Focolare Movement

Chiara Lubich: the authenticity of the followers of Christ

May 2, 2022

 The word of life for May 2022 suggests that we put into practice the new commandment of Jesus: mutual love. By looking beyond differences- which are so emphasized in the present time- we can give life to real communities that reveal the great novelty of the Gospel

The word of life for May 2022 suggests that we put into practice the new commandment of Jesus: mutual love. By looking beyond differences- which are so emphasized in the present time- we can give life to real communities that reveal the great novelty of the Gospel You know that Jesus is present, for example, in the sacraments. In the Eucharist, for instance, he becomes truly present. Jesus is also there wherever mutual love is lived. He said: ‘Where two or three are gathered in my name’ (and this is possible through reciprocal love) ‘I am there among them.’[1] And also in a community where life is deeply rooted in mutual love, he can continue to be actively present. And through the community, he can continue to reveal himself to the world and influence the world.  Isn’t this wonderful? Doesn’t it make you want to start right now to live this love with your fellow Christians? According to Saint John,(…) mutual love is the foremost commandment of the Church, whose vocation is, in fact, to be communion, fellowship, to be unity. (…) If, therefore, you want to find the true mark of the authentic disciples of Christ; if you want to know their distinctive characteristic, you will find it in the mutual love they live. Christians are recognized by this sign. If it is missing, the world will no longer be able to find Jesus in the Church. Reciprocal love creates unity. But, what does unity achieve? ‘That they may all be one’ – Jesus continues – ‘so that the world may believe…’[2] Unity, by revealing the presence of Christ, draws the world to follow him. When people see mutual love and unity being lived, they believe in him.

                                                                                                                      Chiara Lubich

Chiara Lubich, in “Parole di Vita”, [Words of Life] Citta Nuova, 2017, pages 171/2 [1]     Mt 18:20. [2]     Jn 17:21.


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