Focolare Movement
Prize for

Prize for

Focolare website team with Giovanni Silvestri (right), President of WeCa Association

The international web portal of the Focolare Movement received a special mention in the category of institutional websites, because of its ‘rich information, providing ample space for unity, according to the charism of Chiara Lubich, and is published in 7 languages (including Chinese)’ as the citation puts it.

The ceremony took place during the workshop entitled ‘Young People, Internet and Faith Education’ run jointly by the Italian Bishops’ Conference’s national service for the pastoral care of young people and the Italian Association of Catholic Webmasters.

‘A space where anyone can feel welcomed and at home’; ‘to show people the life born of the charism of unity spread throughout the world’; ‘to put highlight the journey to unity of the whole human family, through its various dialogues with different religions and cultures.’ These are a few of the guiding principles in place since the construction of the new version of Hence it was a welcome surprise to hear the citation for the prize, which has come a year after the new site went online. What was said will be a stimulus to continue faithful to the Focolare’s basic values.

There are about 15,000 Italian Catholic websites and WeCa, recognized in the Italian Bishops’ Conference’s Directory of Social Communications as ‘the first European initiative of its kind – as they themselves point out – which is intended to unite, in a living community and in continuous synergy, the knowledge and experience of Catholic Webmasters.’

WebCattolici website report (Italian): “Premiati i migliori siti cattolici italiani 2012”