Focolare Movement
Connections, lost and found

Connections, lost and found

Airport«As my morning flight from Bologna to London, already two hours late due to earlier London storms, circled the skies for an additional 20 minutes, I realized that it would be nearly impossible to make my connecting flight. In fact, a short time later I found myself in an interminable line with hundreds of other customers who had also missed their connections. Airline phones were clogged, so even those with cell phone access were stuck. Most people could summon the patience to wait an hour — but as it become two, three and then way past dinner, the atmosphere began to grow tense. I had settled in with a good book but also began to feel anxious as I realized it would be a challenge to get in touch with the friend who was to pick me up from the airport. Especially when traveling alone, I am not usually talkative with strangers, but at that point I felt a nudge from within to look around, and to remember that the warmth and comfort of God’s presence could be with us, even in this chaotic line. I remembered I had a package of cookies in my bag, and made the first connection with the hungry college students behind me. That was enough to break the ice with everyone in our part of the line. As we began trading stories and commiserating, we also realized that we could help each other. The power from my laptop battery was just enough to charge the cell phone of the German couple who needed to call their family. And this couple was happy to watch my stuff as I scouted out a computer terminal from which I could send an email to my friend. A brief greeting in Italian to another young couple was enough to realize that they and two other couples — all on their honeymoon trips — did not understand the announcements that were being made. I translated for them so that they could navigate their options. After five and a half hours and no alternative flight arrangements yet, we received vouchers for hotel rooms and a meal, and instructions to call the airlines from the hotel. I called from an airport phone and learned that I would need to be back at the airport in just a few hours. As I curled up on an airport chair to catch a few hours of sleep, I realized that notwithstanding the external discomfort, all of these “connections” with my neighbors in the present moment had filled the evening with an unusual sense of peace. And I did make it home the next day, tired, but with a light heart». — Amy Uelmen, Bethesda, MD From Living City May 2016 –    

Great and Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church

Great and Holy Synod of the Orthodox Church


Divine Liturgy at the Patriarchal and Stavropegial Monastery of Gonia. PHOTO: © POLISH ORTHODOX CHURCH/JAROSLAW CHARKIEWICZ.

Expectations were high for the Council that had been being prepared since 1961 when the first Pan-Orthodox conference was convened by Patriarch Athenagoras I. The title was quite meaningful: “He called all to unity” from the Pentecost Anthem of the Byzantine Rite. Driven by the need to face the challenges of the new millennium, the Orthodox Churches share a desire to move towards a more explicit collegiality and sharing, as well as to reaffirm the unity of the Orthodox Church. This Council marks a new openness: to ecumenism and interreligious dialogue; to new scientific and technological discoveries; to spending energy on the question of ecology and to the drama of immigration and the persecution of Christians in the Middle East. It opens “the horizon on the current multifaceted world”. Convoked by unanimous agreement amongst the leaders of 14 Orthodox Churches during their gathering in Chambésy, Switzerland, last January, it was marked from the start by great suffering: the physical absence of 4 of those 14 Churches. The Russian Orthodox Church has not yet made a pronouncement regarding the Council and is waiting for the reunion of the Sacred Synod in July to give an assessment of the recent event. There were also 15 observers from other Christian Churches at the Synod, who attended the opening and closing sessions. Non-Orthodox Christians from around the world were praying for this important event in the Orthodox Church: “Please pray for the Pan-Orthodox Council, I ask it of you as if it were a Council of my own Church, because it is my Church at this moment,” Maria Voce had remarked to a group of focolarini from different Churches who were gathered together in Rocca di Papa, Italy at the end of May. What many people are highlighting is not so much the final decisions – the six documents that were signed by the Patriarchs on the mission in the contemporary world, the importance of fasting, the relationship of the Orthodox Church with the rest of the Christian world, marriage, the Orthodox diaspora and the autonomy of the Churches – but the very nature of the Synod, that is, the fact that it was held and that this encounter had finally taken place. There is also hope that the Synod may not remain an isolated event, but become an ongoing practice of the Church on its journey. On the return flight from Armenia, Pope Francis responded to a journalist’s question about how the Pope would judge the Pan-Orthodox Synod that had just concluded. The Pope answered: “A positive judgement! It was a step ahead – not a hundred percent – but a step ahead. The things they had to justify (in quotation marks), the absences, are sincere for them, they’re things that will be resolved over time.” “The mere fact that these autocephalous Churches came together in the name of Orthodoxy, (…) is extremely positive. I thank the Lord. The next time, they’ll be more. Blessed be the Lord!” And speaking to the Orthodox delegation for the feast of Saints Peter and Paul, Pope Francis cited the Pan-Orthodox Council to invoke “abundant fruits for the good of the Church”. Encyclical of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church

