Focolare Movement

Chiara Lubich: believing in the Word of God

Dec 27, 2021

In this Christmas season, December’s Word of Life invites us to live words that refer to Mary: "And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her by the Lord. (Lk 1:45). The following text is also dedicated to the mother of God. In it Chiara Lubich invites us to live like Mary in her complete readiness to believe and put into practice what the Lord had announced.

In this Christmas season, December’s Word of Life invites us to live words that refer to Mary: “And blessed is she who believed that there would be a fulfilment of what was spoken to her by the Lord. (Lk 1:45). The following text is also dedicated to the mother of God. In it Chiara Lubich invites us to live like Mary in her complete readiness to believe and put into practice what the Lord had announced. There is a close link in Mary between faith and motherhood, as a fruit of listening to the Word. Here, Luke suggests something that also concerns us, because later in his Gospel Jesus says: “My mother and my brothers are those who hear the Word of God and put it into practice” (Lk 8:21). By almost anticipating Jesus’ words, Elizabeth, moved by the Holy Spirit, announces to us that every disciple can become the “mother” of the Lord. The condition is that we believe in the Word of God and live it. (…) After Jesus himself, Mary is the one who knew how to say “yes” to God best and most perfectly. Her holiness and greatness are found there, above all. And if Jesus is the Word, the Incarnate Word, Mary, by her faith in the Word, is the Word lived, while being a person like us, equal to us. Mary’s role as Mother of God is sublime and great. But God does not only call the Virgin to generate Christ in herself. In a different way, every Christian has a similar task: that of incarnating Christ to the point of saying, like Saint Paul: “It is no longer I who live, but Christ who lives in me”(Gal 2:20). How can this come about? By having Mary’s attitude towards the Word of God, which is one of complete availability. To believe, therefore, with Mary, that all the promises contained in the Word of Jesus will be fulfilled and to face, if necessary, as Mary did, the risk of encountering the absurd that his Word sometimes entails. Wonderful things, that are both great and small, happen to those who believe in the Word of God.

Chiara Lubich

(Chiara Lubich, in Parole di Vita, edited by Fabio Ciardi, Opere di Chiara Lubich, Città Nuova, 2017, p. 610-612)


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