Focolare Movement
UNIRedes: hope for Latin America and the world

UNIRedes: hope for Latin America and the world

The Pedrinhas (SP, Brazil) headquarters of the Fazenda da Esperança welcomes young people and adults who are going through different stages of recovery from drug addiction and various forms of addiction and social distress. There could not have been a better place to host the conference of UNIRedes, the platform of NGOs, social and humanitarian projects and cultural agencies inspired by Chiara Lubich’s spirituality of unity in Latin America. In attendance were 140 people from 37 of the 74 partner organisations of UNIRedes, active in 12 countries of Latin America and the Caribbean.

The aim of the conference was to present the work of these years to Margaret Karram and Jesús Morán, who were present at the meeting; to define the next steps common to all the partner organisations and to strengthen the link with the Focolare Movement in order to share the experience gained beyond the Latin American continent.

UNIRedes: a network of networks

Maria Celeste Mancuso, Argentinian, international co-responsible of the New Humanity Movement, explains that UNIRedes is not only a solidarity super-project: “It is also a space that generates a cultural reflection to identify the anthropological and epistemological categories necessary to generate a new culture of care for the person and societies in Latin America”. This is why cultural agencies inspired by the charism of unity such as the Sophia University Institute (Loppiano, Italy), its local branch, Sophia Latin America and the Caribbean (ALC), and the ASCES UNITA University Centre in Caruaru (PE) are also fully part of it.

Virginia Osorio, Uruguayan, one of the initiators of the project, explains its origins: “The constant political and economic changes in our countries made our organisations increasingly fragile and isolated. With UNIRedes we found a place where we could strengthen each other and share our sufferings and hopes. Our most recent project was for Genfest: hundreds of young people volunteered with many of our organisations, experiencing first-hand fraternity and closeness to the poorest”.

The common root: “dying for one’s people”

The first root of UNIRedes is not based on geopolitical or economic analyses: we need to go back to the early 1970s when the Gen, the young people of the Focolare, like many of their peers in many countries, wanted to change the world and bring equality, justice, and dignity.

Chiara Lubich, who met with them frequently, supported and confirmed the need to make a peaceful social revolution, especially in Latin America, a continent she saw as having this special vocation. She told the young people of the Focolare that: “Each one must feel that we must die, yes, for humanity, but we must find our local Jesus Forsaken to die for our own people”[1].

“That’s how many people went to the peripheries of the cities, to the slums, wherever poverty took away people’s dignity,” says Gilvan David, a Brazilian from the Latin American articulation group of UNIRedes. “The first NGOs were established, and in the meantime we were trying to structure ourselves, but it was not enough: ‘You come to us,’ the poor told us, ‘but then go away and leave us alone’. To respond to this cry, we started to network with local public policies and at the same time, several priests who lived the spirituality of unity also founded social projects: Frei Hans with the Fazenda da Esperança, Father Renato Chiera with the Casa do Menor and others”.

One “single” Latin America

“Then the first groups of organisations were created,” continues Gilvan David, ‘Sumá Fraternidad’, which brought together projects from a number of Spanish-speaking countries; the civil association ‘Promocion Integral de la Persona’ (PIP) in Mexico; and the Brazilian social organisations continued to grow, finding their own identity and space for service. These were not easy years, but we started various paths in different territories in Latin America to support their social commitment, which then merged into UNIRedes. We met several times, but the founding meeting was in 2014, also attended by Emmaus Maria Voce and Giancarlo Faletti, then President and Co-President of the Focolare Movement. Emmaus on that occasion said: ‘You give the Movement a new visibilitỳ, a new meaning to its action, you are a testimony for those who look at you from the outside; you give complete visibility to the Charism through concrete actions’. I would say that it was then that we recognised ourselves as a unique reality for the whole of Latin America: we found ourselves embraced by the Charism of unity”.

There were many substantial contributions that built this conference, along with the presentation of the different partner organisations.