Message of the Holy and Great Council of the Orthodox Church

Maria Chiara De Lorenzo

Unity is possible

Unity is possible

(c) MfE, Foto: Grill

(c) MfE, Foto: Grill

«“Unity is possible”. Is this an absurd affirmation today, in a Europe marked by global terrorism, a multiplication of wars, migrations of biblical proportions and growing intolerance? Are we talking about a dream, a utopia? No. We are talking about an experience which several Movements and Christian communities in Europe have already been living for over 15 years, bearing witness that unity is possible.  We have experienced that there is something indestructible and timeless which binds us: it is Love, God who is Love. This Love has opened our eyes and our heart to embrace the fears, tears and hopes of this continent.  In all that is negative, which seems to overwhelm us, we perceive the pain that God who became man suffered on the cross and through which he showed his limitless love and gave us the hope of resurrection. Three key words characterise this event: meeting, reconciliation, future. We can meet one another because God came to meet us first through his incarnation. We can be reconciled with one another because on the cross Jesus reconciled us with God and amongst ourselves. We can walk securely towards the future because the One who conquered death is walking in our midst and is leading us towards European unity and the unity of the world, until his prayer “May they all be one” is fulfilled (John 17:21). It is worthwhile committing our lives for such for such a high goal. Together we want to ask forgiveness for the divisions of the past which caused wars and death in Europe.  Together we want to bear witness to our unity while respecting the beauty and diversity of our Churches and communities. Together we want to be at the service of something new which is needed today so as to make progress once more on the European path. 20160702_153114_2077MfE_Sa_Kundgebung_FotoHaafWhat we can offer – by committing our lives – is the newness of the Gospel.  Before dying Jesus prayed: “Father, may they all be one”. He showed that we are all brothers and sisters, that one “single human family” is possible; that unity is possible; that unity is our destiny. We commit ourselves here, today, to be catalysts of this change, catalysts for a new vision for Europe, so as to speed up the journey towards unity by starting a profound dialogue with and for all the men and women on earth. Dialogue can happen because of the so-called “Golden Rule” which says “Do not do to others what you would not wish done to you” (Cf Lk 6:31). Basically it means to love. And if love becomes mutual it brings fraternity to its fullness among all. In universal fraternity Europe can rediscover its vocation. In the 1950s Chiara Lubich wrote “if one day all peoples were able to set themselves aside, setting aside the idea they have of their own homeland … for the sake of the mutual love among states which God asks of us, just as he asks mutual love among brothers and sisters, that day will be the start of a new era”. So let’s live for this new era! Unity is possible!». Maria Voce Together for Europe, Public Event Munich, 2 July 2016

[:it]Insieme per l’Europa: l’unità è possibile[:de]Einheit ist möglich![:es]Juntos por Europa: la unidad es posible[:fr]Ensemble pour l’Europe : L’unité est possible[:pt]Juntos pela Europa: A unidade é possível

[:it]Insieme per l’Europa: l’unità è possibile[:de]Einheit ist möglich![:es]Juntos por Europa: la unidad es posible[:fr]Ensemble pour l’Europe : L’unité est possible[:pt]Juntos pela Europa: A unidade é possível


(c) MfE, Foto: Brehm

«Dear friends in Together for Europe, coming from many Movements and Groups that belong to different Churches and Communities, I know that you are gathered in Munich. You are right; it is time to get together to face today’s problems with a true European spirit». Pope Francis says these words at the beginning of his video message to those gathered at Karlsplatz (Stachus) in Munich for the Together for Europe event. After speaking about the challenges Europe has to face, Pope Bergoglio encourages the participants «to promote the testimony of a civil society where people work together to foster encounter and solidarity with the weak and the disadvantaged, to build bridges, to overcome open or latent conflicts». He concludes: “Maintain the freshness of your charisms; continue to be “Together” and extend this further! Let your homes, communities and cities be workshops of communion, friendship and fraternity, that bring people together and are open to the whole world”.
(C) Foto Brehm

