Focolare Movement

Chiara Lubich: building new relationships

Jan 3, 2022

Il 1° gennaio scorso, in occasione della  55° Giornata Mondiale della Pace,  nel suo messaggio Papa Francesco affermava che: “Dialogare significa ascoltarsi, confrontarsi, accordarsi e camminare insieme. Favorire tutto questo tra le generazioni vuol dire dissodare il terreno duro e sterile del conflitto e scarto per coltivarvi i semi di una pace duratura e condivisa”.  Anche Chiara Lubich in questo brano ci invita a stabilire rapporti di dialogo per arrivare ad una pace vera.

In his message for the 55th World Peace Day, 1st January 2022, Pope Francis affirms that: “Dialogue entails listening to one another, sharing different views, coming to agreement and walking together. Promoting such dialogue between generations involves breaking up the hard and barren soil of conflict and indifference in order to sow the seeds of a lasting and shared peace.” Chiara Lubich also invites us to forge relationships in which dialogue enables us to reach true peace. Jesus came to create totally new relationships between people: between women and men, boys and girls, wives and husbands, teachers and pupils, workers and managers, employees and employers, between citizens and political leaders, between people of different races or ethnicities, and among nations and states. Jesus wants to build a new social order based on justice, respect, and true fraternity. He wants to give us true peace, individually and collectively, the divine peace that he alone can give. But, for this to happen, we need to follow him, even if at first sight he seems very demanding. Each of us needs to live his Words, whatever our calling in life may be.

Chiara Lubich

(Chiara Lubich, in Parole di Vita, [Words of Life] edited by Fabio Ciardi, Opere di Chiara Lubich, Cittá Nuova, 2017, pag. 362)


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