Juan Esteban Belderrain: from inequality to hope

The Argentinean political scientist Juan Esteban Balderrain analysed the wound of inequality of which Latin America holds the world record. “It is a matter of building a vision of this continent that starts from hope and this is possible because if we look at the deepest root of the problem of inequality, we find that we have lost the reference to that God who is love and who helps us understand that we are brothers and sisters of one another and with nature, which is also an expression of his Love. Referring to the 20th century, Paul VI said that it was a blessed time because it demanded holiness from everyone. I think these words also apply to ours.”

Padre Vilson Groh: the “open-eye mysticism”

For over 40 years, Father Vilson has lived in the “morro”, a slum in Florianopolis (Santa Catarina, Brazil), carrying out social projects especially for young people. He spoke of the “open-eye mysticism”: “We must take our organisations to the dark cellars of our peripheries; be a hope there. Genfest brought the perspective of “togetherness”, which Pope Francis promotes. This requires a patient, resilient journey; it demands being steadfast in the pursuit of the common good. Unity is superior to conflict, the Pope always says, and unity is plurality. Let us bring diversity into our organisations: the charism of unity is a door for the wounded Christ to open spaces”.

Vera Araujo: Latin America builder of fraternity

The Brazilian sociologist’s talk focused on a positive vision that recognises the Latin American cultural and human heritage and offers it as a gift to the world.

“UNIRedes originates in Chiara Lubich’s charism and can be transformed into an incredible opportunity for the rest of the world: unity seen not only as a religious value, but also as a force capable of effectively composing the human family, realising an interaction between the multiplicity of people, preserving distinctions in the context of social realities. Here the charism of unity offers a solution that is not easy, but rather a sense, a meaning, a Person: Christ Forsaken on the cross.

To love well‘, says Chiara, ‘we must not see in the difficulties and injustices of the world only social evils to be remedied, but discover in them the face of Christ who does not disdain to hide beneath every human misery’[2].

Susana Nuin Núñez: the path of peoples and social movements

The Uruguayan sociologist described the journey and the social, political, economic richness of the continent’s peoples and certain social movements. “These networks with their most varied physiognomies, with their developments in social practices or in the academic world, act in a complementary manner, generating an unquestionable socio-cultural fabric with a multifaceted community character that Latin America is the bearer of”. She then underlines the peculiarity of UNIRedes, which for over ten years has been a social subject that heals, revolutionises, transforms and influences from the Gospel and the word of unity.

Margaret Karram and Jesús Morán: UNIRedes is part of the Focolare Movement

“Those who want to live the Gospel in this region are always in crisis because they see inequalities constantly,” Jesús points out. “Unity cannot fail to take on this reality. How do we achieve unity on this continent, without taking into account those discarded by society? What you do as UNIRedes should inform the whole Movement in this region; its work for unity is not credible if it is not also done through social works. Of course, we will not solve social problems. The only thing we can do is to make people convert to love. If we touch hearts, someone will grasp the spirit and in freedom will understand how to live the Gospel”.

Margaret encouraged UNIRedes to move forward: “Now you have to figure out how to make your life and example reach everyone in the world. Quoting a conversation of Chiara Lubich from 1956, she reiterated that in its social commitment the Movement must not forget that the key to solving the problems that the Charism of Unity offers lies in the novelty of reciprocity rather than in justice. It promotes sharing, the putting in common among everyone the little or the much that is available to create a greater Common Good which, in addition to solving social problems, produces the human and spiritual fulfilment that only happens in fellowship among all. Finally Margaret launches a proposal: “Add a new article in your Charter of Principles and Commitments: a solemn pact of fraternity to be proposed to those who want to be part of UNIRedes: we are here to witness to mutual love and only if we have this love will the world believe”.

“UNIRedes speaks to us of hope,” concludes M. Celeste Mancuso. “It is a transversal and synodal proposal of an organisational network that can inspire similar models for those existential peripheries in other parts of our vast world. In this way we can think of building global networks of fraternity that promote the common good”.