(c) MfE, Foto: Brehm

Bartholomew I, the Ecumenical Patriarch of Constantinople is also present through his video message in which, among other things, he says: «Even when temptation suggests that we need not be together, Christians, especially, are called to demonstrate the fundamental principle of the Church, which is communion (koinonia). It is only when we share the gifts so generously and freely bestowed on us by God, that we can fully experience them ourselves”. Today’s outdoor rally “500 years of division are enough – unity is possible!”, concludes the 4th edition of Together for Europe. This recalls the 500 years of separation between the Catholic Church and the Churches of the protestant Reformation. In her speech about unity, Maria Voce, president of the Focolare Movement says:«It is through our commitment that we can offer the newness of the Gospel. Before his death Jesus prayed: ‘Father, may they all be one’. He showed that we are all brothers and sisters, that one ‘single human family’ is possible, that unity is possible, that unity is our destiny. We commit ourselves here, today, to be catalysts of this change, catalysts for a new vision of Europe, so as to speed up the journey towards unity by starting a profound dialogue with and for all men and women on earth».
(C) MfE - Foto Brehm

(c) MfE, Foto: Brehm

Gerhard Pross (CVJM Esslingen) tackles the theme “Unity in reconciled diversity” while Andrea Riccardi (St. Egidio Community) speaks about “No more walls!”. Cardinal Kurt Koch (Pontifical Council for the Promotion of Unity among Christians), Bishop Frank Otfried July (the Lutheran World Federation), the Metropolitan Serafim Joanta (the Romanian-Orthodox Metropolitan of Germany and Central Europe) and the Rev. Olav Fykse Tveit, General Secretary of the World Council of Churches go up together on stage and speak about “Reconciliation opens us to the future – 500 years of division are enough”. An interview about “Mission and the future” leads to a very interesting dialogue between the Evangelical Bishop Heinrich Bedford-Strohm and Cardinal Reinhard Marx. The concluding message, read by members of the steering committee and distributed to thousands of people, does not only declare that “being together in Europe is stronger than fear and selfishness”, but also expresses the commitment of those who adhere to Together for Europe to “pursue the path of reconciliation”, to “live unity in diversity”, to “meet people of different beliefs and faiths with respect, seeking dialogue with them”, and to promote “humanity and peace” in the world. 1700 leaders and members from more than 300 Communities and Movements of Together for Europe took part in the Congress held at Circus-Krone-Bau on the two days before the rally. In his opening address Martin Wagner (CVJM Munich) said: “Reconciliation will be our keyword. We have already experienced it and it will be our future. We want to share unity and work together for it, but above all, we, as Christians, want to give our support towards the challenges that Europe faces today”.
(c) MfE, Foto: Fischer

(c) MfE, Foto: Fischer

The 36 forums and round table conferences held during the Congess focused on integration and reconciliation, solidarity with the weakest, sustainibilty and environmental protection, ecumenism, Christians and Muslims in dialogue, marriage and family, economy. Experiences, ideas, projects and witnesses of faith were also shared. Many participated in the forum “the price and prize of unity” where Cardinal Walter Kasper remarked that “the effort to achieve authentic reconciliation is one of the main obstacles encountered by the Ecumenical Movement. Without forgiveness we cannot proceed with our journey together”. The need to know one another, to encounter each other and to work together was highlighted during the conference “Christians and Muslims in dialogue”. Pasquale Ferrara, the new Italian Ambassador to Algiers commented:“Dialogue is not achieved by cultures or religions but by people”.Climatic changes and ecological challenges were discussed in the forum “Towards sustainbility in Europe”. Cardinal Peter Turkson, the environmental engineer Daniele Renzi and other experts led this discussion. During the conference “What soul for Europe?” Jesús Morán, the co-president of the Focolare Movement emphasized the fact that “Europe can and must, now more than ever, offer the world the prospect of forming a culture of unity in diversity at all levels, from a personal level in everyday life to an institutional one”.   It was sunset when the concluding message of Together for Europe 2016 was read on stage at Karlsplatz. The programme continued with a rock concert animated by musical bands and the creative enthusiasm of youth. Press Release – Focolare Information Service, July 2, 2016

