Focolare Movement

Chiara’s charism of unity, instigator for social transformation

Jan 22, 2018

Anniversary_logoOn the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the death of Chiara Lubich (14 March 2008-14 March 2018), the Focolare communities worldwide are preparing to celebrate it by renewing the commitment to inculcate the “charism of unity” in society.

“The attraction of modern times” conference material: (3 March 2018, Castelgandolfo – Rome) can be found at:

Systematic Cooperation Together with Welcome

The migrants’ project in Sicily

What does the charism of unity have to say and offer in today’s times? Humanity is undergoing a piecemeal third world war; poverty and hunger still have to be solved; personal and social rapports are undergoing a progressive decline due to a lack of hope in change; and much much more… In the face of these dramatic events, what is the contribution of the charism concurrently with of all the people of good will who work for the good of the plane? The answer comes from the numberless facts of life and initiatives of people who, throughout the world, have embraced the ideals of Chiara Lubich, and above all have undertaken to transform themselves, generating everywhere, countless social initiatives that show that humanity can still change its course. Many stories and countless changes have come about in all the countries worldwide.  Here are some examples. In Sicily (southern Italy), one of the Italian hubs of the migratory phenomenon, Salvatore Brullo, with the project, “Systematic Cooperation Together with Welcome” was able to receive over 40 unaccompanied foreign minors who, thanks to the work of many families and companies in various cities, were trained in various professions, opening out to a better future compared to the past.

In Bolivar, in the Peruvian Andes

In another part of the world, in Bolivar, at an altitude of 3,500 meters in the Peruvian Andes, 250 children today are being educated in a new school thanks to the project, “A school in the Andes,” of Action for a United World (AMU). Another 1,129 children around the globe have found a new family thanks to international adoption initiatives coordinated by Action for New Families (AFN), the non-profit organization that promotes projects for the support and education of the family. These are only some of the big and small initiatives which on this 10th anniversary, have triggered encounters, conferences, moments of exchange and learning in every part of the world. The celebrations will take place in Castel Gandolfo (Rome), on 3 March. “This event will consist of the works and stories of people who have become drivers of social transformation, and will recount another feature of the Charism of Chiara entitled, “The great attraction of our time,” explained Tim King, one of the two counselors for the field of evangelization in the International Center of the Focolare. “The focus,” he continued. “will be on the social aspect of Chiara Lubich’s charism, recounted through attention to the wounds of humanity, and the passion and creativity of entrepreneurs, youths, families and common people who have been inspired by the words of  Chiara and have created a global network of small projects or actions on a vast scale.” The founder of the Focolare herself had explained the sense of their actions at the dawn of the Movement in times of war, and of that personal commitment which later became communitarian :  “It all started with a precise program: contribute to resolving the social problem of Trent, our city.” The event of 3 March shall be transmitted via live streaming (from 4 – 9 pm, Rome time) in Italian, English, Spanish, French and Portuguese.


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