Stefania Tanesini

[1] Chiara Lubich at the “Gen School”, Rocca di Papa (Rome, Italy), 15 May 1977

[2] Chiara Lubich, Towards a civilisation of unity. Keynote address at the Congress “A culture of peace for the unity of peoples”, Castelgandolfo, (Rome) 11-12 June 1988.

From the “tri-national” community – a future of fraternity for Latin America

From the “tri-national” community – a future of fraternity for Latin America

At this crossroads of countries where the Iguaçu and Parana rivers meet, there is the busiest border in Latin America; the area is characterised by great cultural diversity and the centuries-old presence of indigenous peoples, such as the great Guaraní people. Tourism is the major economic resource of this region where people mainly come to visit the Iguaçu Falls, which are the largest in the world, with a width of 7.65 km and are considered one of the seven natural wonders of the planet.

In her welcome message, Tamara Cardoso André, President of the Human Rights and People’s Memory Centre of Foz do Iguaçu (CDHMP-FI), explains that in this place they want to give a different meaning to national borders: “We want our triple frontier to become more and more a place of integration, a land that everyone feels is theirs, as the original peoples who know no barriers understand it.”

This is where Margaret Karram and Jesús Morán’s journey – president and co-president of the Focolare Movement – in Brazil comes to an end. They have travelled it from North to South: from the Brazilian Amazon, passing through Fortaleza, Aparecida, Mariapolis Ginetta in Vargem Grande Paulista, the Fazenda da Esperança in Pedrinhas and Guaratinguetà (SP), up to Foz do Iguaçu. Here the “extended” family of the tri-national Focolare community celebrates its young history and recounts the contribution of unity that it offers to this place: the embrace of three peoples that the spirituality of unity brings together into one, overcoming national borders, while each one maintains its own distinct cultural identity. Also present for the occasion are Card. Adalberto Martinez, Archbishop of Asuncion (Paraguay), local Bishop Sérgio de Deus Borges, Bishop Mario Spaki, Bishop of Paranavaí, and Bishop Anuar Battisti, Bishop Emeritus of Maringá. Also present was a group from the Islamic community of Foz, with whom there have been long-standing relations of fraternal friendship.

Arami Ojeda Aveiro, a student of Cultural Mediation at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) illustrates the historical journey of these peoples and the serious wounds that have accumulated over the centuries. The conflict between Paraguay on the one hand, and Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay on the other (1864-1870) was one of the bloodiest in South America in terms of human lives, with social and political consequences for the entire region. However, there are also many cultural factors in common, such as music, gastronomy, popular traditions derived from the same indigenous cultural root, such as the Yerba Mate Guaranì, a typical drink of the three peoples.

The Guaranì culture is one of the richest and most representative of South America; it is a living testimony of the resilience and adaptability of a people that has been able to preserve its identity over the centuries with a unique cosmogony, where the connection with nature and respect for traditions are fundamental and can be a great wealth for all humanity.

“This is why,” concludes Arami Ojeda Aveiro, “the Triple Frontier region is not just a geographical border, but a multicultural and cooperative space that strengthens the whole area”.

Among all the Focolare communities in the world, this one has a unique character: “It would be impossible to feel that we are one family if we only looked at our national histories,” says a young woman from Argentina. Monica, from Paraguay, one of the pioneers of the community together with Fatima Langbeck, from Brazil, recounts that it all began with a daily prayer of hers: “Lord, open the way for us so that we can establish a more solid presence of the Focolare and that Your charism of unity may flourish among us. Since 2013 we are one community and we want to write another history for this land, which witnesses that fraternity is stronger than prejudices and secular wounds. We are united by Chiara Lubich’s word of unity, when she said that true sociality goes beyond integration, because it is mutual love in action, as proclaimed in the Gospel. Our specificities and differences make us more attentive to one another, and the wounds of our national histories have taught us to forgive one another’.