Europe At Present

Europe At Present

(C) Foto HaafWhat are the challenges for Europe today? What about social and political responsiblity toward the other continents? What contribution can Christian movements make? There were many questions at the beginning of the second day of the Congress that focused on the current situation of the European continent with its local and global challenges. “We have to move on from the Europe of the fathers and make [the Europe] of the sons [and the daughters],” exhorted president of the Community of Sant’Egidio, Marco Impagliazzo. “Christians have to re-choose Europe together; we can’t do it alone. Europe can’t live for itself; it should live its Christianity in favour of the others and with the others. Now is the time for ‘spiritual humanism’ and for the life of the Churches and communities to emerge and bring their own contribution.” Gérard Testard from EFESIA in Paris accented the need for Christian action in the public sphere. We shouldn’t have heavenly citizenship on one side and earthly citizenship on the other. They need to exist together. Michael Hochschild, sociologist and professor of post-modern thought at Time-Lab of Paris, underscored the socio-political importance of spiritual Communities and Movements in Europe. But for this to be so, he said, “you need to consider yourselves and show yourselves to be a decisive force for shaping the cultural landscape.” “You need to become socio-civil Movements.” He also said that in a time of uncertainty and lack of vision, Communities like those involved in Together4Europe offer alternative models for living. “It could be the fear of the future that constrains us to do all we can so that [future] might be better,” stated Herbert Lauenroth, expert on interculturalism at the Ecumenical Centre of Ottmaring, Germany. According to his analysis the current situation in Europe arises from a reaction to fear and uncertainty that is the result of a sense of existential suffocation. Such a situation represents a challenge with the passage of time: The fear could become a learning experience. “It’s a matter of preferring what is unknown, foreign, what lies at the extreme, as a place in which to learn the faith.” Through confrontation with the depths that society is facing, we can come to realize that a new direction based on faith is possible.”     “Europe is passing through the night of its values, the night of its role in the world, the night of its dreams,” Focolare president Maria Voce affirmed in her intervention. “Together4Europe seems to be precisely the entity that would be capable of inspiring individuals and associations in their efforts for a Europe that is free, reconciled, democratic, supportive and fraternal, a Europe that could be a gift to the rest of the world.” “Steffen Kern from the Evangelical Federation of Wuerttemberg, continued the reflection on Europe and Hope: “Where do we Christians place our hope? A sense of responsibility is needed and  taking on the pains and shadows of our cities. In Stuttgart we opened the House of Hope that welcomes women and others who are alone to show them that God never abandons anyone.” Thomas Roemer from the YMCA in Munich made it clear that if we don’t substitute the Europe of fear with the Europe of hope, the latter risks dying off. Like the disciples, Europe is also on a boat with Jesus. “Jesus is still here in the storms; we need to have faith. He got on the boat to save us.” In the afternoon, Together for Europe opened its doors to anyone who wished to join the discussion on confronting and planning. At the roundtable on “Christians and Muslims in Dialogue” the need to know one another emerged, to meet and work together on social and cultural challenges. Pasquale Ferrara, Italian neo-ambassador to Algeria, underscored the fact that dialogue is not done by cultures or religions, but by human beings. We all need to take a bath in concreteness and realism. Imam Baztami invited everyone to an encounter with others, to get to know others. Many ideas and projects emerged from the debate between Religions philosopher Beate Beckmann-Zoeller, Dr. Thomas Amberg from the Evangelical Church and French Bishop M. Dubost. At the “Towards Sustainablity in Europe” roundtable, Cardinal Turkson, environmental engineer Daniele Renzi, Hans-Hermann Böhm and other experts took up the Pope’s invitation for serious and open debate on climate change and ecological challenges. “Science and religion should be in dialogue,” Turkson remarked, “so they can make a common contribution to society.” The roundtable on “The Mysticism of Encounter” put Europeans from the left in dialogue with theologians and philosophers from Christian Movements. “Regarding the ultimate questions of meaning, we’re closer to one another than we think,” said Walter Baier, member of the Austrian Communist Party and coordinator of the “Transform! Europe” Network. Focolare co-president Jesús Moran supported a new and inclusive form of integration for people with no religious affiliation. He concluded: “The harmony amongst us here today is a reason for much hope.” The President of the  Council for the Promotion of Christian Unity, Cardinal Kurt Koch, spoke about encounter, reconciliation and future, three words used in the main title of the event. “It is God who has taken the first step towards us.” “And you can forgive only when you acknowledge the wrong; for this reason the negative is hard work for the heart.” Therefore Christian Movements are “called to be missionaries of reconciliation, beginning from prayer that is then translated into daily life.”   Source: