Focolare Movement


Mariapoli2016 What is the Mariapolis? The word literally means City of Mary and refers to a gathering of several days for Focolare members and friends, young and old, people of all backgrounds who strive to live in a spirit of brotherhood in light of the universal values of the Gospel. This rather unique experience that is repeated in many countries around the world is shaped by the Golden Rule which invites us to do unto others as we would have them do unto us. At a Mariapolis it is possible to see what it would be like in daily life if our relationships were based on being gifts for one another.   History of the Mariapolis   In the difficult post-war period while struggling to heal from the wounds inflicted on all the nations of Europe by the Second World War, a growing number of young people, families, workers, professionals and politicans joined members of the nascent Movement for summer holidays in the mountains of Trentino, Italy. Right from the start the Mariapolis was a small chunk of society renewed by the love of the Gospel. South Tyroleans and Italians, French and Germans all participated as the hatred of the war quickly melted away. An old Mariapolis song describes the spirit of fraternity at those first cities of Mary: “Train operators, students, doctors, chemists and parliamentarians go to the Mariapolis and discover that they are brothers and sisters. What matter then our posts or positions, when we’ve been made brothers and sisters here?” That unique atmosphere of brotherhood which was the hallmark of the first city of Mary is still experienced in Mariapolises throughout the world. From early on, a note of internationality characterized the Movement which was spreading rapidly, first in Italy and then, in 1952, in the other countries of Europe and to the other continents in 1958. In 1959, more than 10,000 people attended the Mariapolis at Fiera di Primiero in Trentino, Italy. Twenty seven countries from different continents were represented. At that Mariapolis – and later in 1960 at Freiburg, Germany – while speaking to an international gathering about unity among the peoples of the world, Chiara Lubich proposed the Gospel commandment of love as the relationship that could exist between nations: “Love your neighbour’s country as your own.” The Mariapolis continues today on all 5 continents and now there are also twenty permanent Mariapolises around the world, the first and most developed in Loppiano, Italy.

Chiara Lubich to the young people at WYD 2005

Chiara Lubich to the young people at WYD 2005

ChiaraLubichStoccarda2004“Why are you going to the WYD?” “Because I hope to meet Jesus,” answered a girl who came all the way to Cologne, together with hundreds of thousands of young people from all over the world. I think that she is not the only one who feels this urgent desire to meet Jesus! And it is also the motto of this WYD: look for Christ, find him and adore him. The “World Youth Day” – this inspirational invention of our beloved Pope John Paul II – is a privileged occasion to meet the living Christ in his Church (…). To meet Jesus, adore him and then bring him wherever we go. Dear youth, do you know that there is a secret so you will not lose this Jesus whom you have met during the WYD events, and who appeared to us as such a beautiful, dynamic and fascinating person? The secret is this: we have to love! To love God and remain in Him, and be always in the light, we have to love the others! You see, this is the experience I have acquired in more than 60 years, but it is also the experience of a whole population spread out over the globe, millions of men, women and children who have chosen love as their lifestyle! This is the secret for a happy, full, interesting and ever new life, one that is never boring but always full of surprises! Let me give you a small but great example: I found out recently that a group of young people in a refugee camp in Africa, where practically everything is lacking, wants to change their camp into a paradise through love and they have told me of really concrete experiences that are producing these results. So you see? It means that love overcomes all! We could say numberless things about this love which Jesus taught us with his life, world, and saints. But just for today I would like to underline only two fundamental points: We should love EVERYONE, without exceptions or favouritism– the way God loves us! –and this consists in loving our enemy, that nice and unpleasant person, your teacher, next door neighbour, the postman, and your colleague. To love ALL means also to love people who are far away, but who are present through the mass media, like the victims of the Tsunami in Southeast Asia, or those whom you helped with the Solidarity Fund. The second point is: we have to be THE FIRST to love. We usually love when we are loved, to respond to the love we receive. And if we don’t receive it? No, it is even better to take the initiative, be the first to start, giving a sign of friendship, forgiveness, and the will to start from the very beginning. Try to love in this manner, and you will experience immense freedom because you are the protagonists! Dear youth, take courage! A life like this is worth the while, and you are not made to do things halfway. So give your heart to Him who knows how to fill it. God needs youth like this, inflamed, who cannot be hindered by their own problems, people who have burnt all in the fire of God’s love and who have influenced all to do the same. May Jesus whom you have met, be always with you! In true Love. (Chiara Lubich, Cologne, 16 August 2005) Source: Chiara Lubich Centre