The artistic contributions speak of the vitality and relevance of the cultural roots of the peoples who inhabit this area. There are the songs of the Argentinian community coming from the “litoral“, from the coast; then “El Sapukai”, the very rhythmic Paraguayan dance that is danced with (up to) three bottles on one’s head; the representation of the Guaraní people intone a song in their own language praising the “great mother”, the forest, which must be protected, produces good fruit and gives life to all creatures.

Father Valdir Antônio Riboldi, a priest from the diocese of Foz, who got to know the focolares in 1976, continues the story by writing: “The focolares of Curitiba in Brazil and Asuncion in Paraguay began to promote events involving people from the three neighbouring countries, an experience we called the ‘Tri-national Focolare’. Ecclesial life here is also moving in the direction of communion, promoting joint initiatives between the different dioceses’.

It is clear that the life of this region and of the local Focolare community does not only speak to Latin America, but to the whole world. And it says that it is possible to walk together, being different: it is the spirituality of unity that comes into contact with the deepest part of the identity of people and peoples, making the common humanity and fraternity flourish.

“I felt embraced not by one, but by three peoples,” Margaret Karram said. “Throughout my life I have dreamed of living in a world without borders. Here I have felt that my deepest wish has come true, that is why I feel part of you. You are the confirmation that only love removes all obstacles and eliminates borders”.

“I have lived in Latin America for 27 years,” continued Jesús Morán, “but I have never come to this area. You have experienced so much pain: the Guaraní people have been dispossessed of their land and dispersed. What you are doing today is important even if it is small: we cannot rewrite history, but we can move forward and heal the wounds, accepting the cry of Jesus forsaken. Wounds are healed by creating inter-regional relationships also with the original peoples because they are in fact the only truly ‘tri-national’ people. They too have received the light of Christ; let us not forget the work of evangelisation and human promotion that the Jesuits did in this region with “the Reductions” from the 1600s to the 1700s. Today we are connected to this history, to all that the Church does, and we know that unity is the answer in this world that needs a soul and limbs to achieve true globalisation at the height of human dignity”.

At the end, Margaret shared what she had experienced this month: “This trip has increased faith, hope and charity in me. In Amazonia, at the edge of the world, ‘faith’ emerged powerfully: I met people who strongly believe that everything is possible, even the most difficult things. They dream and they achieve! I wish I had even a pinch of their faith, as the Gospel says: “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there’, and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you” (Mt 17:20). From there I take this faith that moves mountains and the courage to dream great things. Then, the word of the Genfest can only be ‘hope’: we lived this experience together: the whole Movement was committed with young people and for young people. It was also an ecumenical and interreligious event that gave a lot of hope.

And lastly, ‘charity’, which I have seen here among you today and which we have touched with our own hands in the many social organisations we have come into contact with this month: the Fazenda da Esperança; the many movements and new ecclesial communities we met with in Fortaleza; the UniRedes meeting that brings together all the social organisations and cultural agencies of Latin America that are inspired by the charism of unity (which we will write about separately). All this says ‘charity’, because every social reality stems from loving one’s neighbour, from wanting to give one’s life for one’s people.

From this frontier starts a hope for all the Focolare communities in the world and beyond. Last December I suggested the “Mediterranean of fraternity” project, where we could gather all the actions already underway and those that will emerge, to build peace in that region that suffers so much from war. A “fraternity for Latin America” project could also start from here and be extended to all its countries, let us entrust it to Mary!”.

Stefania Tanesini

Starting a new with no regret for the past

Starting a new with no regret for the past

Change can be frightening especially when the past has been filled with deep and rewarding experiences. However, change happens at all different stages and areas of life – study, work and in all political, social and organizational realities. We may find it especially difficult if we have had a role of responsibility that we do not want to lose.

We would like certain experiences to continue forever. But this is not reality. Remaining lost in “true and beautiful experiences” does not make us live life now, because life itself is change and that is the dynamic that makes it fascinating even when it is difficult and painful.

