian Museum, thanks to an agreement with the museum of Turin. 201607Habitandando3In Chiaramonte Gulfi (Ragusa), after a warm welcome in the presence of the Vice Mayor and some Municipal Councilors, they were introduced to the experience of the Fo.Co Cooperative at the core of the current challenges of Sicily, and to even more: the arrival of the migrants and refugees. «There we learned how to reconcile love for one’s own land, with the challenges of integration carried out in a widespread and attentive manner. It was a real lesson on dialogue,» Mario and Lole recounted. In Calabria, the guide was Maria Elena Lo Schiavo, Vice Mayor of Marina di Gioiosa Ionica: «With her simplicity she showed us the well-known determination of these people who say “no” to the Mafia, and “yes” to personal commitment, with positive outlooks. Anna Cundari, architect of Cosenza, lead us instead deep into the heart of the National Pollino Park amid villages at risk of abandonment, allowing us to meet people who, for love of their land, say their own “yes” with force and generosity, restoring and rebuilding often with their own hands, houses and shrines, and with these, also a bit of the spirit of this land.» In Pescara, the students and teachers of the Annunzio University, inspired by the force of the social impulse of the Bogotà University, undertook a difficult path in one of the huge, downgraded districts of the city on the Adriatic Sea, inhabited by Gypsy ethnic groups and immigrants, involving also the schools and associations. «In the list of encounters during this 15-day journey – the organizers conclude – there was much more but in short, we feel that we had tasted “beauty” which, apart from the aesthetic values, highlighted the relationships between people and the territories.  It was thus because of this that the beauty of landscapes, villages and cities were “lit up” also by the relationships, dialogue, and upholding of good practices which still so many people  are able to set into motion, without clamour.» Maria Chiara De Lorenzo

World Youth Day 2016 kicks off

World Youth Day 2016 kicks off

PLAKAT WYDARZENIA FOCOLARE ANGIELSKI_enWYD program Info: “The news that the forthcoming World Youth Day would be held in Krakow brought much joy to the Polish people. During the three years of preparation with the youth of the Focolare Movement we asked ourselves how we could contribute to the realization of this event. It seemed natural to insert ourselves in the programme in an active and communitarian way. Slowly our role in the Youthfest took became clear, a religious and artistic-cultural programme to be held during the WYD and which should include artistic initiatives, of a religious and spiritual nature. There will be concerts, exhibits, workshops, sporting events, theatre, etc. wherein all the youth of the WYD who are interested can participate free of charge. We were entrusted with the preparation of one of these events that will be held on July 27 and…in this moment we are immersed in the preparations! We planned this meeting to be divided into two parts: integration and reflection. The first will be a moment of games, dances and songs, an occasion to get to know the others. We know that the participants will be coming from different parts of the world and we are hoping that language will not be a barrier to unity. Keeping in mind that the theme of the WYD is encapsulated in the words “Blessed are the merciful, because they will find mercy (Mt 5, 7), we chose as the motto of our meeting the net of mercy that we want to weave among us and to which we would like to invite the person beside us to join. Our desire is also that of inviting the youth to participate in an international prayer. In the second part of the event we will organize a vigil of reflection where, through choreography, music and experiences, we will speak of the spiritual and corporal works of mercy. During the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament the reflection will be accompanied by texts of Chiara Lubich and songs of the Gen Rosso. We will also be present in the Center for Vocations where the youth can get to know the initiatives of the religious orders, Catholic schools and universities, religious publishing houses, missionary organizations, national and international Movements and ecclesial Communities. Here as the Focolare Movement we will be at the disposition of all those who would like to know more about our community. We hope that this WYD can be a time of union with God and with the others for us and that all those who will participate in our event could make an experience of unity to share with the others and to live in their own environment.”