The Gospel in action: the force of small gestures

The Gospel in action: the force of small gestures

Pdv luglio 2 internaAccepting others “The Town Hall of my city was instituting a special service for the immigrants. I felt the urge to offer my help for this new service. I tried to find out who had answered to this project in my condominium. Upon meeting various families I realized how much people disliked non-EU nationals. At work many colleagues were irked by the presence of immigrants who are regarded only as competitors for jobs and housing. At first I spoke to my colleagues, trying to stress the importance of accepting those who were different, and it appeared to be of no avail. But slowly I saw that both they and the inhabitants of my condominium, started to take on a “softer” attitude.” (E. M. – Italy) The start of a new faith “I recall that I had just arrived at work when a brutal air raid began. I went with my colleagues to take shelter underground, with an ear to the radio to catch some news. That was how I got to know that also the district where my husband works had been bombed. I felt sick and was about to faint. In that moment I started thinking: «God you are now asking me to renew my faith in you.» I entrusted my children, husband, and parents to him, asking him to help us not to stray from him. Above all I asked him that should the children find themselves orphans, they would encounter in their path people who would guide them towards him. It was an unforgettable heart-to-heart dialogue with God. From that moment on, I have continued my life with faith and infinite gratitude.” (H. S. – Lebanon) Cleaning “One day the owner of the building where I live decided to eliminate all the antennas on the roof, probably for the sake of aesthetics. However, a warring atmosphere brewed in the housing block. How would we have ever won against “Goliath?” The Gospel urged me to try the strategy of humility. Since the doorman was absent for health reasons, the cleaning of the stairs and the entrance was really scarce. Given that the other tenants would never have even dreamt of cleaning their own landings, I took the initiative and started cleaning the stairs right down to the sidewalk. I did it with joy and commitment. That same evening, the owner rang my doorbell and very courteously offered to fix my TV antenna. Surprised and wordless, I took advantage of his good intentions to ask him to install also the other antennas. In the end, all the antennas returned in place. From that moment on, my relationship with my neighbours changed. In addition, they take turns in cleaning the stairs.” (B. M. – France)

The Church rejuvenates in the power of the Gospel

The Church rejuvenates in the power of the Gospel

20160615-01The letter entitled Iuvenescit Ecclesia, signed by the Cardinal Prefect of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, Ludwig Müller, and by the Archbishop Secretary, Luis Ladaria, approved by Pope Francis, is addressed to the bishops of the Catholic Church and deals with the “relation between hierarchical and charismatic gifts for the life and mission of the Church.” The Letter is inserted in the Church’s journey beyond itself, in this new phase of history and is a joyful incentive for the new lay Movements and also the Focolare Movement which is an ecclesial Movement. That mutual exchange between hierarchical and charismatic gifts, which the Letter discusses, fully expresses the experience of the Focolare from its beginnings until now. The Focolare is immersed in that wave of movements raised up by the Holy Spirit for the renewal of the Church in synergy with its Bishops, as the then Cardinal Ratzinger stated in May 1998 in preparation for the 2000 Jubilee. Iuvenescit Ecclesia is a further incentive for the Focolare Movement to correspond with authenticity to the co-essentiality between hierarchical gifts and charismatic gifts that St John Paul II spoke of, in the wake of the Second Vatican Council. Today, such co-essentiality seems more than ever necessary for the life and mission of the Church as it serves the human family – with its needs, wounds and demands – so that we can work for that challenging but realistic goal of building the civilization of love. Read the Vatican document Source: Focolare Information Service

Indonesia: concert for the refugees

Indonesia: concert for the refugees

20160615-01The crisis of the refugees in Europe, along with its figures, the number of deaths, and the closed frontiers, is awaiting the world’s response, as well as that of many generous people. The news from Indonesia comes as the answer of the Youth for a United World in the city of Medan, Indonesia (four million inhabitants). “We could not turn a deaf ear to the refugees camped in Greece, and we wanted to do something concrete for them. So we decided to plan our United World Week 2016 by organizing a concert to gather funds for them. It was our way of giving strong affirmation that peace is possible and starts from each of us, with concrete actions.” “We had two weeks to prepare the event, which was not much, but we thought that we would succeed if we worked hard, forgetting our fatigue and economic difficulties. To cover the organisational expenses we sang even in restaurants. But God’s Providence came to our aid and we managed to pay for the lease of a hall, part of the sound system and other items.” “When I saw all those young people in the audience – says Ika – I tried not to think of myself but of the refugees, and took courage. “From the technical viewpoint – some confessed with great simplicity – «we made so many mistakes, but the atmosphere of enthusiasm and joy of the 350 participants convinced us that it was all worth the while!” Even a choir of four singers of a Catholic University wanted to contribute to the peace concert.” “The proceeds of € 600 correspond to three or four months’ basic salary in Indonesia, which is not much, but we were so happy that we managed to give our drop of help for our brethren in difficulty.” “It was an extraordinary experience – stressed Randi – I strongly felt that the differences in religions and ethnic groups are in reality very meaningful. I hope that many hearts have been touched and start loving with concrete gestures.” “On a wall poster entitled “Let’s bridge,” the participants signed up with their commitment to build peace.”