This was well explained by Dame Cicely Saunders, founder of the first modern hospice. She was an extraordinary woman who as a nurse, social worker and physician “invented” a new way of caring for people during the most difficult periods of their lives. According to her, real experience depends on depth rather than duration. “The hours of real relationships seem to pass in a moment, while the boring days seem to last forever. But years later, the genuine times remain forever imprinted in our hearts whereas the meaningless days fade into nothing.” (1)

Sometimes, there is a sense of awe and excitement in realising that these “true and genuine” moments – even when they are filled with pain and darkness – can be transformed into opportunities for peace and light. During times of passage in life, deep relationships with others can give us the strength to face the difficulties, trials, sufferings and stress we encounter on the way. They encourage us to start anew without fear and boldly face what lies ahead. They enable us to reach out to others and embrace the pains of humanity around us: they even enable us to bring the light and peace we know to others who do not experience it.

Dietrich Bonhoeffer said, “Time lost is when we have not loved and lived a fully human life.”(2)

What happens when these true experiences finish and seem to disappear? Does this take away the value of the experience at its very roots? Absolutely not! Memory has a great worth of its own and is the very foundation of human progress. Moreover, as philosopher, George Santayana, says, “Those who do not remember the past are condemned to repeat it.”

People before us have given their lives for our freedom and happiness. We need to return to the experiences that lie at the foundation of our personal lives and the groups to which we belong in order to have the strength to always begin again, even in times of doubt, fragility and weariness.

  1. Cicely Saunders. Templeton Prize 1981
  2. Dietrich Bonhoeffer. “Resistance and Surrender” Letters and Other Writings from Prison

Phot by Sasin Tipchai – Pixabay


L’IDEA DEL MESE è attualmente prodotta dal “Centro del Dialogo con persone di convinzioni non religiose” del Movimento dei Focolari. Si tratta di un’iniziativa nata nel 2014 in Uruguay per condividere con gli amici non credenti i valori della Parola di Vita, cioè la frase della Scrittura che i membri del Movimento si impegnano a mettere in atto nella vita quotidiana. Attualmente L’IDEA DEL MESE viene tradotta in 12 lingue e distribuita in più di 25 paesi, con adattamenti del testo alle diverse sensibilità culturali. www.

‘Start Here and Now’ the new single by Gen Verde

‘Start Here and Now’ the new single by Gen Verde

‘Start Here and Now’ is the latest single from international band Gen Verde. A hymn of unity, strength, courage and joy featuring two youth music groups: Banda Unità (Brazil) and AsOne (Italy). ‘All of us, together with our diversity, are invited to go beyond borders to build a world where care, love, justice and inclusion are the answer to pain, the horror of wars and divisions,’ explains the band.

What is behind the song?

‘The new song is in itself a ‘beyond borders’ experience because of the way it was produced,’ the band continues. The vocals were recorded in three different parts of the world and the video was also shot in three different locations: Loppiano and Verona (Italy) and Recife (Brazil).

The project includes the participation of two youth music groups that share Gen Verde values. Banda Unità is a Brazilian band and AsOne is a band from Verona, Italy. These groups also want to share, through music, the values of peace, dialogue and universal brotherhood.

‘Start Here and Now’ has an intergenerational and intercultural mix,’ continues Gen Verde. “This single stands out for its highly engaging rhythm and powerful lyrics, sung in different languages, to bring out the creative process inspired by interculturality and the commitment to universal brotherhood that is emphasised in the international Genfest event”.

Gen Verde played this song for the first time in Aparecida, Brazil, together with the musical groups Banda Unità and AsOne on 20 July 2024 during Genfest, the Focolare Movement’s global youth event. This edition was entitled: ‘Juntos para Cuidar – Together to Care’.

Lorenzo Russo

The Gospel Lived: a step to go beyond

The Gospel Lived: a step to go beyond

At school, during a break, I was washing my hands in the bathroom when five or six girls and two boys attacked me, pulling my hair and punching and kicking me. They also broke my glasses. They ran away quickly when, at my screams, the janitor rushed in. Why? Yet I seemed to have a good relationship with everyone. From the investigation that was later made, it turned out that on that day the group’s “game” was to attack the first blond girl they would meet. And I am blond. For days I was traumatized by the idea of going back to school. In the Catholic movement of which I am a member, one day we were telling each other how we had experienced Jesus’ invitation to forgive seventy times seven. For the first time I realized how difficult it is to forgive. I thought and thought about it for days. Then I realized that the strength to forgive is a gift from the Risen One. I would not have been able to do that. And when I went back to school, feeling free and peaceful, I felt I had taken an important step in my faith life.
(M. H. – Hungary)

A ” Neighborhood Treasury”
I had been struck by this definition heard during one of our community meetings, “A city is man in relationship with each other….” “So is a neighborhood,” I concluded, thinking of the one in which I live. Since then, every new day seems more interesting to me if I experience it as a chance to establish authentic relationships with neighbors, acquaintances, etc… One thus enters into the most diverse stories, shares joys and sorrows, discovers ever new ways of meeting certain needs. As in the case of the “neighborhood treasury,” born from the idea of putting something of our money in common for certain needs we learn about: we placed it in the garage provided by one of us, the door of which is not locked, so everyone can access it when needed. On the box are two inscriptions, “Give and you will be given” and “He who loves gives with joy.” The amount collected has sometimes been used to buy special shoes, clothes, for drop-off at a shelter, also for interest-free loans and even loans with no return.
(A. – Italy)

Edited by Maria Grazia Berretta

(taken from The Gospel of the Day, Città Nuova, year X- no.1 May-June 2024)

Photo: © Pixabay

The Gospel Lived: a seed that germinates and grows

The Gospel Lived: a seed that germinates and grows

At the traffic light
Once a week I take a trip from my town to a larger city to meet with friends with whom I share the same ideals. I try to take extra money with me to help people who ask for alms at traffic lights. Last week, on my way home, I stopped at a red light and was approached by a young man ready to clean my windshield. I rolled down my window and while looking for money to give him I told him not to clean it because he would not make it before the light turned green.

He looked at me and said, “Can you give me a little more? I need to buy some chicken for my children.” I answered yes. In fact what I was giving him was not going to do him much good. He took the money and said, “Will you let me earn it? I promise I will do it quickly.”

Almost without waiting for my response, he started cleaning the windshield, finishing just before the traffic light turned green. Immediately afterwards he approached the window of the car and, with a happy face, shaking my hand, thanked me and wished me well. As I drove home, I thought about what had happened and realized that small gestures sometimes edify us and teach us more about ourselves than the people for whom we do them. I know that God is everywhere, but it never occurred to me that He was waiting for me at a traffic light.
(S. Z. – Argentina)

In prison
For dealing drugs I had ended up in juvenile detention, but where I continued to receive visits from Valerio, my teacher from when I was in school. And that could not leave me indifferent. In life, I had been involved with bad people who I thought were my friends, but not with Valerio: he loved me without any interest. Moreover, he would tell me stories of other boys, who had made a different choice from mine, gospel facts. One day a new “guest” arrived in my cell: a boy so dirty he was smelly. The cellmates began insulting him, spitting on him, intimidating him to go wash up. Since he had no soap, no towel, and no spare clothes, I intervened in his defense and gave him my clothes, soap, and towel. He went to take a shower and peace returned. This experience was the beginning of a turning point. I thought that because of everything I had done, love had disappeared inside me. Instead it was like a seed that, more alive than ever, was beginning to blossom.
(T. – Italy)

Edited by Maria Grazia Berretta

(taken from The Gospel of the Day, Città Nuova, year X- no.1 May-June 2024)